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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why has not the Republican Collegiate Energy Doctorates taken up arms against Secretary Chu's, Lockes and the Contracts Secretaries policy.

Today the world is based on robes n hoods. If you are a robed person you usually can get an ok job. If you are a robed and hooded person you usually can get a leadership job. However, today I have not seen very many Republican leaders in the PHD departments using thesis or books to attack Locke's, Chu's, and the Secretary of Contracts plans for the USA. Which is bad as it makes it very hard for the Republic to chose if nobody is competeting for that seat. Especially since all three have basically destroyed our new highest tech industry with their racist and political ideological points of views.

All three are written about in many books and articles. Where during the green tech stimulus which was analogous to the physics and nuclear science technological stimulus of the cold war. All three came together and denied their American roots to fight to keep the stimulus here. Instead they allowed 80% of the root stimulus package for that industry to go overseas and drain the US. In which to come later to find out the plan seems to be now to use Chu to raise gas prices, while using Locke to allow Communist China to gain vehicle and high tech industrial dumping grounds, then use the Contracts secretary to sympathize with the Communist Chinese party and have them gain more access to our infrastructure than any previous fascist or communist regime ever has.

This is a sort of call to Republican leaders in that industry to start writing books on the matters of these three actors actions and characteristics of old cold war KGB activities. Where if you read Venona it speaks on how KGB actors who where caught admitted that they wanted to destroy the US's nuclear and physics stimulus so that Mother Russia could dump on the USA and own the infrastructure of our country. Which would allow them to control our basic root overhead of our economy. Which today we see Chu working very hard to undermine our ability to export as he constant pushes to raise gas prices above $10 a gallon. Which then would only allow the US to survive if we allowed the massive Communist Chinese state owned enterprises that worked together in a 16 cartel anti trust violating SASAC centralized economic military action. Which they then stole all our car companies high tech intellectual properties based on innovation policies that none of the actors abovely stated who where in seats to stop it by sanction Communist China for bullying our companies did anything to do.

Thus, the three main steps of Venona, was infiltration, seats granted three top commerce seats, then specific weakening of the root foundation and ground work, 80% of stimulus for green tech gone, then to set up weigh points so only mother Russia could fulfill the needs of the new energy field. So as to control the US industrial boom by dumping massive amounts of products like microwaves and televisions which where the main branched product of that industry on the US.

Rider I

Friday, March 23, 2012

My thoughts on Jim Yong Kim

Korean American Dartmouth love the lineage choice. South Korea is a great economic model great lineage choice, love Dartmouth has one of the worlds biggest anti fascist economic model educated people. Along with that Dartmouth is literally the school that wrote the last Communist Chinese Espionage Book. Great, ,now I need to research to see if he is in any racial societies or any thing that could sympathize to the Communist Chinese instead of old South Korean hard core free economic modelist.

I will have to call my friends in the smart guy club and ask what they think about his direction of the economic program. I would like to know his choices and votes on the professor table, and round table ideas that he proposed are allowed to go through full list, little I's.

I like President's Obama's reactions to the Communist Chinese international dominance issue. The fact he chose a front lines in the war against communist racist fascist economic models is a great thorough fair of thought. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So I could not sleep at night.

So I bought this can of

"All Natural Relaxant Marley Mellow Mood and I felt like I was a teen again with my girlfriend and the water pipe with the 40's at the music studio waiting for a weekend foreign drop. I am tired and my eyes are barely staying open here. This is a good night cap drink.

I taste the licorice root and the marshemellow root too, along with some other relaxant roots, very good blend of herbs very tasty works within minutes of the first quarter of the liquid warlock concaction. Great stuff.

Rider I

Great stuff great for economic warfare agents that stay up for days at a time just on pure reading and nexus finding in each article with regards to major tracks of extremist genocidal accountants.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where does USAID's Money Go?

I am a strong believer in the US being in macro financial issues. However, from this reporting graphing system . The US has its priorities all wrong.

We spend 1 billion in Afghanistan for a country we barely get any trade with and oil prices cost us more there than if we where to build in another country like the EU that needs the funds. While we could also get the gas cheaper from helping Ukraine, Poland, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and a myriad of other countries open gas mines. That is if we do anchor mines and keep the development mines off the stock market, away from stock warfare and economic stock sniping.  That is horrible economics macro economics. We give that country over 1 billion dollars because they threaten us with Mercenaries.  While their people hate us and wish to kill us. Horrible, primary funding should be to help create trade for our country and allies to stay economically health. Not given to a country that is not even carrying about it sown economic growth in trade as it is more worried about fascist world dominance.

I would further state that the rest of the list of countries. During the cold war accountants did not give our money away without receiving trade or interest or some kind of monetary value. The idea that today's US administration economists give away more of US tax dollars than they are able to create for the asset sheets is horrible. During the cold war the US would give massive loans and its aid programs where low to known. As they where fighting a very conservative macro Soviet Union that made trillions on foreign direct loans for development for political and militarily control via economic enrichment of political leaders. Today's economists are horrible cold war warriors.

Then I look at vendors. I do not see economic development vendors at the top of the list. The World Bank of course is number one which is good. But at least in the top 5 should be more economic development entities. So the US can create more market places so the countries can be sovereign and we can trade more. This idea of given to them constant is horrible. The Communist Chinese idea is to loan them money create market place, control enrichment of empowerment and thus then create relationship through loans, like the US did during the  1st Cold War.

When the Communist fascist economic model in Russia collapsed the US had to write off around 40 trillion in world loans and interest earnings to keep the world from collapsing economically. When the Communist Chinese economic model collapsed from constant quarterly recapitalizing their SOE's. Which they covered very well.The West as a whole had to write off 51 trillion that just dissipated into their black whole of fascist economics. This is something that both Russian and Communist Chinese leaders seem to forget when they talk about world economics and finances. The US basically paid for the Soviets to re-transition into a freeer market and Democracy. While the West as a whole had to pay for the Communist Chinese to spit in our faces and keep moving forward with their economic fascist model to dominate the world economy, via resource monopoly, dumping (china price), and now development monopolies.

Then I look at the bureaus that obligate most of the funds. At the top is not the one that makes us funds and sustains our economy against fascist model macro attacks. Which it should be. As the idea is to make money and grow market so they can take care of themselves and trade with us for everyone to expand. Not to give money away and cause major horrible economic management issues by crutching then waiting for the Communist Chinese to come in with development loans and contracts.

I would really like to go over all of our international aid.See where we have given and see where we can loan to create development and markets. I am sure I could half our liabilities assets and double our assets while still having the same affect as helping but creating a stronger western allied economic front. It would be really simple I would just break down the analogy of the 1st Cold War aid v development loans and then reapply the strategies to todays issues.

It is a pretty simple idea. Every poor kid or hard working parent can tell the story. You give something to somebody they do not appreciate it and they crutch on it. However, you force them to work for it and build a independence on their own. They become a better ally for you and themselves.

Then I look to programs. I see that the majority of aid in that area goes to health. Where during the cold war if we pull up those files. We see that in the health area loans where doubled with development areas for the health issues. For example, in one Eastern Bloc country we where able to pry into with development loans. We gave loans for some projects that would create economic trades, specifically under control of Pro Democracy in hiding leadership. While also then given health funds based on the funds they would be receiving from the economic trade loans. Therefore, the US was flush with cash and the young satellite leaders to flourish where growing and where still tied and allied and working.Today however, we just give them money. Which drains us creates a crutch and stops economic development and Democracy empowerment.

That is my minor critique on our major macro development issue, as per the side of aid. I would like to do a analogical project paralleling the first cold war aid and loan tactics as compared to 2 Cold War against the last remaining major fascist economic model. I think I could really work out some good maneuvers and defensive ideas. For example, already I see the lost Greenspan love of if the Soviets move we move, inside of our administration.As the Communist Chinese have created full development loan banks for certain countries. While the US shucks huts in Afghanistan like the Soviets did when the US was developing the world. Which is funny as if you pull up Soviet aid and loans at the time of Charlie Wilson's liquidation draw war, like the PLA Colonials liquidation draw war. You will see basically the same issue. Afghanistan at the top of the list trying to give give give give to something that will never give and the US or I should say Charlie knew it and while they where liquidating trying, the US went around developing, exact play the Communist Chinese are doing just mirrored against the US; US is Soviet, Communist China is US, in this play book.

