This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. Along with the defense of polemic expression for purpose of creating a dominate point of argumentation.

"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at

US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looks like I ran out of room.

Time to star Tri's I 5

Top eight cites I read each time I wake up.

1. DOD somebody has to yell at these people when they become foreign pawns of our enemies.

2. Google China news,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=1a06378fbaf889f  This is where I get all my scholary thoughts and theories from, front line journalist.

3. Google Communist news,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=1a06378fbaf889f

4. Meghan McCain twits

Meghan McCain 

@McCainBlogette   I am in love with this woman. Have to hear what she thinks, so cool she is. 

5. Economists Sometimes they have good articles on economic theories that advance my own. 

6. Yahoo the Associated press does a good job on feeling me in on my theories in places I might be missing a few key journalistic scholarly reports. 

7. My local newspapers, to see what is going on. Two cites. 

8. Local Black market listings so I can see who is moving around and who is in town. There is about ten cites I go through. Everyone and a while I go to an old retried NSA hack cite, where they have open cell phone collections for folks in the know. Who can advance search for key terms, new slang and anything they want to know. Just to make sure my entry code is still good. 

Rider I
Thats about the list. 

Request for Cultural Endowment from the John Birch Society.

Dear John Birch Society,

Today I find it almost impossible to find a job, or gain enrichment because of my culture. I believe in the culture of the cold war. Which was a world where, Democracy and free markets where Unionized against the mono cultural fascist centralized economic world. Where the UN did not allow critters like the Communist Chinese into its ranks, as they where fighting against them. Today, however, we see as my anti communist culture has almost but died and is funded almost no where. We see things like Indiana Governor a Republican allowing in Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOE) that help fund Hamaz, Al Queada and pretty much every terrorist that we have fought against. As the SOE, is centrally controlled by a board known as the SASAC. Which is pro-dominated by the PLA and MSS, both military institutions of the Communist Party.

Therefore, today I see no programs as we had for the cold war. Where specific scholars where enriched just to study professionally against the Soviets. Where as today we would need scholars to specifically study openly directly against the Communist Chinese. There have been a few groups that have sprung up. However, a cultural endowment specifically set up to stop the expansion of the Communist Chinese Party State Owned Enterprises has not been set up. The reason why this is needed is much similar to what we saw the German Socialist do. Where they had a mono socialist state that they enriched by collapsing the US stock market and centralizing major pockets of world trade to their State Owned Enterprise. Which they where then able to spread across Europe to help them create espionage and guerrilla enriched illegal gangs. Today, we see the same thing happening with Communist China. We can also go with the Soviet strategy that the Soviets wanted to centralize the worlds resources to them. So they could control the worlds root economic needs. Therefore, controlling the worlds economics and enrichment grids. Thus allowing them to slowly enrich the world as the German Socialist did.

I think that a cultural endowment fund for anti communist would be very necessary. As today, folks believe that anti communist are against Unions. Which is completely wrong. Abraham Lincoln created the labor Unions and Military Unions to fight against the Southern Democrats who believed strongly in Marxist and Engels genomic Communism. While during the German Socialist era, the Republicans used USA Republican Labor Unions to fight against centralization of the worlds resources and trade to the German Socialist. Then during the cold war, the Republic used labor unions across the Balkans to stop the Soviets from being able to literally take over the world via economic warfare of state owned enterprises and centralized fascist control of political parties.

Today, I am requesting an issue of cultural endowment. That will specifically help to fund scholars like myself go through school and obtain mutiple degrees. So as to enrich them in the world. Therefore, allowing the world to have a better spread of knowledge and presentation of views of the anti communist world against the Communist Chinese. Which is currently using their military and espionage to re enrich communist fascist grids the Soviets had during the cold war. To try and retake the world in a German Socialist SOE spread then military movement. However, the Communist Chinese much like the Soviets knew they had to move very spread out and take a long time to get their SOE's out and about. So they could then easily take over the world for a centralized party system controlled by them.

Please let me know if I can be the first student to be enriched by a cultural endowment funds for anti communist scholars.

Rider I

off hand first rough draft raw thoughts.

(John Birch Society Seeking Cultural Endowment for Anti Communist Culture. (n know my marxist fascist, I am part of a labor union family, as Republicasn created Unions to fight the marxist, Democratic South enslaving the Africans via Marxist Engels genomics, Republican Unions voting to get into the war with the German Socialist, and the Republican international Labor Unions fighting the Soviets)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Response to my request to become a Professional Student.

