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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

My rebuttal to "Stable growth - made in China, enjoyed by the world"

I am sorry nothing in this world is enjoyed by the Communist Chinese Party growth. We have seen more economic troubles because of their SOE centralization of wealth; along with their laws that bully other countries economy. We have seen more protection of terrorism since the Communist Chinese have taken up UN and NATO voting chairs as a country that proceeds with economic political clout. The world is no longer willing to vote steadily with the US to stop terrorism at every turn. As the Communist Chinese use their centralized SOE's, Sovereign wealth funds that destroy not only their own rural class that is forced to be second class citizens, but other countries rule class as world competition is complete ablitherated by the SOverign wealth funds that destroy free markets and fair competition. We do not see more countries market places growing. What we see is more SOE's invading foreign countries exporting their citizens to work there as if it is an imperialist country invading with their slave labor. As shown by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lobby to the world to stop exporting of labor to countries that need jobs.

Further more the world has become a cheap enslaved economy. Where Labor Unions are dying and withering away as the Communist Chinese slave labor and horrible labor practices kill every other countries right to quality of life. We have seen the world growth of quality of life slow comparatively to when the western countries where leading the trade market. The Communist Chinese Party is a plite to our economy. Much like the German Socialist SOE's and Sovereign wealth funds where that forced their rural class and religious people into second class citizenship. All the way too the Soviet Union that used its SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds to crush countries and force them under their political control via the unfair weight of their SOE's and Sovereign wealth funds starving them out of the world and their own domestic economy.

The Communist Chinese Party is the main problem with the world today. Everything from Al Queada, to Hezzbollha, to Hamas, to African terrorist can and is traced back to the Communist Chinese economic protection as they think their side will win the fascist war for a single form of governance over the Democracy people of liberty and peaceful cognitions. Much like what we saw in the Libya war where the Communist Chinese heavily backed the fascist regime with mercanary contacts in Africa, along with funding and weapons selling at very low never seen before prices.

The Communist Chinese are not a joy to the this world but harsh reality of the last remaining fascist party system that holds strengths and reminds us of why the German Socialist, Soviet empire and many other fascist regimes where our highest enemy priority.

Rider I
Democracy liberty and peaceful cognitions.

All countries that worry about nuclear terrorism or cyber terrorism or death to innocent citizens. The Communist Chinese party backs as it sees it as a definet way to exploit resources and marketplaces ventures as they bully the bullies to allow them to exploit them so they can keep bullying. The Communist Party and their terrorism of the world. I love Chinese am full cog war against the Communist Chinese Party.
Team America oh ya, poo on Commy head

My response to: "U.S.: a thriving China is good for everyone"

Not really if you count that a thriving country. Enriches the worlds biggest Protector of Pakistani intelligence cells (or what you call terrorist) that attack Indian constantly. Then the Communist Chinese if they stay thriving will force everyone in the world to abide by their 75% world shipping law. That any country shipping to them has to abide by the 75% law that forces all countries to use their SOE shipping companies.

Along with that if they are thriving their law of IP seizure that forces companies to give over IP rights to the Communist Party to trade there will drain the world of its only competitive edge against the Communist Party. As they currently have horded the worlds rare earth resources. To make a similar analogous run at the world like they did with the spice trade when they tried to monpolies the spice powders to their governments world control. This rare earth resource control. Allows them to control all cyber warfare. Which is the future of war. I could go on.