Rider I

Berny is not a war kid I believe. Like Greenspan was that went through a couple real wars. Berny is not Grandpa agent, or G. He does not move like you move I move. Greenspan was with the Soviet development funds though. If Berny was a chess player, he would be considered negligent, as the Communist Chinese have moved about five - ten steps in world development, hold 50% of the table and Berny is still trying to figure out how to fix the economy, when a simple less aid more loans, develop just move when they move will create more markets for everyone to trade with. Especially if we empower folks that are pro Democracy and against Fascist economic models they will trade with us more, like the old Cold War Econ kids. CWEC

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pentagon Downplays China's Rare-Earths Controls

My Comments:

The Pentagon has gone through a variety of issues with regards to Communist China's 97% of the worlds rare earth production.Currently the US has one single rare earth mine. Which is not even enough to produce a reproduction of the bombs we used in Iraq, let alone if we need to sell weapons to Israel if they go to war. Which means Communist China will be selling to both sides Iran and Islrael for weapons.  Furthermore, it was less than 8 months ago.When the DOD had allowed the Communist Chinese to start making our smart bombs and high tech components for US fighter planes. In which PLA generals would not allow DOD generals to go into the factories to see how they where being made. So that the DOD Generals could see that there was nothing funny like back doors, virus, or other types of trojans being placed in the equipment. At that time there was a congressional hearing about the issue. In which, the Communist Chinese where still making equipment for our military. Along with that, whole DOD bases have used Communist Chinese metals to produce their interior. Which could easily have new nano bugs placed in the screws and metals for listening. In which the bug can detect bug detectors close up before detected then when the tracking signal is gone reopen. Which means, the metals used from the Communist Chinese could be literally bugging every single top secret place in the bases that used the building material.

Furthermore, the DOD must be nuts to say that the rare earth minerals do not affect its abilities. The fact that the majority of our manufacturing went to Communist China because of the monopoly has a major impact on the DOD. This is because we have lost trillions in dollars of taxes that the DOD would have been receiving. Mainly due to the monopolistic industrial control. This means that the DOD person who worked on this case.Did not do a proper algorithmic economic equation standard to the old Economic Warfare board. Neither did they look into the history of the US being forced to have its military issues built by the Communist Chinese. In the time when the US was using more than it could produce and needed somebody who could produce them.Which as the world does not have any rare earth resources. While Communist China has 97% and the rest the world can't afford to allow us to use. The USA during a high emergency issue of supply lines had to go to the Communist Chinese. Where multiple US fighter planes now sit with advanced trojans and US military bases have nano bugs and proton energy blasts waiting in the metals.

I personally could not understand how the DOD could think that a monopoly in the industry that their industry uses more than anyone else for high tech components does not affect them. I feel the DOD has gone against the first reports it has made, evidence of relationship in the industry, and basic economic elements on this issue. The people who wrote these reports have failed to do their jobs. Again, I am guessing this is either the supply line people, or the unconventional warfare people. As my top secret reports have shown major flaws so much so as to be very uneducated or at least not at the fore front of financial and economic warfare, or basically Soviet espionage type mistakes that where made during the cold war.That lead us to traitors in our own institutions. As the Soviets wanted to have a monopoly on the basic building blocs of economy. So they could control our military through algorithmic equations.

Rider I


I am also starting to see the typical double agent starting to blame iron men for double agents too.

Today in this countries problems, folks like me have to play offensive and defensive type activities. In which, I have seen reports that I  may be a double agent. This is an old Soviet KGB move. To look for the double agent when the double agent is the one calling the hunt. I have done more field opts, run more reports, and placed more intel in the hands of this government for this government than the majority of field opts can hope to in a lifetime. Yet, for some reason. I am thinking high foreign espionage infiltration like Venona. My intel is not been written about nor policies made on the collections.

Where is the my collection on the green tech issue because of the monopoly. I here President Obama is hearing my first hand notes. However, the DOD does not get the cold war analogy of physics and nuclear science to green tech. Where the Soviets wanted to monopolize yellow cake, so they could control the defensive tech and offensive tech creation based on monopolies controls. Where is the old reports I dug up analogizing those two industries and how the monopoly in rare earth resources, is a two fold impact to the DOD. 1. It is what the Soviets wanted to do with yellow cake and 2. It is what they wanted to do with basic construction of emergency needs of the USA. In case us or our allies go to war. They could make and control the output of military essentials, as the monopoly forces the US to go into a deficit creation of mines.

I have had mutiple people on my team die, just straight out dead, collecting against the Communist Parties monopolies. I have had my life threatened four times. Yet still, the DOD persists to disrespect facts, while the White House hears me.That is upsetting and shows obvious espionage infiltration, when I have dead people on my team flags and dog tags on my base walls and a report from the Pentagon that says the Communist Chinese monopoly on rare earth resources does not affect me. Give me a break you just shat on m soldiers graves.

Sometimes they deliver shit we should deliver shit back. nice doggie bag. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feds probe equipment failure at Calif. nuke plant

My comments to the very slow and behind Nuclear Safety Commission: 

Why do we not create ionized equipment that can attract nuclear particulates in the air. For example. The current energy charged used in houses ionic fields is at a degree that collects dirt mites, dust bunnies and molecular structures of that energy field. However, if we where to parallel an energy filed that could collect nuclear particulate matter. Then we would not have to worry about a nuclear leak or even nuclear winter. From some research we have been doing Beijing is coming up with a way to scrub air, water and land of nuclear particulates. So if lets say one of their satellites Iran or North Korea was to nuc some country for deconstruction. They would be the only country in the world that had the technology to come in and clean it up. Which would cost the country lots of money. Especially if it was in a metropolitan or specific port area that could not be recreated. As such, we does the US not make it a necessary safety precaution to place ionic fields around the nuclear boobs with nipples so the milky particulates can be collected by the fields. It is an easy equation to analogize it. I did it in my College honors physics class. I just do not understand why we do not make it a business to sell them and to really use them for safety. 

They just turn on during emergencies and are tested during emergency drills. 

Rider I

Therefore as per my physics class project showing that ionic breezes can be used in analog-able equations to stop nuclear melt downs from spreading. If the government where to do the same or a business, then we would not have to worry about nuclear fall out, waste, or meltdowns, as my equation was usable in water and air, and I did not equate land but the equation was due able and I left open areas for further research on the matter. Had other classes. 

should have bought it before hand. 

Letter to Flea seeking Herd Technicians styles.

Save the OC Beach Bonfire Pits from the Rich snuberies.

Dear Flea and conservatory, 

Today is a great day in the battle for beach lovers and surfers everywhere. There is a world renouned place for beach bonfires that is under attack by Will Farrell's brother. Who we all see as the scrouge of the rich people and the leader of such in the world. He has created a pack of people to destroy the poor people's right to go to beach bonfires at the Orange County CA, beaches. He has worked very hard and now we need a rebuttal to his massive egoistical rich person cognitional herd techning to feel as if he controls the beaches. Kind of like who is King of the Beach scourge or the surfers. 

Therefore, I have to ask that you and your friends the great pride of Red Hot Chilli Pepper make a stand. We need a crowd placed together so that, folks can sign a petition to stop the beach ancient world renouned fun place for poor folks and national, and international travelers to revel in the beauty of the California Orange County, style beaches. Will  you help the surfers keep the beaches for the people against the scourge Charles Farrell the Well known hater of all poor people. 

I have been to these bon fire pits many times and each time it is an amazing event with friends. In my travels they are some of the best memories I have. Of going to the beach bonfire and hanging out then going to eat at the local late night shops. 

Rider I

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Communist Chinese Cadre School Teaches Racism and Purity of Cultural Thought.

