"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."
Henry Agrippa, Chevalier
One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.
If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Huwei should not be allowed in
Thursday, October 27, 2011
My next solution before NATO leaves for Libya.
The only way to do that is to first make sure we know Communist China will try and enrich the dominate males to stop the females from being equaled. Which we then deal like domine ourselves for the ladies if such. Which I know the current on ground Libyan military leader's know I am not thinking around. So then we need to send in female trainers to teach the ladies how to be equal in hard power. So when a lady speaks up she does not have to feel like she will be beat or taken advantage of when she goes home. As she knows there is a well trained force there along with Democracy canon's and planes waiting to take down any male base that violates a females civil rights based on her opinion of their structure.
Please have NATO stand by until we feel the females are well armed and feel safe in the area. So that we can move forward with political Democracy structuring. Along with that it is not fair that the Males in the world got to help take our Gadafi and we left the little ladies out. Which now from what I hear are drooling at the mouth to get a hold of some Libyan male militia members trying to oppress female rights. So let them in and train ladies as their own female liberation force in Libya so that the female voters have a well sided and protected freedom crew to keep them safe from the dominate male idea of Sharia law.
That is my suggestion. The Commanders of Libya now I am not thinking around here either. Which means this is my war, and my suggestions. I would see it through to balance sexual equality before moving to primary Democracy goal setting. There should be a dominate male and female to stop sharia law from oppressing female rights.
Please vote or debate if necessary. Tell the Commies hello from me as I know what those fascist greedy bastards will do to gain economy and funds. And make sure the leading commander and transitional force knows they will have females on the role sheet for economy. As I will not stand by with our forces that we used to help liberate Libya to create another area where females are oppressed, or any culture for that matter. That is my suggestion to rebut sharia law. It worked in Iraq and Afghanistan from my studies of helping females feel equal and well protected by their own species.
Thank you
Rider I
It might even be a good idea. To bring some Iraqi and Afghanistan Special forces women to help train the female species of Libya before we start the political structuring help process. This then will give them a closer bond for Democracy and allies.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
All American's terrorist.
Terrorist number 1 Rider I biggest cite against us.
Senator McCain Say he is trying to seduce my daughter I agree with them. Shanghi him asrse.
Now that communist china has a terrorist definition I will edit my cite as per to stay out of the definition.
Ok so any comment stating I will advocate to fund their enemies will be taken down, any comments that wish to place pressure on the government outside of an international contract will be taken down. I would have hoped they defined the words under law like the US does for a clearer perspective but I still see it is very vague.
I can only advance my theories under international law if I am not considered a terrorist. So I will have to edit my cite as per their new definition.
When I find the new law of Chinese terrorist definitions. I will edit appropriately to make sure not to be defined as a terrorist.
I do not see the Draft law yet so I do not know what to use to edit my cite.
Rider I
Monday, October 24, 2011
EU Debt Solution
Debt Solution
Historical approach:
The Soviet Unions at one time had a monopoly on resources via their unfair SOE's. In which forced the world to go into major debt as they centralized all manufacturing to their SOE's. Which means without manufacturing the world loses's it ability to gain fresh treasury from exports.
Today we see the same thing happening. In Communist China. They have monopolized the worlds resources. Therefore, causing major losses of exports to most all countries in the world. As such, now they want us to go into debt to them instead of compete against them. The solution against the Soviets where to open up competitive mines. Which then did like we are Seeing North Dakota, USA. Where the mines create jobs and major mineral rushes. So why would the EU go into a debt plan with Communist China. When it can simply do what we did to the last world econ bully and open up competitive mines.
This then does things like stops the Communist Chinese from being able to use the resources like we are seeing them do now. Which is forcing stopping of exports so that they can take over major industries like steel, cars and other National defenses institutions. I say we fight back like we did the Soviets and open up enough mines to pay the bills owned by the EU. It is simple we did it in North Dakota. By using extremist rights against the extremist left who wished to stop us and just did the dam thing.
Rider I
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
No more Gadafi. My strategy was much faster than Iraq and way cheaper.
Now we begin the cognitional war to make sure the people of Libya allow all to participate in the political process by having at least two political parties that represent different paradigms.
We keep the Communist Chinese out of it as they wished to fund Gadafi to kill the new military order and the Democracy of the Libian people. Plain and simple.
Great strategies guys. Good game let's close it strong and get those Democracy guidelines in for two parties or more. Along with a proper refeer of the military order. Good game ladies and gentlemen. That is how we run our foreign policy against those trying to destroy the US our fund nuclear war on our soil. Plain and simple, G mac is back.
Everybody have a cigar and a wine on my account. For the religious folks a drink of your choosing and a sweety.
Now we need to weed out the blood hungry thirsty ones who violated sanctity of life or UN treaties. Use nickel to quarter teams. Make sure the military order understands the UN's wishes are to have a good peaceful military order referring the Democracy peaceful political campaigns. I can't tell you how happy I am of all of you in the mmm and the Un leadership. Good job's let's tidy it up now and finish strong.
Both of our political parties need to go in and start structuring scholars. This was our proxy war. The UN needs to send in other Democracy countries teams of conservative and liberal too, like France and the EU. Send in teams to explain who two parties can compete peacefully. Along with the necessary structures of issue that control the competition and make it fair and places for outlets of peaceful non corruption fighting. Good luck. Send an owl if you need my bug report.
For the love of God somebody go help Egypt set up liberal and conservative parties. I do not know who's baby it is. But I know my team with Libia is ready to send in political structuring teams for all to gain political ability to compete via liberal and conservative split, along with proper referring institutions. Maybe somebody needs me to baby sit Egypt's Democracy creation too. Let me know if so. I will kick arse to get cog teams in there if need be. Libia as my baby better get cog teams in there or my team will not be eating and they know that.
Communist China as the reason I chose to baby sit Libia besides the leader threatened our families which is my family. Is not to be involved and fore surely not to start to create a one single party system to allow for another Gadafi or Gadafi style party. Make sure they pay the fee of 25 cents if they are found there. They voted to abstain. That means they are not in it. Along with funding Gadafi's genocidal rebel friends and him with weapons and necessary items to kill the Democracy people. Plain and simple they pay the fee if they get involved with my baby.
EU, France, US and other Democracy are to send in cog teams to structure political issues and ref's. Next step after blood lust clearing houses. No stone is to not be unturned to find any involved in genocide of innocents. They shall not be part of the new Libia Military order of referring the Democracy.
Only if my debate coach could see me know. he would be so happy. Only if he knew he was training one of the US head pyscho's.