Rider I

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Red Scare! Huawei, ZTE facing deeper scrutiny in U.S." Rebuttal

These are my beliefs and thoughts after two years of study on the Communist Chinese and Companies like Huwaei. 
Well Mr Perez we have differences in foreign companies. We would not allow the United Emirates to own our ports as they secure the worlds biggest point of economic warfare ports. So having ours and that position would be bad. We do not allow Russian State Owned Enterprises into the US. As we know their espionage units are out to destroy us. So then we take a look at Communist China Mr. Perez. They are  not China. Lets get that straight. Their constitutions wishes for a single power to rule the world. Which just so happens to be their single fascist power. Where as ours wishes for Democracy which means mutiparty systems which is Democracy. So what does a constitution matter in telecom security. Well, lets look at every single war the Democracy or World has fought against fascism. Hitler used Marxist views of SOEs and Sovereign Wealth funds to centralize the wealth to a single party so they could control and manipulate and destroy freedoms. They so believed it they did things like create a second class of citizens and make them wear patches and stand our from the first class of citizens. Which they in turn just ended up making a full political battle and deal against the 2nd class as they where bigger and more powerful than the single party government rule. So let's move to Soviet Union. Pretty much the same thing. Anyone who believed in Democracy or individual ownership or a different party leading was a 2nd class citizen and forced into jail or death. In which the Soviets used terrorist and proxy wars along with the similar German Socialist view of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds to destroy Democracy and individual ownership. So let's move into the wars during that time. Primarily we see a major move from another fascist country during that time to erode its areas of any possible resistance to its single party rule while thinning out its major world opposition to its single party dominance. This we can see with North Korea. Where the Communist Chinese wished to set up a military state to secure their boarders. While forcing the west into an unwinable war. Which demolished their populations by huge proportions. Then we see Vietnam. The same thing. The CCP's espionage units the MSS trying to lighten the population loads of surrounding areas and forcing their fascist party rule on the world. Which again took out in the long runs billions of western population numbers. All in all we see the MSS coming out pretty clean. They used what is known as proxy wars to fight everyone of their wars. While in turn lighting their surrounding areas of numbers. And demolishing their major oppositions populations numbers. 

So lets get into the wars of today. We see of recently Iraq. Know you say what could the Communist Chinese have to be involved with Iraq. Well simple. What we see is the basic idea of what Charlie Wilson did to the Soviets to create an economic implosion being done again to the Democracies. The Huwaei company set up a grid of telecommunications in the middle east primarily where Muslim extremist intelligence cells where, like Al Queada. Then the MSS went on a major propaganda show of Christians against Muslims all throughout the area. The Huwaei grid later was found to being working with the terrorist and given up intel along with directing terrorist on issues. After which the MSS made huge economic contracts along with intelligence manual sharing with them. At that point we see the Communist Chinese sell weapons to Al Queada, along with intelligence against the West. At that time we see those weapons used to destroy a the USS Cole. Then we see the MSS and CCP propagate that it was a great thing and that they where very happy about the issue. Then we see then give Al Queada tons more economic pacts right after as a matter of fact. Then write them an open manual calling exactly who should do and where it should be done. Which was 911. This then they knew would draw us into their telecom board game of guerilla warfare. Thus draining us of our economy. Or what is called a liquidation war. We then see constantly the Communist Chinese propagating that Al Queada is a great thing and that the US is wrong to try and stop a terrorist cell fro attacking home countries area. After which we see the Communist Chinese start funding genocide in Africa. In which after the dictator does the genocide the Communist Chinese send in Huweai to again set up grids. Now we see in Africa Huweai is blocking any type of real news media and real intellegence gathering for the people so that the Dictators can genocide whole populations of Democracy and religious believers. Now you say why would they do that. Well, then we see then exporting major SOE's into the area and tens of thousands of Communist Chinese party member laborers to the areas where they helped genocide the folks there by protecting them. 

That is just one reason why Huwaei should not be allowed into Democracy areas. Besides the owner is a General who prides himself on killing Democracy soldiers and militants while boosting Communist militants and soldiers. Not to mention it is believed the current leak in Lebanon had something to do with lost cyber telecom where again guess who owns the grid. Huwaei. And they are not willing to work or even protect us when trying to stop terrorist from attacking western innocent citizens. 

It is a constitutional matter. The West Democracies believe in Heritage and muti party power sharing systems. The Communist believe in world fascism and dictator puppets. As they did back Gadafi 100% in the current Democracy war in Libya.