"A solid job of maintaining the Party's purity of the work

: Xi Jinping
This year our party will be held in the Eighteenth National People's Congress. This year is to implement the 12th Five Year Plan "important nexus, we will strive to achieve progress while maintaining stability in the complex and volatile international environment and arduous domestic reform and development of the dual task test. Glorious mission and arduous task to strengthen and improve Party building, and do a good job maintaining the Party's advanced nature and purity of the new requirements. Seven plenary session of the seventh session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech, highlighted the problem of maintaining the Party's purity in the new situation of great and far-reaching significance, we must deeply study and understand, conscientiously implement.
One, maintaining the Party's purity is the essence of the Marxist party requirements   
Marx and Engels's Communist League is the world's first working class political parties. The early creation in the alliance, the alliance charter, which strictly regulate the purity of maintaining the party requires that each branch of the responsibility for the quality of the members it acceptable purity. Lenin, in the process of creating the Russian working class party, special emphasis on the purity of the party, stressed that "Our mission is to maintain the firmness of our party, thoroughness and purity of our efforts should be made to the title and role of the party members to improve and improve , and then improve. " The reason why Marxist political parties attach great importance to maintain the purity of the party, said that in order to always maintain the party's political character, and always maintain the vitality of the party's fundamental, in order to better shoulder their historical mission.
Chinese Communist Party as a Marxist party, the Chinese revolution, construction, reform of the various historical periods, and always maintain the purity of the party as the party building of the fundamental issues and important goal. Comrade Mao Zedong has long made ​​it clear that we want to build a disciplined, ideological purity, the purity of the party organization, in line with the uniform standards of the Party ". The purity of the party, reflected in the various aspects of the party's ideology, politics, organization and style. In terms of ideology, is to ask all levels of Party organizations and members, the party's leading cadres must adhere to the theoretical achievements of Marxism in China as the guiding ideology, adhere to the struggle for socialism and communism as the ideals and beliefs, uphold Marxism- 'ideological line, resolutely resist the erosion of the various anti-Marxist ideas, contrary to the erroneous ideas of Marxism as determined with a variety of struggle; reflected in the political and party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members, the party's leading cadres must resolutely implement the party's program, regulations and guidelines and policies must persist in taking economic construction as the four cardinal principles, adhere to the basic line of reform and opening up, resolutely resisted and opposed the errors of all contrary to the Party's basic line in the primary stage of socialism political tendencies; reflected in the organization is required at all levels of Party organizations and members of the party's leading cadres must adhere to the principle of democratic centralism of the party and to comply with the requirements of the party's organizational discipline, and consciously safeguard the party's unity, firmly opposed to all hazards and to split the party's behavior, strictly adhere to the party constitution under the Communists standard and leading cadres conditions, resolutely clear departure from the party platform the party constitution to harm the party's cause has been lost to the Communists qualifications degenerates and corrupt elements from the party; reflected in the style, is to ask all levels of Party organizations and members, the party's leading cadres, must uphold and carry forward the party's theory with practice, close contact with the fine style of work of the masses, criticism and self-criticism, as well as modest and prudent, mindful of, hard work, etc., adhere to implement the Party's line of work and research methods of work to go from the masses to the masses, resolutely opposed to subjectivism, bureaucratism, formalism, and abuse of power, fraud and arbitrariness of the individual, the pursuit of luxury and other unhealthy tendencies. Always maintaining the Party's purity is determined by the nature and purpose of our party. Our party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, while it is the vanguard of the Chinese people and nation, the party in addition to the interests of the working class and the masses without their own special interests, the party at any time regarded the people's interests on the first serve the people wholeheartedly. Party of this nature and purpose of both the decision of the Party's advanced nature, but also determines the purity of the party. The purity of the party's advanced nature of party complementary and inseparable. The purity of the advanced nature of the premise and foundation, advanced embody and guarantee of the purity of the two are essentially the same. our party was founded proved that the party's strong and powerful and career development depends on many factors, the purity of the party the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness has a fundamental impact. When the Party's purity to maintain good, a strong party, the Party's cause will be able to healthy development; the purity of what time the party affected and weakened the party's combat will drop the party's cause will suffer.
At present, China is in a critical period of building a moderately prosperous society and deepen the reform and opening up, accelerate the transformation of economic development in the crucial period, the party faced by the ruling test, the test of reform and opening up, the test of market economy, the external environment has put even more prominent, facing danger, the risk of lack of the spirit of slack out of the danger of the masses, the risk of passive corruption is more prominent. Maintaining the Party's advanced nature and purity, is to deal with and has withstood the test of resolve and overcome an important weapon of the dangers of our party in the process of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Now, our party ranks overall purity, unity, and fighting, which is the fundamental guarantee for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to make great achievements. But we should also see profound changes in the internal and external environment, manage the party governing the party's increasingly difficult task, how to maintain the Party's purity is also facing many new situations and problems. Comrade Hu Jintao said in his speech, ideals and beliefs are not firm, honest and upright, principled governance is not inexpensive and so does not meet the party's purity requirements exist to varying degrees in a number of party members and party cadres, This will inevitably affect the party's prestige among the people and weaken the party's fighting capacity. We should ensure that the party never change, to ensure a high degree of stability of the state, deal with the risks and challenges facing the party in the new situation and fully understand the extreme importance and urgency of maintaining the Party's purity, continuously enhance the awareness, political The sense of crisis and sense of responsibility, and make unremitting efforts for maintaining the Party's purity.
Two, and always maintain the purity of the party in the ideological and organizational style    
To maintain the purity of the party in the new situation, in accordance with the requirements of the speech of Comrade Hu Jintao, the party must manage the party, strictly, and insist on strengthening the ideological and theoretical armed and strict management of the contingent combination of carry forward the Party's fine style of work and strengthen the party a combination of cultivation and party spirit, resolutely punishing corruption and effectively preventing corruption combining to play a supervisory role and serious party discipline combining, and constantly enhance the self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-empowerment, and always maintain the party's ideological purity. The organization is pure, pure style of.
To keep the party in ideological purity, is to ensure that the correct political direction of the party and the ideological foundation of the party's unity. Ideological orientation, is the soul. If our party members and party leaders' ideological purity, ideals and beliefs can not be firm, non-understanding of the inevitable fuzzy, political stance is easy to shake. In the new historical conditions, we must uphold and carry forward the fine tradition of our party to focus on ideological founding, adhere to the ideological and political education of party members and party cadres in particular, the system of education of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory, to help them do real science really understand real belief in the truth, to firmly establish a correct world outlook, power, and career outlook to take the lead in practice the socialist core value system, before the cardinal remain sober-minded, to adhere to the correct position in front of the storms and build a strong ideological line of defense in a variety of temptations. Maintain ideological purity, the most important is to maintain a firm belief in the firm belief of communism, socialism with Chinese characteristics.We want to get down to run things today, can not forget the lofty goals. Party members and party cadres with such ideals and beliefs, no matter what kind of work, there will be a noble sense of mission and sense of the sacred. The revolutionary war, countless communists to the success of the revolution, the Civil war, bloodshed, and rely on is a firm and correct political beliefs. The period of peaceful construction, numerous Communists to the cause of socialism, hard work, selfless dedication, and still rely on a firm and correct political beliefs. Since the reform and opening up countless communists to national prosperity and revitalization, tenacious courage, it is still firm and correct political beliefs. The power of faith is endless. Faith pure Communists, the most fundamental purity. Now, some party members and leading cadres in the market economy, faint and dizzy and can not correctly understand the problem of value, not correctly deal with the personal interest, lead to spiritual pillar collapsed and lost direction in life, and some even restrain discipline the bottom line of the law of the land, and ultimately to the corrupt and the lesson profound. Party members and party cadres in the country, people and society, the individual interests of the multi-level pattern, of course, the legitimate interests of individuals realize their own values ​​should be respected. However, we Communists of the highest interests and core values ​​is serving the people wholeheartedly and sincerely work for the interests of the people. As party members and party cadres, must always think about and resolve to join the party for what, as a cadre doing, leaving behind the question of what can never be self-serving individual or small group of people, but should always stick to the communists wholeheartedly for the people spirit of service to their homes.