My figuring is if we do the proper cog war structure set up now for peace. What took us trillions in Iraq and millions of lives lost. Was life count maybe in thousands. Along with treasury loss very low. Time elapse for completion of head deletion much faster. Plus it was their fight so less resistance for cog peaceful war set up. I figure a Democracy should be up and running in at least 2 more years with cog war set up and reefer. Which took us ten years in Iraq and fueled a major world war on a specific culture against the Democracy.
This game which is my baby my war. Is my suggestion on how to run foreign policy. Especially if the UN votes for it and allows the issue to pass and we all work together. As a team for a team Democracy spreading.
Communist China does not step foot with Political cog warriors in my suggestion.
We probable need pys opts doctors over there too. making sure the natural taste is quelled with proper cog war theories and ideas. That feeling of licking blood of one's knife after a fire fight and watching your buddy go down and getting the specific person who did it. Is very addicting. Docs should be sent in to diagnose the new military order and create file and rank via proper gentile leadership. My suggestions
Rider I
Dirty dog units find crazy ones who did wrong during battle unchilvarious
To do this we need to help them set up their own military merits system.;. Where folks should chivalry for saving ladies and children, along with those who lead for intelligence matters. And the whole nine yards.
Pys Repair units for the feeling of killing one's opposition
Then cog warrior peaceful Democracy structuring team units.
My next suggestions.
Reason why I want Communist China and other's who obstained blackbailed from my baby sitting map. I have watched them over and over again use Huweai and other ways of setting issues to destroy the Democracy government's of Iraq and Afghanistan. So it is just easier to do like we did with the Soviet during the cold war. Which is keep them out completely until they are secure and ready for non loving or enemy combtant funding of their opposition type countries.
Who ever funded Gadafi probable still has connection to resistance fighters in that area. No travelers or visa's, oilscoil.
For my yougen's my team. Make sure to rattle the old saber at the elder's about how their war was not as good as ours. You know just to bring back the old me charm in the office. Cause I know they miss it.
We should send in UN researchers for issues of structural decea that need to be built back up quickly. Like churches, water and other issues. too
Rider I
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Parade of the Lion and the Dragon
The Lion patrols for all animals to be free and have their own. The Dragon is for dominance and control. The Lion sees the Dragon using smaller dragons to cause war and instability in other animals layers like the tiger or the camel. The Lion then is massively disrespected by the Dragon by forcing all of its forces to help the camel. As the dragon influenced a camel dragon of wannabee to attack the lions roar. The Lion then helps the Camel. Camel gains its area back. In which time the Lion then sees the Dragon has expanded with its scorched earth approach and is now forcing upon the world its dragon's and eggs. Which destroys the other animals habitats. The Lion then finds the Dragons heart nestled in deep inside of the armor. The Lion places his paw around the heart. Then ask the Dragon to stop being unfair to much smaller and other animals. You has a chose.
Lion the US and its need to constantly protect and aid in civil rights, very prideful to the point of killing its own self to fight for the pride of civil rights. Small but very strong and loved and respected not for fear of size or control over its own area, but for what it stands for.
Dragon, Communist Party of China very mean and very big. Breaks UN and WTO treaties constantly on its weight of its size. Uses terrorist and guerrillas to do its bidding. Wishes not to allow other countries to be free but to have their SOE's come in and then dominate and control the other countries political and economic sectors. Its fire is its SOE's and how it uses them as a monopoly. Its heart is the SASAC, which controls more treasury and power than any country and even more than Indian and the US combined.
The Lion paws, its ability to have citizen act much stronger and show much more resolve than governance as a free country. Dragon's heart, the SASAC and every move it makes. Scorched earth the use of dumping and SOverign Wealth funds to destroy financial markets. Egg's, Free Trade Zones for SOE's controlled by the SASAC which is controlled by the PLA and MSS.
Rider I
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ask and you shall recieve
Dear Senator
I know I have given you hell. I think the policies are very Republican with regards to job creation and minerals. However, I feel that the Republic is not standing up as a leader in the defense side of the political spectrum to the State Owned Enterprises. Which I am sure you have heard my late night rave's about. I did not appreciate the Senate Republic acting the way it did with regards to the Communist Chinese SOE's and their constant manipulation of their currency via massive centralized party and military control. It upset's me very much and deeply to think we no longer take stances against Communist Chinese SOE's. As we did against the Soviet's.
That my dear Senator is the main root problem we are having in this world. To me the whole thing is a cycle twilight nightmare. In which it all plays out in history and then it now being played out again. We saw the MSS us proxy agents to get us into Vietnam. Then we saw major job loss and major civil uprisings due to the non proper proxy war strategy, we used, as per Dr. Kissinger's strategy. At that time we saw the Soviet Union expand to developing over half of the world while we imploded from the proxy war. In which it took a long time for us to slowly climb out of. To me this is a replay and we are instead at this junction of that replay, in which we won the long game against the Soviets, going with a strong economic stance against the controlling SOE entities. We are taken a weak passive stance. This is off from our last strategy. Which as we have seen the weak strategy towards the controlling party has caused the world major economic problems.
This is because the Communist Chinese like the Soviet's. Have SOE's that control monopolies in matters. In Communist China they have monopolies on most of their industries. That makes their SOE's very power. Especially as like the Soviets their economy is controlled by a centralized unit known as the SASAC. The SASAC then does things like uses many SOE's to gain a full industrial monopoly like we saw in the resource industry. Then after it has done so they centralized those arms of the SASAC control center down to one single massively fortified SOE. Which no one can compete with. Along these lines we see the SASAC doing such activities as using SOE banks to constantly recapitalize failing SOE's. Then the Banks fail as we are seeing currently in today's economy. In which the Communist Chinese then use their Sovereign Wealth funds to recapitalize the banks. In which allows them to manipulate their currency so our enterprises can't compete.
We then see their Sovereign Wealth funds being used for things like starting stock crashes. In which was the main factor in our stock crash of 2008. As the Communist Chinese SOE financial sectors acted as one entity through the SASAC and sold off major stocks, thus spooking our stock market to crash. This is another form of currency manipulation known as financial warfare.