Now tell me after reading my prose do you think you would like Huweai into your area. Or maybe another allied country like India's who does not fund terrorist and is also being attacked by CCP funded terrorist constantly. 

The Rider of I

Post Script
I forget to explain about the similarities of the German Socialist to the Communist Chinese party. The only reason why the Falung Gong where genocides literally and now are considered enemies of the state like the Jewish people where. With the Most religious followers in the world in jail. Even though they have never blown anyone up or killed anyone. Is because their numbers at time of war by fascist party. Where 100 million as compared to 40 million of the CCP. Along with that any rural type who lives on SOE lands. Is also considered a second class citizen. Who is not allowed to come into the city and work or get city type benefits such as other citizens can. 

Rider of the I

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Arguments on the WSJ's Article to bend to Communist China's Protectionism.

Head Open Source Communist Chinese Economic Warfare Analysts position on article. I think this articles conclusion is wrong. When it states that the world should open up its investment for the Communist party to get it to open up its imports markets to the world. First of all they have to follow through with their contracts before we move forward. We are not going to open our investments for them when they have not even followed through with their import export contracts. If we talk investments it will be on equal grounds of we open up you open up. Not on grounds of we give two things to get one thing from you. No imports exports are one issue. We finish that deal then we can move to investments. The Communist Chinese still heavily use SOE’s, major subsidies, hostile laws like forced seizure of IP’s for every trader, along with laws like forced 75% of all shipping that trades with the Communist Party to be their SOE’s. Which does not even include their use of espionage and its high cyber crime rate for SOE’s. So no this article is improperly concluded we finish the first set then we can move to the next set. Not to mention the heavy abuse of their workers rights.

Furthermore, it makes no sense to see their Sovereign Wealth funds used to destroy stock markets and control foreign infrastructure. When their own rural people are still considered second class citizens. In which they do not have access to health, school, or security let alone political representation. So again, the Sovereign Wealth funds come from the illegal subsidizing of SOE’s. Which take away from the free enterprise market. Along with their workers wages and quality of life. Which is then used for economic warfare instability of other countries. Which the elitist use as their own personal econ warfare treasury. Much like the DOD report that found that there was malfeasance in a possible spook of our market place during the financial stability of the worlds markets. Which I have tracked down to major SOE’s and Sovereign Wealth funds controlled by the Communist Chinese making major movements in stock markets to cause the market to spook. In my belief and opinion. Therefore, it would not make sense to allow them to invest in the West’s or worlds infrastructure. When their own is still not being dealt with. Along these lines, the way they centralize their market places, shows that they are still a militarized economic model like the DOHA and WTO contracts tried to stop them from doing. Mainly which the SOE’s are controlled by the SASAC centralized community that act like a single cartel system. As was the example of 30 Rare earth resource companies after cloaking under different companies to pass anti trust laws. Conglomerating down to one rare earth resource company to create major anti trust violations of rare earth resources. That would not have happened if the Cartel SASAC system would have been acting like a single entity and proven as such. Along these lines. In WTO anti trust laws. It states if a country holds a surplus for a number of years and makes no way for the other countries to gain a surplus back. They are in violation of anti trust principles. Which in the conclusion of Communist China we can see their major treasury, trade, supply chain, resource, and other monopolies and surpluses, show a mens rea and guilty mind to create unfair competition for the rest of the world. Which would show their still heavily militarized economy is still the main problem with the world economies economic imbalance. Which any trade chart, resource chart, treasury chart, will show you the worlds is deflated and the Communist Chinese SOE’s, subsidies, monopolies and centralized militarily style economic control is the worlds main problem of greed and unfairness. If the world opens up its investments to them now. It will be unfair for the world as they could easily do what they have done to their imports market and still protect against foreign investments. Which we are seeing them do constantly, with manipulative laws and centralized SASAC strategies.
Rider I Thank you my suggestion is to force them to comply with first contracts before moving to any further allowance of Communist Party centralized world economic dominance.