To maintain the purity of the Party organization, is to keep the whole party to the coherence and enhance the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the organizational guarantee. Our party has 80 million members the380 million grass-roots organizations, but also in the environment of long-term governance and the reform and opening up, to maintain the purity of its ranks of party members and party cadres, more than ever difficult and more important.Party organizations at all levels should strictly management ranks of party members and party cadres team, strict entrance, strengthening education, strengthen the supervision and smooth flow of exports. Some people to join the party as a cadre, not because of the belief in Marxism, not to be committed to socialism with Chinese characteristics, the cause of communism, the struggle for life, but rather to join the party, as a cadre to give their own benefit, to join the party cadre as individuals or families, relatives of political capital to obtain benefits. Lenin pointed out, "Christians have their party members, is white to us do not. Development of new party members, you must carefully analyze the motivation to join the party, with strict control standards and procedures to ensure the quality, not to be "sick to join the party. Training, appointment and promotion of the party's cadres must strictly adhere to all over the world, merit principles and the ability and political integrity, selecting cadres with a good team to Germany for the first employment standards. We should conscientiously implement the Central Organization Department, the "opinions" on the assessment of cadres, Germany, loyal to the party, serve the people, self-discipline to focus on strengthening the assessment of the quality of cadres, political and moral conduct, not to be "sick promoted". In recent years, some localities and departments in the ranks of party members and party cadres on the team management to varying degrees, lax, lost in the soft, resulting in the negative tendencies can not be promptly corrected, small problems become a great problem. The little things lead to big events, damage to the party's image among the people. As the saying goes, "the small holes have not been replaced, in time saves nine". Regular education Reminder is the best preventive measure. Signs appear, the tendency of early detection, warning, as early as corrected, to prevent flooding.To establish and improve the Party Members on a regular basis, the system of democratic appraisal of party members and other. Party members and party cadres, who has gone through many education is still not repentant, and correct, we should be dealt with strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution and other regulations of the Party, hopeless degenerates corrupt elements must be resolutely from the party the team to clear out.
To maintain the purity of the party in the style, is to maintain the Party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses and continue to learn from the practice of the masses of the people, strengthening the foundation of wisdom and strength of the Road. Strengthen and improve the party's work style, uphold and carry forward the Party's fine style of work, maintaining the Party's style is pure, the core is close contact with the masses, always with the people breathing the same air, on behalf of the people's will and interests of a common destiny, and always, always relying on the masses push history forward. This is to ensure that the essence of the party will never change color. In the entire process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must continue to strengthen the education and the mass line of the party's aim of education, guide firmly establish the party members and party cadres serve the public and governing for the people philosophy, adhere to the Marxist view of the masses, to achieve good poor to safeguard the development of the overwhelming majority of people's fundamental interests as a test of the touchstone of the style of the purity of a really good job of propaganda among the masses, organize the masses to serve the masses, unity and lead the masses forward, firmly opposed to all the masses, do not care about the sufferings of the masses phenomenon. If the leadership cadres of our party members and high above, do not care about the people's production and life, and do not understand the needs and aspirations of the masses, not with an open mind to learn from the masses, does not sum up the experience created by the masses in practice behind closed doors to the problem, make decisions, are accustomed to "take it for granted," calling the shots, will commit the error of subjectivism, bureaucratism, formalism, it will cause great losses to the party and the people's cause. Maintaining the Party's style of pure, must be timely remediation of the outstanding problems in the style construction, which we must pay great attention to the unhealthy governance of Yong lazy and making nice. The good man in vogue, the problem is not at fault do not criticize this vulgar style popular at the party organization and leadership is often political weakness, the style of slack in the local party members and cadres problems and more. Criticism and self-criticism of our party's fine tradition and style must be combined with the new long-term adherence, has flourished, to continuously enhance political and principled party life.
, Leading cadres should set an example to take the lead to maintain the purity of   
Maintain the purity of the party, the key in the party's leading cadres at all levels. The party's leading cadres both to maintain the purity of the party's organizer and leader, is the implementation and practice of maintaining the Party's purity. Leading cadres in the leadership positions of the party and the people's cause, which bears a very important responsibility to maintain the purity of the party, which has also decided to be sure to always, always with the purity of the party's request to control their own indecent , revised, and raise their asking others to do their own take the lead to do, ask others do not take the lead not to their own setting an example of practical action to fully reflect the purity of the party.
The purity of the party with all the corruption, the fundamental antagonism between the fight against corruption is to struggle with all kinds of corruption, and maintaining the party's body health, maintain the Party's purity. As the party's leading cadres, must be the correct view of the world sustains a correct outlook on power with the right to do things the right business concept, the lead in observing the self-discipline the provisions of, indifferent to the heart towards personal fame and gain and positions of power to awe Treat the cause, of the duties and the people have to stabilize the mind under any circumstances, take control of behavior, to hold the innocent, so spotless, and righteous, and always maintain the noble character and a clean image of the communists. Some leading cadres violating law and discipline so toward the abyss of corruption and degeneration is fundamentally worldview, outlook on life "switch" is a problem, the loss of the ability of the corruption and degeneration. These warning, leading cadres should learn a lesson.No matter which level which a post on the leading cadres, must consciously strengthen the party spirit and party spirit, and impartially with the right to honest government, consciously carrying forward the Chinese nation and our party thrift and hard work of the fine style of work, and consciously resist money worship , hedonism, extreme individualism, so that the official term is necessary to develop the party, but also to always maintain a clean and honest.
Strict supervision to prevent the deterioration of party members and party cadres corruption, an important way of maintaining party purity. Superior to subordinate, subordinates, superiors, the masses of the leading cadres and cadres, we must dare to effective supervision. Leading cadres at all levels to correct the kind of supervision is not the concept of trust, enhance the awareness of the initiative to accept supervision and according to the law awareness of regulatory protection and supervision, consciously placing themselves under the supervision of the requirements by the party and the people's cause. All the major issues of decision-making, must be strictly implement the Party's principle of democratic centralism, and engage in the "mouthpiece", not by an individual or a small number of people have the final say, but should engage in "Qunyan Tang, relying on the collective wisdom and strict procedures to determine; all important matters closely related to the interests of the people, the open must be in accordance with the laws and regulations to the mass public, to fully listen to opinions of the masses. Especially the right to the exercise of selecting and appointing cadres of administrative examination and approval rights and exercise financial capital in the economy, fixed assets, operations, finance and capital operation, the land use right transfer important powers, but also to consciously accept supervision, to prevent the power out of control, decision-making errors and misconduct.
The discipline is a strong guarantee for the maintenance of the purity of the party. The leading cadres at all levels should enhance their sense of discipline, to ensure the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, economic, work discipline, work discipline of the masses and the Independent Commission Against discipline requirements into a specification for their own behavior. In particular, should strictly abide by the party's political discipline, political sensitivity and discernment, unswervingly adhere to the leadership of the party, and unswervingly stick to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unswervingly adhere to push forward the reform and opening up consciously in the ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee. The party's leading cadres at all levels should also take up to strengthen the responsibility of the discipline, and severely punish the violation of discipline, including various types of corruption cases, and make sure the discipline of equality before the discipline there is no privilege, no exceptions to enforce discipline, efforts to make the party the discipline to truly become the Party comrades at any time under any circumstances, be subject to the unity of iron discipline.
Our country is in the great process of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the opportunities and challenges, difficulties and hopes, a long way to go. Many new problems to be resolved in exploring the many important tasks in the innovation development. This requires that the party's leading cadres at all levels must always be careful to fulfill their leadership responsibilities, always consciously play do the work of reform, development and stability of leadership responsibility, should not be any slack and swing. Whether it has the spirit of play, whether loyal to fulfill the responsibility, diligence, and courage to bear responsibility for this is to test each one leading cadres who are truly reflects an important aspect of the Communists advanced nature and purity. If the issue is not the first thought they should play, what kind of responsibility to contribute what, but blindly consider and care about personal gains and losses encountered contradictions detour encounter problems not caught, face the risk did not dare break ; keen to do superficial, interested in grandstanding and the pursuit of personal utilitarian; making progress, then not only the cause of the party and the people is difficult to move forward, but can also harm the party's image, let people down and then lose confidence in us. Dare to play, both the party and the people's cause, the requirements of the Communists should have the mental state. We want to vigorously advocate in advancing the contingent of cadres and personnel building served as the spirit of efforts to form the courage to play, the courage to be responsible for the employment-oriented.To fully implement the Party cadres policy, a comprehensive study of the moral and performance of the cadres, and special attention to the selection of those who practice and training, principled, deep feelings of the masses, upright, the courage to grasp the good tube and ideas, passion, tenacity, the cadres of the performance.
Party the purity of the party's advanced nature is not static, it is impossible once and for all. Its content and requirements, are advancing with the times, with the development of the party and the people's cause and development. Strengthen Party building and maintaining the Party's purity is a never-ending, and in practice often do a new article. Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously implement the important speech of Comrade Hu Jintao, make unremitting efforts to maintain the purity of the party in this article do real deep do continue to hand over the party and the people satisfied with the answer.
(This article is Xi Jinping, 2012 speech.)"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Letter to the Republican party with disgust towards scholarships for the right side's poor kids and genocided kids.