These are just a few of the things that I have studied with regards to Communist Chinese activities mirroring Soviet activities. I again now plead to nicely via the use of my real name and humble as a future Republican leader, that you and McConnell sit down with Representative Joe Boehner and speak with him about Communist State Owned Enterprise currency manipulation. As if it would have been your elder's sitting down with you to speak about the Soviet SOE economic manipulation. It is your turn Senator to lead the pack. It has been your turn for a while. Maybe it has been bad CIA intelligence with regards to economic warfare. That man is gone now I beat him in a dull. It is now me, and it will be me as I am the fastest on the draw. So I ask that you seek the proper question from the CIA and you ask them to analogize our policy at this time in the economic warfare cycle with regards to Vietnam being analyzed to Iraq and how we treated massive Soviet SOE expansionism and use to destroy free enterprises during the last bought. Thank you very much this is me being nice. I love the other policies. Agree with the non stimulus package as the EPA would have destroyed that too as, the last one we gave money to our business and all of them left with it because they could not afford the permits to get minerals to stay in the US.
Take Care be young at heart and what would your elder's have lectured you about at this time in this cycle historical doppelganger affect of the economic implosion?
Joe Blow
Good luck
don't be a panzy
No rules in a two man dull as who is the losing going to tell
Blow n Boehner need to talk
Can't fire the fastest gun cause he will fire you
For those who can't decipher crazy. The Issue at hand is how did we economically deal with the massive Spread of Soviet SOE's during the end parts of the Vietnam war and after it had died out?
I love not having a name it is so great. New name, Agent Blow Boehner is hear to see you. Boehner for Blow, Agent Blow please report for Boehner.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Here is the petition list so far for my petition.
Sing Petition
Create an investigation Unit with regards to Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises and unfair labor practices.
Please Signy
Folks I have asked to sign so far. I will hit 25,000 before November. I promise.
1.USMA Black Knight
3. Tom T
4.Alan S Hochman Photo
5. Dr. Glenn Petry
6. Matt Campbell
7. Earline Ayala
8. rochelle squires
9. Brian Ebel
11.Bob Minkwic
12. jackie
15.Rev. Hopkins
16. Glenn Welker
17. Katey
18. Rebecca Fountain
19. Time
20. Corey Schueller
21. Digital Dark Ages
22. norman g
23. Tasha Courtney
24.Lara Chicofsky
25. Nick Johnson
26. Republican Party
27. The Democrats
28. John McCain
29. Senator Harry Reid
30. Sen. Robert Menendez
31. Susan Collins
32. Office of Sen. Hagan
33.Joe Lieberman
34. Scott Brown
35. Claire McCaskill
35. Senate Republicans
36. ChuckGrassley
37. John Ensign
38. Senator Burr
39. Senator Jeff Merkley
40. Senator Rand Paul
41. Mark Kirk
42. Sen. Barbara Boxer
43. Connie Mack
44. Rep Ed Perlmutter
45. Steve Israel
46. Rep. Mike Honda
47. Rep David Schweikert
48. Paul Broun
49. Russ Carnahan
50. Rep. Kristi Noem
51. Steny Hoyer
52. Rep. Xavier Becerra
53. GusBilirakis
54. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
55. John Conyers
56. Bruce Braley
57. Peter Roskam
58.Denny Rehberg
59. Rep. Bobby Scott
60. Rep. Trent Franks
61. Rep. Kurt Schrader
62. Congressman Reyes
63. Congressman Austria
65. Aaron Schock
66. Dana Rohrabacher
67. Jim_Jordan
68. Virginia Foxx
69. Rep. Pete King
70. Jim Himes
71. Leonard Boswell
72. My twitter account was just suspended for sending out my petition. Ok no more twitter.
So you can send out about 30 or so petitions before your account is suspended. So that is not going to work.
Rider I
Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat; Unprofessional Civilian Intelligence Analyst
Keep me updated on the parts of the petition. I want Patton Boggs on their knees for defecting to help the Communist Chinese, after all the agents and soldiers they have killed destroying the US economy. This will not be the first time I have brought a law firm that thinks they are hot stuff with their millions of dollars and files full of corrupt attorney activities. Just a new team but directives are the same. These types of people will have the US handed over to the Communist Chinese for $420,000 a year. I remember my grandfather's rival's where only making $200,000 illegal for the Soviet's and they where handing over the US with every report and lobby.
Hawk I 2.0, coachroach magnastuc version let's go with 4, then I want ant hives 3-8 on the matter constantly. Bring em down even if they say something illegal. I am guessing they would have gone down the line with the MSS agents on how to pass information secretly. So as per federal law with regards to espionage familiars their thoughts are ours. Especially as the MSS has shown enough content of our law and international UN and WTO law that we can tap their brains. So as per view as the MKP I say tap the brain waves.
Mac crow law has always had jurisdiction over domestic law. So all of their cases have just been compromised to us, if my view point meets the councils liking. As per the necessary element of daily thoughts on the MSS cases.
I love when I create new issues. This is why I am a spy I am so good at creating new things. yes. This is not new of course not, no attack them now.
Buy up a few attorneys and IT guys. As per federal code of foreign espionage familiars. If the MSS does not give us privacy in Communist China, I will be darned if any of their their thoughts sit untouched by us hear.
Only if I had access to all the Central data bases. Oh it would be so nice. To catalog and direct a full scale collection unit on this case. Oh boy, cant wait for my access codes this December.
Thoughts on the matter if it is a blue chip i would look to see if it was actually started up to do this specific act. Then to close afterwards. As the MSS are well known for doing that too. Espionage stuff.
This psychological attack was funded and directed by the MSS. This is shown by a myriad of agreements with the Communist Chinese espionage unit the MSS with Al Queada during that time. In which they had an economic agreement and funded them with weapons, in specific the weapons that where used to attack the USS Cole. In which the Communist Chinese Party applauded the Al Queada for using their weapons to attack the US. Then at that time the MSS wrote a manual on how the Al Queada and Muslim brotherhood could take down the Christian Brotherhood's main state and gem of liberal tolerance for civility.
This book was written after another specific economic agreement was made with Al Queada. In which they received funding. Then the book itself called upon the leader of Al Queada to attack the two trade towers in New York. Thus explaining how they could do it. Where the manual was openly published as a book. It is not that far fetched to think that a foreign espionage unit would use a proxy agent to create an economic implosion war. As Rep Charlie Wilson did the same thing to the Soviet Union with Al Queada. As he made an economic pact with them, funded them weapons, and thus also directed them with manuals. However, Dr. Wilson did it to defend their lands from Soviet invasion. Where as the MSS expanded on his economic implosion manual and directed the Al Queada proxy agents to attack the US to force us into a costly war.
