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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feds probe equipment failure at Calif. nuke plant

My comments to the very slow and behind Nuclear Safety Commission: 

Why do we not create ionized equipment that can attract nuclear particulates in the air. For example. The current energy charged used in houses ionic fields is at a degree that collects dirt mites, dust bunnies and molecular structures of that energy field. However, if we where to parallel an energy filed that could collect nuclear particulate matter. Then we would not have to worry about a nuclear leak or even nuclear winter. From some research we have been doing Beijing is coming up with a way to scrub air, water and land of nuclear particulates. So if lets say one of their satellites Iran or North Korea was to nuc some country for deconstruction. They would be the only country in the world that had the technology to come in and clean it up. Which would cost the country lots of money. Especially if it was in a metropolitan or specific port area that could not be recreated. As such, we does the US not make it a necessary safety precaution to place ionic fields around the nuclear boobs with nipples so the milky particulates can be collected by the fields. It is an easy equation to analogize it. I did it in my College honors physics class. I just do not understand why we do not make it a business to sell them and to really use them for safety. 

They just turn on during emergencies and are tested during emergency drills. 

Rider I

Therefore as per my physics class project showing that ionic breezes can be used in analog-able equations to stop nuclear melt downs from spreading. If the government where to do the same or a business, then we would not have to worry about nuclear fall out, waste, or meltdowns, as my equation was usable in water and air, and I did not equate land but the equation was due able and I left open areas for further research on the matter. Had other classes. 

should have bought it before hand. 

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