Dear Republican Party,

I am a professional student. Today in the US collegiate atmosphere I see more help for the left side politics in scholarships. Than I do for the right. Which is hard. As the right side of politics is the smallest political side as compared to international leftist, like Communist China, Russia, and the many Democratic parties that are much bigger than Republican parties in Democracy countries and dictatorial parties. As such, I was looking over things. This one in particular was very upsetting:  As a country that was completely genocided by the Communist Chinese should receive more incentive for its cultural people to become strong inside of the US, so as to fight communist china. This scholarship as back dropped to the Mexican illegal scholarships or the myriad of ancestral scholarships is upsetting. As the Mexican males chose to leave their wife behind with their kids back at their massive farms and come to the US to make money to send home. While a lot of them start new families inside of the US with other womans. As such, I can't understand why such a minority as the Taiwanese people who where genocided would receive such little help from the very party the Republic that was completely hollocostied in China, Russia, Vietnam, and North Korea. I feel not for Mexican's as they will not even fight for their country. They just run and leave their females and children behind. Where as I feel for the Taiwanese as they fought and they where completely genocided from their land so they had to run to Taiwan to be protected by the UN from the Communist Party. I wonder why the Republic is so bad at helping is children get help to become stronger. For example, I am a complete decentralist in economics. Even though the US has fought two wars against the German Socialist, and one major world war against the Soviets centralist fascist economic model. While also completely banning Iran and North Korea because of centralized economics. However, somebody like me who is a purely wishing to study against this economic model can't find one Republic or right side politics scholarship to help me. Thus meaning the future of the Republican youth and the group of poor kids that believe in the ultimate dream of individual ownership are receiving no help. While folks who are to scared to fight for their own country and run receive more help than a people that was completely genocided. 

Please let me know if there are any scholarships for decentralist economic scholars. Furthermore, I can';t tell you how i rate I am about the idea that Taiwanese children that where genocided from their home. As the Communist Party did not want Democracy for the right side spectrum receive only $4,000 a year in scholarships. While Mexican's who are illegal and run from their problems and leave their woman and children behind because they are to scared to fight at home for a market place receive millions. 

Rider I

Monday, March 12, 2012

On the Two-Year Anniversary of the National Export Initiative Successes Abound

My rebuttal to:

Today it is great to hear that the executive emergence order is starting to work. That is a great thing. However, in reality we are sacrificing our defenses for economy. For example, your statement that the US has double exports is in reality without doubt it has also doubled imports. As when the US seems to open trade with foreign countries. It is usually the foreign country earning the balance of payments in foreign treasury. Which then still leaves the US in stagflation. However, it is just a bigger number of stagflation. The idea that the US export initiative is working is but a cloud over the real problem. The real problem is the US's GDP to trade ratio. Which is still around 25-35% equatable. As every time the US goes and does business we feel have to import more from a country than we export. This is a problem. As most countries that have a normalized economy have about a 75% GDP to trade ratio. Which means their economy is primarily based on trade. Where in the US the reality is we are still heavily based on services and stagflation. Where the US's trade is so horrible imbalanced that it does not matter of we where to double our trade, as we are tripled in back debt and balance of payments, we are last in the world. Therefore, I am glad to hear this. Yet, I find the real article should have been, for a professional economic article writer. That the US has finally gained a substantial share of GDP to Trade ratio. Where the US is taken in more trade balance foreign currency than we are putting out in the world. As currently the US imports way more than it exports. Thus leaving us in a horrible trade deficit. As service jobs here in the US when we import are jobs. However, they are stagflation economic equation.

Stagflation means that the service jobs we gain from imports are not helping pay of our macro economy deficit. As the service jobs are not bringing in any foreign currency or treasury and the US is showing no value to the world. Therefore, the idea of exports imitativeness as you stated has come with the cost of allowing free trade with countries that are seriously going to dump on our economy. Thus meaning that the exports initiative is doubled out and crossed out and placed back on the stagflation economic equations. As such, the President in reality as not having a proper macro economic advisers has just done more harm than good with this trade policies of forcing a free trade agreements. So the US can get a small amount of exports compared to the massive amount of imports we are going to have to taken on due to unfair overhead costs.
The overhead costs of today that are causing this stagflation. In which in a free trade agreement force the US into a negative balance of payments. Is in reality because of economic terrorist. Today we see folks like Secretary Chu, stating he wishes to force gas prices to go higher in the US and EU. When the EU has had gasoline prices at ~$10 for over a decade, and the US seriously needs a competitive overhead price to get out of the last place balance of payments and deficit issue. Along with that then we get folks like Commerce Secretary Gary Locke who allowed 80% of our green tech stimulus to be drained from the US under his orders and watchful eyes. Not to mention because of the major lack of ability to gain a surplus in foreign treasury through trade of exports as per trade of imports balances. The US is having to raise its cost of utilities and taxes to upgrade our systems of natural civilized overhead.

Gasoline is one of the most important overhead issues the US has. As the whole supply lines of the US are based on it. If you where a foreign espionage agent, or a sympathetic agent to a foreign country wishing to take over our economy. The main thing you would want to do is to drive up the cost of fuel. As per Kevin Freeman's Secret Weapons. This is exactly what the Communist Muslim mercs are doing, along with Communist China and Russia. This is because of course they wish to keep our trade competition down so they can trade more. As in history trade routes are what take over the world's cognitional and trending balance of clout. Therefore, we can see that gas as the main supply root economic factor is a major issue. Over the last four years thanks to failed DOE policies we have seen the price of Gas rise from $2 a gallon all the way up to $5 a gallon. When the economy as it is constantly going deeper and deeper into debt needs gas to stabilize at a low cost so our business and our supply lines can have a low competitive overhead cost. So we can change our balance of export import payments from negative to positive. As other major competitors in the world, like the Communist Chinese and the Middle east get gas at the cost of about $.65 -$1. This is a major issue. However, the constant rising cost of gas has cost the US to lose export import balance of payments. Which the US keeps making worse. The main reason for this is an ideological perspective that if Secretary Chu drives up the price of gas. That we will move to better fuel systems and a variety of gas. The problem is that, that is like going from hoarses to cars. Cars did not catch for almost three decades from the time they where created. Even then the supply lines of gas and necessary issues to allow the US to have a normalized route system took just as long to catch up. Currently today in the world of macro economics. We do not have the protected economy as did in late 1800's. This means that the US does not have the niceness to force the price of hay and taxes on hoarse to go sky high to push folks into cars. In analogically today. We see the issue with gas being the hay. As such, the reality is that gas is hear for a long time, until we can get the proper supply line routes up for the new type of supply line overhead. Thus meaning the idea of forced price increase is like shooting our economy in the head. As it is not good for the macro whole of the economy. While it could slowly go into affect as gas stays low, as folks will still want to buy cars with better MPG even at $2 a gallon.