This costly war is not necessarily because of our lost trillions of dollars. As much so as an espionage agent would see it. It has cost the US trillions in lost concentration on our economic entities. Where as during the Cold War. The US was primarily directing all of its attention to economics and competition against Soviet SOE's. After the Cold War we saw about ten years of peace in the world. Then after ten years the US again started working on a major SOE fascist country that was unfairly competiting in economics in the world like the Soviets did. This shown by the amount of books that started coming out the same year the MSS wrote the manual for Al Queada to attack us. We saw numerous books directed at Communist SOE's and the MSS itself that year. Then the US was attacked by Al Queada. Which the Communist Chinese again applauded as Al Queada had to have used the funds that where transferred to them for the attack. As they did not do anything else that major during that time.
That brings us to today. We have seen around ten years of forced concentration on a matter that brings the US nor the world any economic stability or economic reserves. This has been the US forced concentration years. Where again we feel into the Vietnam era of economic implosion. Which is against the morality of the US military strategy that has been historically to just use proxy wars and proxy agents to fight foreign wars. As the majority of our foreign policy has been over the last 200 years. Just as the last time we broke stride to get our trillion dollar defense military into a proxy war. We see again that another non proxy war has caused the US major economic brain drain.Where the US has hired more goat chasing analysts than they have hired SOE, resource, or economic warfare agents. Which means the old way of dealing with things through economics has been replaced with the idea of missiles and thuggery instead of proper proxy funding so we do not have to be involved. Through out time it has been the well minded kept the thing in the boot cuff person who pays the enemies enemy to do the dam thing that wins.
That brings us to the world's economy. The current world's economy is being attacked like the Soviets attacked the world economy. Their constitutions state everything. They wish for a industrialized single party owned economy and governance. While the world wishes for individual ownership and multiple paradigms competeting peacefully for issues of civility. Thus, we saw the MSS who have more foreign funds in our financial industry that any other country. Destroy our financial sector. Which was done by simply connecting with another foreign espionage agency. Where the SVR was caught in a hack asking the MSS if they wanted to destroy the US financial sectors directly before it crashed.
Then we saw the MSS spook the whole US securities and stock matters. As they where not properly following our SEC rule sin the first place by being transparent. In which they sold off whole blocks of stocks and securities at once. Which then spooked the market and forced it to crash. With regards to the specific areas they sold off. As they needed to know weakness areas that selling off would create a bigger dominance. We looked into it and found a collection team from SVR. Which was one of the teams being handled by the person who sent the MSS the email asking them if they wanted to crash the US stock market.
The world is under attack. The MSS fund the majority of terrorist in the world. All of the dictators that violate civility and international human laws, are funded and protected by the MSS. They constantly threaten countries with economic warfare like, holding back resources, or crashing stocks, or actual full scale proxy agents destroying mines, to stop them from being able to mine. As the funds have to go to fixing the mine instead of expanding the mines.
Therefore, we look to see how they are doing this. Then we see contracts in the international community that are supposed to stop the Communist Chinese from creating more SOE's, or creating more monopolies, or doing such things as: Using their SOE banks to recapitalization failing SOE's that stay noncompetitive that way, then use their Sovereign wealth funds they steal from the spread of their people to recapitalize the SOE banks. Which is currency manipulation. As it forces their business to stay low, thus then allowing them to stay noncompetitive Which then allows them to keep the international political power as they provide everybody with goods, and funding and loans. So they do not have to properly place their currency where it is supposed to be, as per if a country has so much money, more developed than anyone else, the biggest military, and most advanced high technological trade. They currency should be the most powerful. Which allows others to trade more competitively.
However, they do not. So we see a very old aging Republican Party. Where the old bucks are not like their elder bucks where. Where if Senator McCain, or McConell, or any of the other elder's would have spoken as they do towards the US with their legislation to their elder party members. They would have been floored out back in the old woods. And they know it. Plain and simple the Republicans have turned flower on the fight against Communist Fascist State Owned Enterprise take over. The old Republic went knuckle for knuckle with the last Fascist SOE country. I mean when the Soviet's SOE's expanded our free enterprises did too. If they funded a proxy agent we funde its opposition. if the SOE's started to destroy our economy and free enterprise we moved to stop them. Now a days I have create a cloaking device from the big eye so I can floor folks.
Therefore, we see today the Communist Party and their SOE's are destroying the Republic for which it stands and the one nation for which it is supposed to protect. If we look at the Republicans domestic finances via their party. We can see that it mirrors or current international fiances. As the Republicans are in their parties worst ever deficit. While our country is also in its worst every deficit. As they have goat herder's up their yen yangs and can't think about the big wang in their face. This is because the few are being allowed to lead the Republic instead of the whole. The Republic constitutions as in no way shape or form would they allow SOE's to destroy our economy or our free enterprises. As most of our daddies and granddaddies fought against the Communist Chinese SOE's in Vietnam and Korea.
Therefore, if we look at what is going on. We see the US is in a proxy war economically imploding our intelligence. While the Communist Chinese SOE's are expanding and creating Communist party surpluses at all time highs. Which surpasses both the Soviets and the US combined in political or economic expansion. We see countries withering and dying as they are not willing to mine their own minerals for domestic job creation. We see the MSS buying up more mines and creating domestic SOE's to destroy countries economies not only domestically but international. As there is no way that a domestic Communist Chinese can compete with their International SOE's. So they just bring them to countries to unfairly compete domestically to destroy their economies.
I can tell you ever single agent and solider who have died fighting against the MSS and their Massive SOE's. Every single name. The way they died and everything. So the MSS can manipulate their Economy. While our countries free enterprises are sitting ducks to the PLA and MSS SOE protected and offensive attacks. As our country no longer places gentle economic warfare movements, like we did during the cold war, with proxy wars. Now we play full scale brain drain games, and our business are destroyed right and left by the PLA and MSS SOE's.
Therefore, I created a legislative intent that could allow the US to properly protect its economy. Which harmonizes with the EU's idea of blanket tariffs across the nation when the Communist Chinese are found manipulating or using their SOE's to destroy and dominate our free enterprises, via economic manipulation. I did this by doing many small letters to specific people. In which I then went on lobbying campaigns as a US citizen as the Most Knowledge Person. In which I Senator I thought was going to fight it sent me the bill. In which was passed in Congress but Senate did not make it through. However, now another bill is up again. This time it is passed through Senate and my party is in the Congress. So I would expect as a Republican party, that will all of my friends in the military and agencies that have died trying to stop the SOE's use of espionage units to expand that they would vote for it. As using military and espionage in economics is manipulation.