Thank you for your inquiry of April 18, 2012 requesting support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for personal assistance to become a professional, life-long student.

Unfortunately, the Fund cannot provide the support you seek as we do not award grants to individuals. We primarily award grants to non-profit organizations whose initiatives specifically match the strategies that are the focus of our programs. 

As we are not familiar with those agencies or foundations that do assist individuals, we would like to suggest that you contact The Foundation Center, which offers publications and other information you might find useful in your search for funding. Please visit their Web site at, write to them at 79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003-3076, or telephone them at 1-800-424-9836.

We regret the disappointment that this reply may cause and wish you success in finding the support you are seeking.


Grants Management
Rockefeller Brothers Fund

my response (thoughts in my head at the time look at that one day beuatiful professionalism, did not act the part of expressing outrage though as no need)

my response

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Rider I

Inquiry about Grant to the Rockefellars Brothers foundation.

Dear Rockefeller Brothers Foundation,

It would seem that your foundation would be a foundation on many levels that is in line or parallel to my personal souls conquest of life's pursuits. However, unlike a normal grant I am seeking something different something more old timeish. Where a grant is received for a program of study for a specific individual to be enriched to the public degree of 9 Collegiate degrees, or what used to be known as cloud nine. I have not seen a program anywhere that still allows such a grant, for a student to pursue  professional collegiate degree course of nine degrees. 

I do believe my goals in life which are Democracy for every person to vote on matters of their own governance. Where I practiced my belief when I was a Senator of California State University Long Beach. Obtaining a vote to allow each student to have a chance to be polled online for their ideas of the administration of student body legislation. Where I also believe my ideas with regards to how Iraq and Afghanistan where a complete plow like North Korean and Vietnam was to destroy Democracy and free markets by the international Communist party. Where I proved in writings by specific characters of the Communist Chinese Party and their wishes to draw the US into a Charlie Wilson style liquidation war so the US and Democracy countries could be implode to allow the Communist Chinese to expand. Where my push for a show of proper international development through proxy war was shown highly decorated outline of ideas in Libya. Where the people, where able to fight their own war, costs where less and developmental structure destruction was very little. Furthermore, my idea shows a better more sustainable route to world development, as opposed to the Vietnam, North Korean style dealing with fascist Communist Party centralization of world lands and wealth to their control. Which is very far away from the idea of Democracy as those cultures will not get to vote for their governance or control their own economy, if the Communist Chinese proceed where the German Socialist and Soviets failed. Along these lines I currently have the worlds biggest collection of Communist Chinese intel on four webpages I keep for my own personal souls desires. Where I use the page to write orders, directions and ideas via different pysdo names to help develop the world into a Democracy and away from a fascist mono party world rule. 

The main points of my life seem to fit directly into the foundations main desires to grant and help people with. It is my belief that if there was foundation that would help an old souls wish for professional collegiate desires of cloud nine obtainment. Your foundation would probable be one of the only ones to even understand the desire for what ideas and the outline that I so hold dear to my soul.

The issue of my request is, does the foundation have a grant to help students become professional life long students learning as their heart desires and living a comfortable life to help Peacefully, Develop the world into a more Democracy and less fascist world view and goverance?

Rider I

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am about to start hitting every single CEO who was bullied into a Communist SOE

I have dead soldiers, agents and peaceful scholars with Communist Chinese MSS agents written all over them. I have terrorist cells heavily enriched with Communist Chinese PLA and MSS activities, and I have the majority of world terrorist groups on the highest list being protected by the Communist Chinese in NATO, the UN and with military force in General to General speech.

So any CEO who has allowed a US Corporation be bullied into a Communist Party monopolized State Owned Joint Venture will now start to see what US citizens can do.

Rider I
Symantec was my first one. TEXTRON is my next target. N I have companies ready to to stand against the Communist for their own ability to own their own company in Communist China to hire workers they like and not who the Communist Chinese like to work on their products and work their own owned business. That will get US love away from the likes of SYMANTECT and TEXTRON.

As the letter was sent to SYMANTEC without the heads of the business knowing. Let CESSNA and TEXTRON know of which jobs will be taken from their leadership who know is bullied into enriching Communist Party members over chosen Chinese Democracy members. That we have another free enterprises that we are looking at to replace jobs and all chairs will be asked by the company to rehire.

I want examples made and I want folks dethroned. If is the bully game we play then our free enterprise will see that no one bullies the US economic masters of craft. Play the game. 

CESSNA should re think its joint ventures with the Communist Chinese Party State Owned Enterprises.