Then we get to fact that even if Chu was working on a project to help the US update our supply lines with new energy initiatives. Him Gary Locke and the Contracts Secretary all worked together to allow 80% of our green tech stimulus to be drained from the US. While the Communist Chinese subsidized their green tech industry with over 300 billion. The US barely spent 2.8 billion. Which 80% of that was sent over seas with our companies. While the remaining companies where completely destroyed from non competitive competition with Communist State Owned Enterprises. This then means, that the US as per Secretary Chu's policy to force seizure of our supply lines and cause major stops and crimps and raise hell of high overhead supply costs. Will also lead to a further decrease in the US ability to pay for its deficit. As the main supply lines he is pushing for. Will come from Communist China. This means even if they create their cars here. The majority of the earned surplus income will be going back to Communist China. While the stagflation economic equation will be staying here, as the fresh dollars we could have been making with exports in that industry are going to be collected purely by the Communist Chinese. As today, the majority of the US car companies and other supply line companies that wanted to trade with Communist China. As per Gary Locke and Secretary Chu allowed, used innovation laws to force seizure of all of our green tech US ideas. Thus, then they used 16 Cartelled SOE's to create a major stock pile of supply lines like trucks cars and other issues. In which they are waiting for Secretary Chu to make the cost of gas so high that the US will have no choice but to turn to them for cheap supply lines to try and spread through the US to compete with international needs of low cost supply lines.

This horrible economic leadership of allowing the US to constantly lose its balance of payments in trade. Has another affect. Which is the affect of another major overhead issue of US business. Which is called utilities. In the last four years. The US has seen over three major hikes in all of our utilities. As the utility companies are tasked with major updates and forced bonds are taken out against future tax dollars of the US. This then means that the cost of doing business as per the supply line and as per the utilities has tripled over the last four years. Thus, we see that sure exports may have risen. But that is because our populational needs have risen. However, the US's ability to pay its balance of payments has not risen. Therefore, the macro economic policy is a failure and this article is but a bandaid on the real issue of our deficit and ability to compete with overhead costs for our business in the US to export to major economies like South Korea, Communist China, Africa, and Latin America. Where the US has seen the Communist Chinese substantial growth in trade. While the US cold war policies of trade for trade tit for tat against the Communist Party has become the idea that the Communist Chinese can do it. The US should stay out of it while the Communist Chinese develop the world. Which again the issue of who holds the monopoly supply lines in international economies along with development contracts. Is not the US, and it is the Communist Chinese due to horrible macro economic policies, that do not realize the issue is not exports but the issue is the balance of payments and our strength to compete against a fascist economic model, that is exactly similar to the German Socialist, Soviets and the majority of fascist economies like Iran and North Korea.

Rider I
The Fascist economic model is a very aggressive model. Thus when not in time of economic peace as we had in the 1990's. As the major fascist economic model then collapsed. We see that today our economic leaders are not aggressive enough when it comes to a balancing our payments of trade. Doing things like given loans to international countries to develop so we can export more material to their market place does not exist in this administration. The idea of charity does. Which does not get us interest payments to help pay back our own interest payments. During the cold war, the US was very aggressive in loans to countries like Africa and Latin America to help them develop their market infrastructure so we could export and trade with them. Today we see the old US cold war networks of trade crumbling and the Communist Chinese aggressive economic leaders devouring our current economic leaderships failures to keep updating our international trade aggressive for free markets against the fascist economic model. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Army Brass: Sequestration Could Cost 100K More Troops

Rebuttal to article

The idea is that the current Unconventional Warfare agency. That used to be the Economic Warfare bureau task. Are not properly taken care of our economy. For example, during the cold war when the Soviets tried to gain a monopoly on resources the DOD and the Economic Warfare Buruea did everything in its power to stop them from obtaining a monopoly on resources. As they understand economic algorithmic equations. Which allowed the US to keep a very low deficit so pressure to disband units was low. As the US had a high economic presence due to a proper balanced world in the West of trade. Today, however, the Unconventional Warfare unit which I personal think should be honorable discharged for allowing this to happen. Has allowed the Communist Chinese to centralize all trade to them by completed what only the Soviets had dream-pt of. Which is a complete monopoly on the worlds root economy source which is rare earth resources. As such, this then has forced the US into a complete lack of economy and very high job deficit and unemployment. Therefore, causing a major depression such as to place major pressure on the Forces to disband units so they can pay for the normal everyday living of the world. To make matters worse as the main stay of the world Democracy mother ship. As we did nothing to stop the monopoly on the worlds trade. The rest of the West has been lead into a job deficit which causes a tax deficit and an economic deficit just like we did, because of horrible leadership in what should be our economic bureau  but obviously the unconventional warfare bureau  can't handle mercenary warfare and economic warfare in the same agency.
Therefore a failure in the supply line of our defense in the economic warfare area. Is now causing a failure in our supply line lines in our ability to maintain our front forces.

Rider I
"Life is an equation learn it or die"
Thursday March 08, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

China urges the U.S. to tread carefully on 'core interests'
Rebuttal to statements
You read carefully on your core interests. You are the one funding fascist genocidal regimes all around the world. Creating Marxist Communist Guerrillas in the Philippines, stealing land from smaller islands that need it more than you. Then trying to make a people you genocides in China be forced to be part of your country when the populace for a whole for over 60 years have said no we are not part of Communist China. Then you go and let terrorist nations like North Korea and Iran obtain Nuclear material for bombs as it suits your golden sun long term military strategy. To allow Iran to force the west into further economic implosion. So the west can't fund its international bases and has to go further into debt. Like your book the unconventional warfare book stated you did with Al Queada. Then use North Korea after we are down and out after the Iran west conflict to allow its SOE's into the market place. As you are using your SOE's into the market place. So you can prepare the German Socialist economic warfare front. Where the German Soc's used their SOE's to create weigh points for their military to direct its aggression towards like connecting the dots. As those areas had high areas of citizens for the German Socialist party as the SOE's where the main economy in the area and funded the political leaders. 
You look at your core interests before you state anything to us man. Your country is starving yet you are the strongest wealthiest nation in the world. As you centralize all of your wealth into sovereign wealth funds and SOE's so as to use for macro policy domination. Like you did in the stock market crash where we have evidential facts that the Communist Chinese, Al Queada and Russia all worked together to crash our market place. Like the German Soc's did in the 1920's to start to build their huge massive party. 
Furthermore, the idea that your country had nothing to do with the world economic crash is ridiculous as per our monopolistic charts of world trade and as per stock charts. It was your country that drove the world in herd tech to be imploded like Das Capital the Communist manual for economic warfare states that any Communist party wishing to take over the world has to do. Do you think we do not read Das Capital or the Communist Manifesto or their economic warfare plans and that the US populace is just dumb. For one thing Taiwan will always be our business. As they are a Republican party in which the Communist Chinese genocided off their land of mono culture. So any genocided people are our business. As for you core issues I suggest you start looking into them. As your world trade is become so aggressive that not even the US who has only 91 billion in exports to you will you have 400 billion of exports to it can keep up with you. So the next time you say you tread carefully. You look at all the world cultures that you are trying to destroy with your SOE's and realize that the world did not allow the German Socialist to do what you wish to do nor did the world allow the Soviets do what you wish to do. So you tread carefully. As we speak the hatered you caused by helping Al Queada attack the US to draw us into a Charlie Wilson style liquidation war is being turned massively soon you will feel what it is like to have hate directed at your core. Cause you spent way to much time stripping the world of its economy and robbing your citizens of life and quality of life for your elitist single party wishes to dominate the world. Tread careful who you talking to boy. 

You people are not very diplomatic are you. Applauding Al Queada for doing as you ask them too. Threatening smaller countries that just want a fair chance to mine when they have nothing. Supporting regimes for cheap resources even though they genocide their people. You people need to learn to shut the hell up. As I have Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines and Japan ready to bust you mouth. understand me boy you tread carefully. 

There is no other country in this world that the US has allowed to get away with what you have been allowed to get away with. Full monopoly of worlds resources full scale jsut stating you are funding terrorist that blew up the US and wish to destroy us further. There is no further dialog with you anymore. You are brats of this world. Who pay no reliance to who helped you become a free society. If it was not for the US your people would still be stuck behind a wall living like a commune. I can't stand your people's impunity for diplomacy. 