However, I found McConnell who is suspect of ties to MSS funding and agents. As he constantly goes for Communist Chinese SOEs destroying our free enterprises. Started a lobby against the idea. Which we have now divulged deeper into McConnell's life as he has shown probable cause to show he is probable spying on US legislation for the MSS. As per his constant voting for the MSS vindication to destroy free enterprises. That is how we find spies. We look at their actions and how they speak with their actions.
So the legislation wishes to do such things as clearly define currency manipulation. While making it legal for the US to use undervalued currency, which is just currency manipulation without the current legislation's definition, to balance our competitive edge. As doing trade with the military controlled SOE's of Communist China is not free trade, nor has it ever been. Adam Smith states it Locke states it. As a Paraphrase trade with a government is not a free trade. As the government always will use its full benefits as such an entity to due unfair trade over a person's or companies trade abilities.
So I again fight to stop the Communist Chinese economic manipulation as they have violated TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 2B > § 78dd–1 Prev | Next § 78DD–1.PROHIBITED FOREIGN TRADE PRACTICES BY ISSUERS. Will lead to a very likely involvement in matters of The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) (15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1. As the Communist Chinese are well known for doing such things in the US. Which I shall prove mountable probable cause if the firm violated Foreign Trade acts. Then they would most likely feel they could violate the Foreign Corruption Practices Act.
This then means that they would try and use Foreign Sovereignty Immunity which may apply to them on this matter and their espionage clerks who illegally spoke with leader's to influence their SOE's stock purchases or selling prices. However, the firm inside of the US falls under the jurisdiction of this law. As they are a United States Law Firm doing business under and acting as a US entity. Therefore, proper violations of criminal conspiracy and felony accepting of funds to commit crime apply for the necessary warrant to raid all documents and correspondence with the Communist Chinese Embassy and and any agent thereof.
An Agreement between two or more persons
The Parties had confided via the attorney client privilege to illegally influence domestic officers of the legislative office to influence the legislation that would affect the buying and selling of their stocks or securities.
To Carry out an act that is unlawful or one that is lawful but is to be accomplished by unlawful means.
As per laws regarding foreign influence of domestic legislation with regards to the owned entities of the party paying to influence. They committed and conspired to break a law. That is well known to be illegal. A foreign entity that owned Stocks and is part of the SEC membership can't influence leader's or officials with regards to the stocks buying or selling. Which this legislation directly does.
A culpable intent on the part of the defendants.
Did they know it was illegal of course they did. They are attorney's, they knew in their hearts taken money from a foreign entity that owns the business under legislative intent is an illegal action to try and influence the leader's on the matter of the entities that are owned and registered to the SEC.
The mental state was to take funds from a foreign entity that owns and controls SEC stocks and securities, then thus influence a leader with regards to legislation that will seriously impact their stocks and bonds being bought and sold.
A Resulting harm
The resulting harm is exactly what the legislation is about. Which is manipulation. The Foreign entity being the Communist Government who own's the SOE's. Wishes to manipulate and impede a US domestic officials dis-chargeable official duties to vote without being hampered by foreign influence. Thus meaning, it is possible that their funds could drowned out entities with less funds that are American.
Principle of legalities
The Conspiracy that a foreign entity owning and controlling stocks and securities wishes to influence a legislation that would cause their stocks to be sold.
necessary attendant circumstances
The entity of foreign question is well known for bribery, corruption, funding terrorist, destroying whole countries with their SOE sovereign wealth funds, and has gone to war with the US many times physically with regards to its unchanged regime control of the MSS. This happened with the Panama canal. Now in that are the MSS control it and have thousands of PLA troops there. As the MSS where able to lobby our leaders to make it look like it was a good idea to not allow a US company to buy it from the US but to allow a the MSS to buy it. Which was illegal then too. Now we have to deal with massive amounts of Communist guerrilla build up in those areas thanks to PLA and MSS agents just doing what they do.
Therefore, once I write the elements for Foreign Influence violation of stock purchasing or selling elements. I will have enough to take all of the firms documents under my control for preview. Then I will seek subpoenas for all clerk and political entities that the Embassy spoke with to see exactly what was stated.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
My rebuttal to this article.
Read more:"
That is not true. Currently Apple takes home a billion dollar surplus or so for its highest paid employees and business. Therefore, to say that the creation of the billion dollar surplus based on slave labor that barely makes enough to have a home, let alone eat good food. Is like saying without slave labor we would not have an economy. That is wrong. If the Apple Ipod was made in the US, it would just have to make less surplus for the Apple rich elites. Who have a billion dollar surplus they sit on. So that means, they would just have a million dollar surplus or so to sit on. Which is reality.
Using Communist Chinese SOE's to create products does not make things cheap for them or for the US. The lost job, taxes, and security via non unemployment does not contradict the centralized wealth to a very privileged few. Which is based on slave labor in Communist China. Where they do not allow employment rights, civil rights, let alone Unions for the poor uneducated workers to join together to earn a good living for their children to be able to afford an Apple Ipod. By the way which no worker who works for apple can afford in Communist China.
Therefore, so what Apple is doing is increasing the need for slave labor via use of non competitive SOE's. So that other's can compete with them. Which then creates more slave's and less freedom. While also enriching a single party that owns the SOE's that wishes to destroy Democracy and civil rights for a industrialized mono culture state of Marxs.
Furthermore the action of such Government manipulation as Policies that force all foreign business to give up IP to the government SOE's, alongn with have to be forced into government owned resource monopolies. Will lead to war. As other countries can't compete against their government and thus will lose their free enterprises and SOE's will start up. Then we will see government against government instead of free enterprise against free enterprise being regulated by governance. Which will then lead to like the MSS and PLA do constantly, they use their military and espionage units to advance their economy. So once we see an India or a US or a Russia go to a SOE economy. We will see full scale industrial military wars. Instead of competitive intelligence between individuals and small groups of individuals governed by business.
Rider I
In need of a manual for collecting and categorizing.
Things i need to spruce up on my blog cite. I would prefer to categorize all the articles I have found. So this could make it easier for viewers. For example, I could place all related articles to SOE's under on are. All related articles to Sovereign Wealth funds under another area. Etc. I think I can really sell this to my possible Master's teacher's to get a possible paid research position, along with to possible Non Profit donors. However, I need to get it into shape.
It would be nice if google had a good way to clean up blog posts or even shape them up into professional looking cites. I mean I know there are google folks who just get paid to learn about the google equation. However, I like the research party myself. Even though in a professional paid gig. One has to prepare a proper categorized collection method before starting to collect. I did not. I just dove in and kept diving. This is a dive joint unprofessional with Jazz stories.