Textron's get's 40% of its US domestic current market place from Government contracts. If the CESSNA goes through with a working plan to become a Communist State Owned Enterprise. It will be treated exactly like SYMANTEC was and all US contracts will be dropped. You should make the fight for your company to stay a free enterprise corporation and not become a Communist State Owned Enterprise. Where the Political party controls the dealings of CESSNA through espionage and military control through the SASAC. I suggest you rethink your contracts and your fight for freedom and Democracy with your company. As your actions will help Destroy Democracy and Free Markets by given into their State Owned Enterprise bullying. 

Within a few months from the loss of your government contracts your business will cease to exist and we will give the contracts to a US free enterprise not connected to Communist State Owned Enterprise control.

Rider I
Communist China funds every one of the US's enemies and every terrorist in the world that wishes to destroy Democracy or free markets or the US or West is protected by their State Owned Enterprise and Mono fascist party system. 

The US can play the bullying game too. But we bully for free enterprises and Democracy not for terrorism, or State Owned Enterprise mono fascist control. 

Letter from The Koch Boys after two months and two letters.

Thank you for your recent inquiry.
Koch family foundations have a long history of investing in a variety of philanthropic endeavors.  Generally, those investments are made in areas of youth enablement, environmental stewardship, research and education programs that analyze the impact of free societies, in particular how they advance the well-being of mankind.  Unfortunately, our philanthropic guidelines do not permit awarding of grants to individuals or for-profit organizations.
While we appreciate the importance of your efforts, regretfully, we must decline participation. We wish you every success and hope you will be able to secure the funding you need to ensure the continuation of your education and success of your future.
Heidi Jeffries
Sent on behalf of Susan Addington, Community Relations Manager
Koch Family Foundations

my answer after two months and two letters.

Thank you for your professionalism with replying. I shall do the same and stop my inquires and daily spooking and leave my cognitional snake behind.

Rider I
I appreciate it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Requesting grant for anti-communist culture.

Dear Koch Foundation,

Today we live in a world where, the Communist culture of genocide and fascist mono cultural political governance is on an every increasing rise. Today, we no longer see the John Birch societies of the cold war days, the Larry MacDonald's or the leaders of anti fascist and anti communist scholars. More and more, each day Universities are filled with books of Marxist and Hitler style ideas of mono cultural one sided politics. I am from a culture that is a rare bread these days. A culture that believes that the only way to fight the Communist Chinese is with iron fist for iron fist.

The Communist Chinese Party is seen in almost every area that the US and Western cultures are fighting. Where the US is trying to create Democracy, the Communist Chinese are trying to create fascist dictators or terrorism. My culture was once a very powerful culture with scholars being enriched by their elders right and left to work directing against the Soviet cognitional warfare that Democracy is bad and mono Communist take over is good. Today, we the culture is almost dead. The powerful societies that once used to spend all of their energy and funds directing directly towards the Soviets, are now not even barely looking at the Communist Chinese. My culture is a dying bread, the Republic no longer things it is worth fighting against Communist State Owned Enterprises. As the anti communist culture sees more and more Republicans allowing Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises to destroy free markets and implement Soviet style economic communist and guerrilla enrichment.

There is never been a more in need culture than the one that is being genocided slowly today by the Communist Chinese. As the anti communist culture fights at the head of the table for every culture. As it does not believe in one sided mono majority lead only politics. The Anti Communist are the best cognitional weapon against Communist State Owned Enterprise and against guerrilla enrichment of fascist terrorist. Today alone we see the Communist Chinese Party enriching, Indian Communist parties, Philippines Communist, and Indonesian Communist Parties. All where the communist direct physical attacks against the every fleeting anti communist. My culture is literally being killed. Today in America, there is no more anti communist culture or society. The people who once where great Union leader's who lead Unions with Republican values like Abraham Lincoln did against the Marxist South, or like the Republicans lead the Unions against the Soviets in Poland the US and EU. Is today but an idea that an old KGB written book is being used to allow the Communist Chinese to control the Unions. As we can see in the service Union.

These are just a part of my culture that is dying and is being lead by folks that are enabled to fight the real problem of communist fascist genocide. I request assistance with my professional studies in collegiate college. Today, I run a very unprofessional intelligence cite, along with a profane twitter cite. Which both are used to stop the idea that anti communist are against free speech or against the idea of picking on the elder rich who are literally using the Communist Chinese to destroy our jobs and anti communist strong holds. While enriching the Communist Chinese Party to spread world wide and cause terrorism, destruction of free markets and to set up political parties that wish to destroy Democracy.