When you speak to the US you speak with some honor and loyalty. Without the US's major trade deficit to Communist China. You would not be able to do anything let alone act like it was all you who did this. So you learn to show some respect. Cause I am building forces as per cyclical events of German socialist and soviets I know whats coming and again like the last two who thought their brutality and bullying fo the world would causer fear in the US. You are wrong substantially wrong it just pisses off every free cultures roots in the USA. 

we had generals in Pakistan ready to help us get rid of all Al Queada bases. We picked up Osama Bin Laden. Then major MSS forces created heavy dissonance to our being there with small operations to finish off the maps we had of Al Queada. Then you the next day exported 50 jet fighters to Pakistan to protect the Al Queada bases. Then you used satellites to block our watching grids to allow them to move. You say what tread lightly boy, whats that. 

two can play at this mercenary diplomacy game. and we have a whole ton load of Democracy mercenaries who love Democracy waiting at your gates for our books like your books for fascist mercenaries. This is not our first go around with a Das Capital economic warfare manual move. 

Main problem with US economy as per these citations is our trade to GDP ratio.

Look over this map and analogize the rest of the world compared to Communist China.

Press play for the US v Communist China citations and see how Communist China' has a persestance export expansion. While because of the economic implosion war we where dragged into the US has not had things going green but turning red barely holding on. Then watch how after the 2008 world crash more US trade partners go red and orange, while communist trade partners go green in those countries.

Here is Communist China's exports notice 2010 Communist China exports top notch to everyone.

Then here is the US notice how the USA has been almost completely left out of trade of a whole content as compared to Communist China.

Then notice this map that shows the US percentage of trade as per GDP. Which shows a much weaker US leadership with regards to Economy over the last ten years.

The map shows a real lack in economic leadership. With regards to Competition in the international trade.

These maps show that the US is not trading enough as compare to other countries to keep its economy going stable and stop stagflation and deficit spending. Lets say the  US was competeting with the EU, Russia and Communist China then we would have 25% more trade to GDP ratio the US would not be in a deficit. As currently our deficit is 18 trillion and our GDP yearly is 15.6 Trillion. So we take 25% of that away from deficit GDP creation through inflation. Thus adding a positive inflow of foreign treasury and we get that is 3.75 trillion added to our fresh inflow for 8 years from 2002 to 2012 and that would be an extra 37.5 Trillion. Thus misusing the 18 trillion currently in deficit and we would see that the US if a more aggressive trade partner as for some reason our people think we trade to much. We would have about   19 trillion in surplus. Which would place us in line with Communist China and Russia's current surplus. However, the Communist Chinese and Russians both do a deal of espionage to keep our trade oppressed in the world. As per the maps and citations.

Key areas of key failure in the US are the African Heritage in the US for trying to create trade. Which the African leadership instead of going down to Africa to get more trade for the US and pro African heritage areas spend more time trying to fight with everyone as per African American heritage. Instead of being a pro dominate force in the world representing the African continent for the US and for Africa. Where as the Communist Chinese African delegation, which does not even have heritage there is whooping the pants off of us in trade. Which makes me laugh as there are more African American leaders in the US complaining about disparity in the US for their heritage kin. Yet, I am guessing they never actually go to Africa to get export contracts there for their citizens local areas. From my other research of those leaders complaining to leaders actually doing something. Again no offense but offense ment, certain areas leaders never leave the country nor get any export contracts for their citizens. Even though their economic basket is ripe with products that could be exported and are new and interesting and very African heritage. The worst part about it is that most African Heritage folks vote in African heritage people in the local governments. Yet, I have been to a lot of high dense African American communities and instead of trading with Africa that seems to be a complete niche for the world that needs trade. They live in these high rise buildings called projects, where folks just sit there all day as there is no jobs around. Its sad its like me in my little suburban room cause I have no jobs around here. Next thing you know they will be building a high tower to place us in. If you look at other countries you see high American heritage trading with their heritage as the business nexuses are just easier to do. However, African American Communities in the US are left out and so is literally Africa in Africa because our African American leaders like BET, the music stars, tv show stars and the Representatives of the people are not working their just belly aching. I went to an Black panther rally once with my mask on as I do not have built in sun block and did not want to get killed for being genomically weak towards the sun. These folks where all talking about Africa this African that lets fight against the system as we are poor. I asked folks have you even been to Africa. Majority stated no. Now after looking at these maps I see a people just belly aching, cause I am a non sun blocked person and I have been all around the world for trade to stop genocide and to help folks help us here at home. I laugh to think that those big bad animal mens and womans. Fight the power, ya sure fight your lazy arses and go to Africa and get us all some trade, fight your lazy arses go travel get exports.

Now that I stated that American African leaders are a failure to their own American heritage and their international heritage. The Communist Chinese MSS will probable see the niche I see and come here and try and buy up the market shares for the Communist Chinese party. Instead of the US Democracy as the US leadership is failing in that area. So as I have been to a BP rally under cloak and heard their very racist comments and ideas to deal with other races. I could say that because of the massive lack of African trade with the US economy that community is not only failing their community but the world as a whole. Racism upsets me especially when so much data shows they are not trading their communities economy with their roots economy. Obviously the African folks do not want to trade with other folks but their roots. Seems that way. So while they are hear belly aching about fight the power, destroy the system up-rise and take over. They should be saying help our people, trade more, lets go to African and build market places. We should fight our lazy arses. They know better to place me in a high tower project as I would start a revolution of people who wander around Africa looking for exports for US jobs in the project areas. They would call me woady the great African American business nexus man. Great bush doctor.

I remember this one time i was not in the high tower talking to these ballers about Africa and how things are and how with the knowledge they posses hear with a high school education. They could literally become tribal leaders and have many wives and own lots of things. They just sat there. Then we went for a walk about and now those areas of Africa are booming with US trade and those little ballers are rich with their own export business for such simple things as plumbing kits for canal creations. It is really simple they just need a good leader. I did not go into prove that their current leaders are so racist and hatered that they are blinded by growth and reality of trade. Which I did not prove in a 30 page report over a short period of time. Never happened. You know nothing and do not tell me wooa I know how to deal with MSS guerillas trying to kill us in the bush. Woa does not work in the bush.

This is also interesting the cost of countries to export including to taxes fees shipping and other elements. Look at Communist China as compared to the rest and how well they centrally control their export costs for their businesses.

Rider I

Monday, March 5, 2012

Letter to the Poppist

Dear Freedom of Religion Father,
I am writing to find out how to obtain a donation from the Vatican with regards to opening up a non profit. The cause would specifically be educating people on the Communist Chinese Economic Warfare units. Which would include shepardizing events against their lobbies, like they do in the US, research and presentation along with helping deputize non profit employees for folks who write books with regards to the Communist Chinese. So as to help get the material out there. Along with that I would also like to work on educating people on space mining. While also helping folks move forward with theories and ideas and finding the necessary nexuses to help it move forward.
The issue is that today the Communist Chinese have a trillion dollar propaganda machine. That the US is not even able to closely rebut when it makes movements with regards to Communist Chinese. Along with that they are fastly approaching a Communized space race. Instead of the free enterprise space mining competition all free market citizens have dreamed of. IF there is a way I could get a small donation to get funds to start up the non profit to become a professional entity. Please send me any ideas of how to obtain funds. I currently have collected a library with tens of thousands of scholarly articles. While also writing notes brain storms and ideas of non profit projects I would like to do. When I obtain the proper donations. If there is any help to be had please let me know.

Rider I

Letter to Brooks and Dunn

Dear Great Country Western culture, 
I am writing to find out how to obtain a donation from Brooks and Dunn with regards to opening up a non profit. The cause would specifically be educating people on the Communist Chinese Economic Warfare units. Which would include shepardizing events against their lobbies, like they do in the US, research and presentation along with helping deputize non profit employees for folks who write books with regards to the Communist Chinese. So as to help get the material out there. Along with that I would also like to work on educating people on space mining. While also helping folks move forward with theories and ideas and finding the necessary nexuses to help it move forward.
The issue is that today the Communist Chinese have a trillion dollar propaganda machine. That the US is not even able to closely rebut when it makes movements with regards to Communist Chinese. Along with that they are fastly approaching a Communized space race. Instead of the free enterprise space mining competition all free market citizens have dreamed of. IF there is a way I could get a small donation to get funds to start up the non profit to become a professional entity. Please send me any ideas of how to obtain funds. I currently have collected a library with tens of thousands of scholarly articles. While also writing notes brain storms and ideas of non profit projects I would like to do. When I obtain the proper donations. If there is any help to be had please let me know.

Rider I

Letter to George Soros requesting assistance.