Along these lines it is seen as their espionage views to use terrorist or what they call proxy agents to attack western economies. Like India, Israel and the US with Al Queada, and Hezzbola. 

Communist China Proxing Al Queada to attack the US Forcing Liquidation war

Communist Chinese fund and Protect Hezzbollah and Hamas

Communist Chinese Banks Force Foreign banks to raise reserves while lowering their domestic banks reserves. 
Foreign Banks forced to raise reserves

Communist Chinese Party Owned Banks Protected

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear President Obama, Senator McCain from a moderate Republican civil rights fighter.

Dear President Obama,

Please veto this bill.

The idea that in the US it is to easy to define someone as a terrorist as we are a competitive power structure is to easy. Without the ability of the protection of one the courts with proper evidence. Either party could easily destroy very hot issues like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jimmy Hoffa, Rider I or many others that come very close to grey lines. If it is an American citizen no matter if they are in trouble for conspiracy of terrorism or otherwise. They should get proper research. As military issues, could easily throw civil rights folks away for freedom of speech on the grey lines. The bright line is not bright enough in the legislation.

Along these lines it also places the ability of the left to easy seek detention of any civil rights fighters who posses their 2nd Amendment rights. Which would strain the majority of militias and other groups of citizens who gather to practice defending their neigborhoods or country. Like wee had to do in every single major world war we had ever been in. Along these lines we can take this further and see today that it would also destroy the US's cyber militias that run games on their own personal servers and personal built aircraft technology. As they would also be placed in a terrorist category for using political speech and having the ability to actually use hard power too. The act itself would destroy the fundamental foundation of the 2nd Amendment being used with the 1st Amendment.

Rider I

Therefore, every militia order from the Mason's to the Knights Templar's to the Mac families would all be considered terrorist if we used our political speech in a hot and heavy manner against major corporate funded private security issues. The Mac is one of the current highest building cyber militias in the world legally and properly against such extreme left leaning as the anon and Communist proxy agents. Knights Templar own some of the world most heaviest high tech armor, and the Mason's are the worlds biggest private intelligence community. Which if any person in their ranks used heavy language against a political view they could be arranged in prison without any proper civil rights battle.

Lets say President Obama was baby boy blued by the Muslims instead of the Communist and we where not able to catch power enrichment to properly moderate him. Then he could have lied about his ties. N all of a sudden every KT and Mac becomes a terrorist in the US. As we are strongly opposed to Sharia law and Muslim views against womon's. So no in the US it comes down to the wire and the wire is the people and the jury in the box.

lets say my dream becomes true the US's to big left and right do enrich me as the plea is valid against Communist Propaganda and need to unconditionally whole create a space mining initiative. Then my institution becomes on a list of very powerful space weapons and issues. So then if I all of a sudden speak out loudly against something. I then become a terrorist as I have the abilities as per intelligence to act on it. N again lets say the CCP actually gets one through wee where not able to moderate on their enrichment process. Then just for my major cognitional war against the Communist I could easily via my speech on the grey in the past be sent to jail which Generals would have no clue about me or what I am trying to do as there would be no proper public cognitional war over it. Just a shielded political leadership in Joint Staff on soldiers following orders. There is a grey line and American citizens should always have the ability to speak their views in front of the public if caught in the grey.

Mac in tushy up there good you be nice. That is not a terrorist threat we are the people who keep your going, to not make me tushy.

Darn elderly leaders and their initiatives. They have forgot what it is like to be a young whipper snapper.

Tell me elderly boos man. How am I supposed to turn other countries into peaceful Democracy loving entities if I can't be heavy handed political speecher with the abilities.

I look Middle Eastern, Cuban, Mexican, American, Celtic, Russian, you name it. G Mac took care in case the elders got to weak to stop the CCP.