That would be nice. However, I should not look forward to a manual on how to clean up one's blog or make it more professional. As I have figured it out myself. Not I just need to apply. My ideas are gone and I have resorted now to opening up other channels of social media to outlet. However, the majority of the ideas are the same. Which means for me to go deeper I must categorize so I can see what I have and thus further expand. To a certain point the pressure of expanding a collection becomes similar to diving. This is because once you get so deep into an issue. You really have to deal with the pressure of trying to figure out how to expand that issue further to root it all out. I am at that point and showing my capitalism side. Where if I am not paid, I really do not want to do it to perfection. However, I know this cite to me is worth over $250,000 dollars I have spent researching on it. So I should package it up all nice and neat and use it for furthering my education and starting a Non Profit education. As I would like to do things like through concert's like my grandfather did, to raise funds for things. Therefore, I just must dive into my wealth of research and start categorizing.
I would even go so far as to say I have not seen a template for such a being as myself. Where I collect and wish to categorize. There are no templates for such cool things like categories made easy or collection-able storage. Things I would be looking for in a template as per a special library, I have always dreamed of owning myself would be: an application where it looks like a sliding library book case. Where one could open up the library based on a different set of cataloging methods, much like major college research libraries. Along with that an application in my blog that allows me to to show you might like to read this if you read that. Furthermore, something even more kick butt would be a advanced cursor follower that we have now that could allow the reader to highlight the area then show other articles in the library with the same interest as the words in that sentence. Which could be like the westlaw or nexus feature but much more sleek and stylish than the crude feature the have. For example, the article being brought up if highlighted, could be brought up in an I tunes sort of feature. Where the articles only pop up after you run your cursor over them. In which the highlighted parts would be standing out.
This then allows for the advancement of society. As news articles and libraries may have books. However, the ancient form of Druidity which is to special library or collect on point. Is something that helps further research must faster. For example, my cite has very interesting things. That folks would not think are part of espionage. like Alchemy, Brain coding and some other books. Where if you went into a public or private library they would not have those things. As I have an advanced espionage thinking format. Along with that a lot of advanced theories come from people like me. Who just write and as things come along write about it. Therefore, if these things could become more fluid and easier to use as research via templates. We could see society expanding its knowledge base at a faster rate. Much like we have seen with the use of the computer, then the use of the internet. Personal special libraries could have the same affect, if streamlined via a proper template.
The basic idea would be to make a blog cite look like a library. As my dream sense I was a kid was to have my own personal library. Then I saw ones that actually are on wheels that slide out. This could be done via the net. However, you go to the page. See a nice outline or something. Then you go to the book shelf that is categorized that you can thumb through or search and then the book shelf opens up to show many articles or books. This would be nice. As I think a lot of leader's do not use this cite as it is to hard for them to find things and to frustrating for them to get through it. As it is just a list o mania down the sides. Instead of a proper book collection like they are used to like the library of congress. As a lot of them do not even know how to control f things.
Then I could store my books and articles and annotations in the book shelves along with the other writer's for proper research and reading room access.
The idea is that students or researcher's can have an open place to go if they would like to collect and categorize their research. For me, I do not really hide my research unless it is deemed a security matter and ided as such. Then I do it unseen on a type writer mainly with many different IP address and computers on different servers. However, for most folks, like me currently. I can say it would be nice to have a place to go and organize my citations and collections in a nice special online library.
Rider I
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
My rebuttal to this article.
Two years worth of Communist Chinese economic manipulation research.
They fund our enemies, they fund terrorist fascist single party take over;s of Democracy to cause unrest. They constantly destroy free enterprises in the world with their illegal SOE expansion as per the WTO. Yet, nobody does anything. Ok, well then, the Communist are not the only ones with neopites. Banks is grone and the KGB are quelled to an elder economic warfare group. So now I will place my pressure on any conservative that protect's Communist Chinese SOE's and their constant economic manipulation that destroys our world's economy and our balance in stopping poverty. We can only but look at their domestic economy to see what their econ manipulation does to poverty in the world. It is done ten years of fighting this legislation is through. It will pass, or Banks will unleash all hell on who ever protect's the fascist, genocidal, terrorist funding SOE protectors.
Rider I
Chairman, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of China (SASAC)
The world's richest and most powerful man.
Rider I
Monday, October 10, 2011
How the Brady Campaign is wildly funded by foreign espionage units.
The Brady Campaign is based on a family who's son was killed by a criminal who had a gun. So they play upon the idea that no one should have a gun in a vacum. However, they have no clue about real life war and how guerrilla tactics inside of the US make up the majority of our defenses. As our society is so open that the normal defense are easily defeated by a major opposition, like Iran, or Communist China. This then leave's the account looking as if it comes from normal people. However, in a 20th report. A simple shift of a major SOE in international matter's could easily affect such a group in the US. We saw the KGB create such anti self defense groups before the Brady Campaign came about.
The problem I find is the reality that the areas of high crime are the areas of also high unemployment and government housing. Therefore, if we solve the underlying issue which is good jobs so folks can not want to be bad folks. Then we can solve that issue. For example in Sweden or Switzerland. Every citizen has to have a long rifle in their person. However, their civil society is so well take care of they have a very low crime rate. As that is because if you get unemployment which is enough to live a normal life on you have to work and pitch in doing things, like cleaning, helping elderly etc. However, in the state's folks on socialism can just sit there and do anything they want.
I am not against the gun bans as I do not think a world without them would be great. I am against the gun bans, as I am from a family of civil fighters, we are Republicans, we fought to end enslavement, we fought to help the Unions, no matter what this current wacko's think, and alot of other things. We know best that a government police state will abuse its power if there is not that cognition of the people are armed. Which trust me you every single political leader thinks about before going corrupt. As they know darn well they can't corrupt a citizen writer.
If the Brady campaign was smart they would focus on things they can win. Like if somebody is on government subsidies they have to work for it, they can't sit there and get it for nothing. As the criminal that killed their baby was on subsidized government help. Along with ideas that government housing should have proper police stations right smack dab in the middle of them. In which they can only stay for a short time on unemployment before they are put into work to help society. People are making $1800 a month sitting on their butts. While I was making $1200 a month working my arse off. The problem is not the cheeseburger, nor the cigarette nor the gun, nor the hanging out, the problem is the moral decea of life via hand outs and a society that does not pay for anything where 50% of the citizen's do not pay taxes.