Dear Open Society Foundation,

I am writing to find out how to obtain a donation from Dr. Soros with regards to opening up a non profit. The cause would specifically be educating people on the Communist Chinese Economic Warfare units. Which would include shepardizing events against their lobbies, like they do in the US, research and presentation along with helping deputize non profit employees for folks who write books with regards to the Communist Chinese. So as to help get the material out there. Along with that I would also like to work on educating people on space mining. While also helping folks move forward with theories and ideas and finding the necessary nexuses to help it move forward.
The issue is that today the Communist Chinese have a trillion dollar propaganda machine. That the US is not even able to closely rebut when it makes movements with regards to Communist Chinese. Along with that they are fastly approaching a Communized space race. Instead of the free enterprise space mining competition all free market citizens have dreamed of. IF there is a way I could get a small donation to get funds to start up the non profit to become a professional entity. Please send me any ideas of how to obtain funds. I currently have collected a library with tens of thousands of scholarly articles. While also writing notes brain storms and ideas of non profit projects I would like to do. When I obtain the proper donations. If there is any help to be had please let me know.

Rider I

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How Big a Competitive Threat Is China, Really?

Rebuttal to:
Fascist economic models are not " economic miracles". That is just a word for a person who has no clue about economic models. Japan's model was just like the German Socialist the Soviets and so is the Communist Chinese. It is a fascist economic model based primarily on a centralized economic structure that controls the majority of the economy. This is like having just a King run the country it makes the countries macro policy much stronger while micro spread of wealth is horrible. 
" China is unlikely to repeat Japan's success. Most important, China is developing in a far more challenging international environment than Japan faced in the second half of the 20th century. As a result, its economy will remain more compatible than competitive with America's for the foreseeable future."
The idea that China is unlikely to repeat Japan's success is not a smart statement to make after stating "miracle economy" population ten times with a based on statis economy, as statist economies are based on very low to slave labor for the SOE's to thrive, thus meaning if the Communist Chinese are a statist economy with ten times the population of Japan they will not only redue the fascist economic model but make it ten times more successful. As for more challenging. I really do think so. Japan had to grow in a time when they had just got done trying to genocide a whole culture and take over the world. I do not know anything challenging to a country than to trade with the world after it just got done trying to kill them all. Along with that the Japanese had to deal with a very strong challenge for the west world who just got done with a major manufacturing boom after the war. Where as Communist China has destroyed the worlds economy and it sits facing a scorched earth ready to move in and seed it. 

"Japan had the good fortune to rise during the Cold War. At that time, industries were mostly self-contained within countries, allowing Japan to cultivate internationally competitive companies through targeted investment and trade barriers. The United States, which needed allies against the Soviet Union, not only tolerated Japanese protectionism but also transferred advanced technology to Japan and subsidized Japanese firms."
Today the US is not doing it on purpose but the same thing is happening for Communist China. As the majority of the worlds companies are still very self contained in countries with their abilities based on things like who owns the resources, what the taxes are and how high is inflation due to deficit and high overhead like gas. Today the US is also transferring high technology to Communist China. This is done by allowing firms to be bullied under the innovation technology policy, that forces companies to their land to build things by having a monopoly on resources, then once they are there bullies their intellectual property from them if they wish to have access to the monopolized resources. While also subsidizing the Communist Chinese firms much like Secretary Chu and Secretary Gary Locke allowed to do with over 80% of the US green tech stimulus going straight to international Communist party member's bank accounts and business. Which then destroyed the US green tech sectors. 
"China, by comparison, is rising in the WTO era. The world's wealthiest countries no longer tolerate the sorts of protectionism Japan employed during the Cold War. Far from granting China special exemptions, the United States aggressively pries open China's economy through WTO litigation and bars other countries from selling "dual-use" technologies to China."
Japan's protectionism if you did a line by comparison of issues is nothing compared to the Communist Chinese. Again as japan had to make friends as it just came out of a war it lost. The Communist Chinese are today the worlds 6th highest protectionist country. With the WTO case load not even being able to keep up with the Communist Party use of their 1 billion people population. Knowing that the majority of the violations will be able to go through and allowed as they can't be enforced on. Japan's economy was to small to not be enforced on and must every case of protectionism was dealt with in Japan. Only around 3% of protectionist issues with Communist China is being dealt with. That is why the President Obama has just started a new agency to deal with that case load. 
"China, by contrast, is simply open" I can tell you have studies communist china for about a day maybe. Communist China is not simply open. Their main centralized institution the SASAC works to make Communist China's SOE's the worlds biggest Statist champions. Thus not only shutting out their own citizens economy but the world from its markets as per SASAC control over the GDP of the Communist Chinese economy, 75% of the Communist Chinese economy is SOE's. While 25% are still heavily controlled by party politics and government issues. In which they act more like the Soviets 25% free enterprises that where just for show case but really all where owned by the KGB. Much like North Korea's show case of culture when you go there they act like they still have a culture and that the Communist party has not culturally destroyed all Korean culture in North Korea. 
"China's FDI stock equals 8% of its GDP; more than 70% of that FDI consists of wholly foreign-owned enterprises (as opposed to joint ventures); and foreign firms produce half of China's exports and more than 90% of China's high-tech exports."
That is a very tricky statement it seems you wish to make it look at the end like 90% of China's exports as a whole are owned by foreign companies. Again the majority of business going on in Communist China is owned by the state and controlled by the SASAC. You speak on FDI but obviously do not realize that 50% of the world direct development contracts, loans and markets which is all FDI is all owned by communist China. So in reality their FDI stock is much higher than 8% of their GDP. As that is their GDP pure export's and FDI to gain more exports. 
You state China is unlikey to repeat Japan's success then state that the Japanese had a much hard time with their economy than the Communist Chinese do
"Exposed to foreign competition, many Chinese firms eschew long-term investments in innovation and instead focus on lowering costs in existing manufacturing activities. For the past 20 years, Chinese firms' R&D spending as a percentage of sales revenue has remained seven times below the average for Japanese firms. When Chinese firms import technology, they spend 25% of the total cost on absorbing the technology, far less than the 200% spent by Japanese firms when they were trying to catch up to the West in the 1970s." So their sales revenues are less but the cost of overhead is drastically much higher. Thus meaning that it is obvious that they are already beating the success of the Japanese fascist economic model. 
"In the 1980s, Japanese leaders spoke openly about bankrupting American firms and turning the United States into an economic backwater." Again this seems like you have no clue about Communist China or what just happened. The Communist Chinese leaders wrote a book called Unconventional Warfare. It was directed at the USA. In which it told Osama Bin Laden to attack the world trade towers, drive the US into an economic implosion guerrilla war. Then to have the Muslim mercenaries constantly attack stock markets and trade routes in the middle east. So after the war was done the US had gained no economic stability in a land it was dragged into by a book written by Communist Chinese leaders. Which also is the fact they state openly they want their massive SOE's to destroy free markets like Das Capital states has to happen for any country wishing to dominate the world under one flag. 
"But China will remain poor and technologically underdeveloped for many years." You are very under researched. The Communist Chinese have surpassed the US on super computers, nano technology, bio technology and the only thing the US has which the Communist Chinese have not yet stolen or blew past us in R&D is space. Which the US has just had to basically destroy its funding for. As the Communist Chinese being to start to fly past us in that too. 
"But China will remain poor and technologically underdeveloped for many years." This statement if false. Over the last 30 years the US economy has shrunk in GDP percentage growth each year, jobs each year, ability to gain surplus each year and has withered literally with regards to the world having US business exports to them and US business personnel. The US has not grown in this relationship. The US has a trade deficit that trumps any trade we do with Communist China by hundreds of billions of dollars. Which means we are not growing we are each year shrinking further into debt and deficit. While the Communist Chinese fascist economic model out due Hitlers SOE advance in Europe to create weight points for their military, way out does the Soviets SOE centralized proxy wars and economic take over, along with the tiny success of Japan not even close to German Socailist success or the Soviet success is way overshadowed already by what Communist China's fascist economic warfare model of militarized economy has been allowed to do. 

Rider I
I have a web site tons of books research articles and other things on communist China. You should read some. Rider I Anti Economic Warfare blog post