I believe 100% in my right to arm and carry. As I know darn well I can hack ICMB's, whole grids, and if I can do it I know the PLA can do it too. Which means your precious grids and missiles, are nothing in a real war. It is all tanked and back to economic surplus to build.
Along with that infectually what the Brady campaign is doing is working to cause more individuals like the one that killed their children. As our country is free and based on cognition's. We know light, lines and other things are used to keep people in lines. So the idea that citizen's are armed and can arm stops most citizen's from messing with them outside of the criminal arena. If they take our weapon's we then see the DC affect. Where homicide has skyrocketed since the guns where taken from the area. As criminals are not afraid of the normal citizen being able to protect themselves. While they know darn well police can be anywhere from 10 minutes to three hours a way. Some nights 8 hours. It is called a cognitional vacuum.
It is called the riple affect. Druid children are taken to a lake, in which they are told to through a stone in the water. Then they have to try and predict the way the riple from the stone through will look. It starts out in a man made rock pool, for small easy firs step's. Then you you get to the big ones which is a major rock through in the middle of the lake while the child sits on the shore and estimates what the ripple will look like and how it will shape the shore. Monks do it too.
Rider I
Mayor of California;s Legislative intent on banning open carry in California.
The Chief's report which I have read and was not properly objective to the evidence and weight of facts. Was based on the matter that open carry forces them to go to the scene of a person abiding the law. So that should be easily beaten in court. The Mayor stated that is his reason for voting that way, so did the legislatures and the Chief's report are so screwed to that fact that, it makes them look like well, afraid of their citizen's. Who by the way solve 90% of their crime in reports, by protecting themselves.
Rider I
Baidu has kicked me off its search engine for searching for my cite.
This webpage is not available
Here are some suggestions:
- Reload this webpage later.
- Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using.
- Add Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall's or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again.
- If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to the wrench menu >Options > Under the Hood > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" checkbox.
As per US Supreme Court cases, if they are providing a service to the public which means everybody and they do not have equality of discrimination against other such entities. Then they may not discriminate against somebody who is causing no physical harm to them or their business.
Here is the case number. I will see where the I fight is on what document they are. As if they win or if it settles I am going in for the battle too. Especially in my district where folks are all about freedom of speech and non discrimination.
By the way after going to Baidu's cite a couple of times to test to see if they are discriminating. My computer browser shut down on its own.
I do not have an ECF account so I will not be able to see it. Along with that the old one I used was my bosses so I can't use that one. So I will just call the courts and ask like I did last time. They never sent me the petition like I asked them too. Either that or it was hacked and not sent. I think if I remember correctly Pacer charges for views too. I do not remember been a year since on it.
My district created the fair use doctrine to fight evil rich political elitist via our poors need to fight without making funds from it by collecting data for middle to other rich to take them down. Some may say it was for me, others will say it was for them. However, either way, what an idea I mean our whole world will become smarter by being allowed to create special libraries online. I have an article somewhere in here about my families ancient tradition of special libraries. In which we have used to help stop tyrannical regimes all through history. Used to keep the books and ideas and drawings in a hollowed out tree. Protected by a group of birds tied to trees that where very social and if one moved the other's would move. Ya Pacer wants a credit card. I should just give it to them. I mean the case could be worth a lot. We can easily place liens on servers in the US that host them. I worked on enforcement cases on websites for a while too. I did not like collections though.
I think forcing the public to have to have special paid for accounts to view documents is upsetting. However, they need to make funds for the program upkeep. So you know.
"Fourth, in interpreting Section 1609 of the FSIA, which is the independent statute that governs immunity from attachment and execution, the Court finds that the specific exceptions to immunity set forth in Sections 1610 and 1611 must be met in order to qualify for such immunity. For purposes of this appeal, the property of the non-U.S. sovereign that is subject to execution must satisfy either the "waiver" or "commercial activity" exceptions and "must not only be (1) used generally for commercial activity in the United States, but it must also be (2) subject to a waiver of immunity, or (b) used for the specific commercial activity upon which the underlying claim was based". "
Walters v. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Ltd, et al., Dkt. No. 10-806-cv (2d. Cir. July 2011)
There is no waiver fee for the unemployed or poor.
I will try and see if they have an area in the mailed format for it. I would like to get access anyways. As it is a good way to provide proof of know how in the field. Then again knowing attorneys they will have me use my account and not reimburse me until the case is one.
It is more or less like stating that doing business in Communist China Google may remove all cites that pertain to the Communist Parties propaganda.
As Baidu is a separate entity from the Communist State, as a private entity. Controlled by private parties, the sovering immunity clauses does not fall as a defense to enforcement for violations of a domestic law that they do business in. As per Daniel v Paul if they where to turn away a man for his skin tone, they could be sued, so if they turn away a man because of his political tone, they it is analogous in my non professional opinion.
"Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 enacted a sweeping prohibition of discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin at places of public accommodation whose operations affect commerce."
"a place of public accommodation" as defined by 201 (b) of the 1964 Act"
Definition of public accommodation is not limited to physical arena's.
Carparts v. Automotive Wholesaler’s Ass’n., 37 F.3d 12, 22-23 (1st Cir. 1994).
May not discriminate whether physical space or in electronic space
Doe v. Mutual of Omaha Ins. Co., 179 F.3d 557, 559 (7th Cir. 1999)
Along with that the Baidu server's that are attached in the US where server manager's are created a physical concrete place where things like porn are allowed through. Which are not allowed through in the Chinese servers. As such, under the definition of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO. 02-21734-CIV-SEITZ/DANDSTRA, of Public Accommodations, the server itself is discriminating against my ability to enter the server. Which is a concrete nexus to the actual business entity of Baidu. Whether this place be a gigantic mall, or a small little tree hollow public to all. This is a public accommodations issue that wishes to discriminate against my national origin and my cultural beliefs.
29 C.F.R. § 1606.1 Definition of national origin discrimination.
§ 1606.1 Definition of national origin discrimination.
Civil Rights Act (1964) - Public Law 88-352
"SEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation,"
"SEC. 202. All persons shall be entitled to be free, at any establishment or place, from discrimination or segregation of any kind on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin, if such discrimination or segregation is or purports to be required by any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, rule, or order of a State or any agency or political subdivision thereof."
They are basically discriminated against me because of my national origin as my culture is freedom of speech. Which is the idea we can speak freely. They are saying no you can't speak freely. So they are discriminating against my national origin and my culture. I personally identify with a culture of being able to speak freely, along with a culture of Druids that tell stories for investigation and implementation of further interest into that specific area of story.
Baidu practices cultural discrimination. The only reason they discriminate against me is because of my cultural views. I have written other blog post. Where Baidu allows porn to be searched in the US, but not CCP land. They allow killing of citizen's and very indecent speech towards my culture and national origin. However, they discriminate against my national origin which is primarily linked to four wars against SOE's and single fascist countries. Which my national origin is to fight against Imperialist State Owned Enterprises from the time of the tea tax for the King's tea SOE to destroy the colonies so specific individuals writing against the King would lose their funds, all the way to the German Socialist, push for more resources, to the Soviet's and MSS's invasion of North Korea and Vietnam to implement SOE dictator controlled countries. That is my national origin. I am an American, my culture is free speech. baidu is discriminating against my culture and national origin.
With more and more places of physical accommodations going to business via server. It is not hard to see the nexus of a brick and mortar being applied to a server. The implications to society of not applying the definition of public accommodations to a server as a concrete place where a person is physically rejected by a specific code. Is that any website could start to reject people based on civil rights issues. Which means commerce could start to segregate online and become a pre Martin Luther King issue on the internet.
As per the definition of physical going from anything from a specific number, to a tiny finger print to a hair. One can see that the nexus to the concrete discrimination is the server itself. Which has jurisdiction based in the country that the server is in. Which as per Baidu's use of server management to allow porn in but not my cite. We can see that there is a physical cite in the US that is physically discriminating against my website.
The idea that discrimination is based on a person's physicality is easily distinguished as per civil right laws. This is as per the definitions of many issues defining discrimination from religion as an idea, all the way to speech. Therefore, if we look at the concrete nexus, what should be shown is the idea that discrimination of speech in a concrete box that allows all other speech has a nexus to a physical location and a physical discrimination against the civil rights issue of speech based on national origin and my cultural beliefs in letting it all hang out.
The Airline case shows that the place doing the discriminating must be a concrete place. As such, the management server which is easily accessible via a concrete location by Baidu is the discriminating concrete physical location.
Issues of national origin, American's started a civil war against a Fascist SOE type regime
Issues of Culture, freedom of speech is the reason why the King attached tea taxes to stop freedom of speech.
Issue of concrete location, is the management server that physically discriminates via a physical chip that is coded by a person to discriminate.
Issue of nexus to concrete location of discrimination strictly scrutinized down to a structure of concrete would nexus to the location of the server and then the person managing the server, then the chip.
I believed the court erroed when it stated "Second, whereas the defendants in Rendon conceded, and the Eleventh Circuit agreed, that the game show at issue took place at a physical, public accommodatian (a concrete television studio), and that the fast finger telephone selectian process used to select contestants tended to screen out disabled individuals, the Intemet website at issue here is neither a physical, public accommodation itself as defined by the ADA, nor a means to accessing a concrete space such as the specific television studio in Rendon.11 294 F.3d at 1284." Airplane case.
As the internet is to broad a definition to apply to the specific bigger server manager of Baidu. Who owns major server concrete locations. That is a concrete location. Where as the court above erred in wishing to strictly scrutinize the definition of public, then not strictly scrutinizing the internet and its concrete location of public concrete access.
This is also not true "a unique medium - known to its users as 'cyberspace' - located in no particular geographical location but available to anyone, anywhere in the world, with access to the Intemet." Voyeur Dorm, L.C. v. Citv of Tampa 265 F.3d 1232, 1237 n.3 (11th Cir. 2001) (quoting Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844, 851 (1997))" The internet is to broad a definition for such a case that wishes to use strict scrutiny as its weight then go back to a wider scrutiny of an issue as per its own wishes and inability to understand the issue at hand. The concreate location of Baidu is a specific server manager at a specific concreate place where the server manager can go to code in discrimination points. Which is exactly where the concrete discrimination is going. Therefore, allowing jurisdiction, as if they can change the law for Baidu for one country for porn to another country to allow it, then also abide by a countries civil rights laws to allow things. If they can abide by a foreign countries law to ban things.
I could hold you hand and take you to the place where Baidu has its servers in the US. Then show you the physical location and the individual who placed in the discriminated policy in a concrete location that has been changed and through strict scrutiny can such be applied as a physical public location.
It would seem that the strict scrutiny of Congress would not be hampered when it used the word public or places of such concrete location to state that a server is a place of public concrete location.
To me the jurisdiction argument that a computer server is not under jurisdiction because it is not a large concrete entity. Is like saying ok well then a tiny piece of C4 is not illegal, as it is to small to cause any damage or harm. or the viral disease none as ZIA, Zombe in Asia which is lethal in less than a drop is so small that it is not under our jurisdiction.
The server is not under my jurisdiction as it is not defined under the word public. So then ZIA is not under the judges or governments jurisdiction as is not defined as a lethal weapon or biological chemical agent as it does not kill or mame it just turns folks hungry for human body parts. Does not hurt them though. It just brings out the natural instinct to carnivorousness things, and devour and hunt. Which in most areas means the only thing they can obtain the relief from that hormone or instinct is to hunt their fellow human. It is that feeling that you get if you have been hunting with your wife and you conceive a child directly upon pulling the trigger, that specific hormone, synthesized. Then the coolest part is when the rat's bite each other and we separate them the bitten one get's all crazy to only eat other rat's, it is crazy how a single hormone from a very masculine activity of creating a baby inside of a women and taken a life to devour it for sustenance works. The hormone is even better if your starve yourself for a couple days and your wife acts like she does not want it.
That is the same kind of logic that a server with a program does not fall under public. When the common text definition of public is, I am going to webster's for this one judges. lol to small to be public concrete
Definition of PUBLIC
So in common sense as per any normal person's understanding of public accommodations. Public accomodations are defined as a : exposed to general view : for : something supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need: as or a : accessible to or shared by all members of the community
Therefore, strictly scrutinized if the venue like a lecture hall is under definition something supplied for convenience and accessible to or shared by all members of the community. Then it is falls under the common text of public accommodations. Which is what congress specifically stated. That is the definition of public accommodations. Which was not given, they just gave examples. They did not give the example of a bathroom in a park, however, that falls under the purview.
I miss legal briefs. All these kids wine about law school and having to know the case. I knew it was a good idea to work in the industry under real pressure of human life and millions of dollars. As a professional asking a question no prob Doc. Oh the pressure of some one's life in your hands and research, the swet the coffee the anxiety ohhhh. Can;'t wait for law school. I bet I get at least one Doc to allow me to teach the class.