My request is very simple. I need funds to restart the culture in a major defensive way. Today, the Communist Chinese have a trillion dollar propaganda machine that attacks all anti communist media and ideas. As such, I request just enough to get me through my next degree, and obtain a nice place to live and thrive to hold meetings to start to build a collegiate anti communist following. Which again is not the idea that what Abraham Lincoln used to defeat the southern Marxist, or what the US used to defeat the German Socialist or what we used to defeat the Soviets, all being labor Unions run by Republican leaders in the seats, is not my game. If you do enrich me you need to know I will be seeking to enrich Republican Union Leaders to seats of power in the Unions. So we can again wield them against the Marxist problem in the world. These funds should be very easy to apply for such a family who has a long standing view of the anti communist culture.

My schedule is,
Three classes this summer, two during the Spring semester, then obtain my GMAT and LSAT scores. In which, I will then take the test and apply to schools. I currently live in the US's and worlds biggest anti communist area. As the Koreans and Vietnamese that where genocided by the Communist Chinese live heavily in my area. I will also be seeking to start a non profit, much like the John Birch society used to be. Where I would like to be able to employ over 180 cultures in one building to all direct education, collections, and presentations against the trillion dollar Communist Chinese Party machine that wishes to destroy all cultures to implement a mono system of governance.

This is my second letter, requesting assistance, and maybe my fifth contact with this family. I am constantly being profane to the name that does not reply back to me in over almost two months now. When I know I am the worlds biggest collector of anti communist and Communist Chinese intelligence. However, so joking, on my twitter cite daily you are a comment in my mind.

Please reply so I can either go professional with my thoughts, or at least leave the snake behind.

Thank u my resume is attached, I do apologize for being a little manly with my twitter speech towards this entity who duss not reply when spoken too. However, the speech is done to obtain bipartisan issue holdings, against the last cold warrior leaders. So I can have both sides fighting with me.

Rider I

I think a book using past Communist Party fascismo to predict the future would be good.

Strategy to Counter Communist Chinese fascist genocidal party enrichment.

Dear USA Citizens and World Democracy Advocates,

Today we see a major push for Communist Marxist across the world. From Latin America where a communist pimp induced our secret service to pay for some stinky whole. All the way to Indonesia where we see Indonesian Communist meeting with Italian Communist via secret kidnapping meetings. In further we see the Philippines Maoist working with Muslims to fight against Democracy and free markets. To boot if we check the areas in which they are gaining sustenance we can see international Communist Players especially the Communist Chinese parties rich. Who these days seventy seven of their leaders are richer than all of our political leaders combined that are holding seats.

The idea is that the Communist threat is bigger than ever. Therefore we need to retrack our old wheel in fighting against them. As they are the next big terrorist threat. Especially as Communist Chinese nazi elitist rich kids start to spread out across the world. We will see small groups of bandits terrorist and gangs popping up that will become very Communist. This was the same thing we saw when the Soviets had entered high years of their domestic centralized enslavement to State Owned Enteprises. Where their Russian rich party members where going to Latin America Indonesia India and other places enriching extremsit leftist to destroy Democracy. As such we need to learn from the past. The idea is that if we do not do something while they are enriching these pockets of fascist terrorist and guerillas we could possible see another Vietnam or North Korea. Therefore we need to stay on the up and up. We need to see each area of fascist mono cultural terrorist Maoist as a very serious threat to world Democracy. This means we need to nip power enrichments in the bud before they grow to a tree. As during the two major world wars against the Communist Party we did not stop them when they where rooting into North Vietnam and North Korea.

The solution I propose is a study of these issues. Creating pin point historical applications to each Soviet Communist Party enrichment and how they did it. Everything from using Communist banking systems to enrich communist owned business that are funding terrorist and guerrillas all the way to basically using communist disciplinary members to use high tech warfare as the Soviets did to brain manipulate control or even use biogenics. This report should be the analogy that helps drive home the ability to research and track enrichment of Maoist terrorist who wish for mono cultural genocide of all other political parties for their one international party the Communist Chinese.

Then the idea would be to apply traps counter enrichment strategies and complete eradication of those enrichment process that have reached a very unstable level.

Rider I

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rest in Peace Melody Delamansi an anti Fascist anti Genocidal Martyr

Melody Delamansi

Rider I

Too all those anti communist advocates fighting their genocidal fascist mono governance ways. Always remember they will kill us. We fight with Democracy but they will genocide us like Russia, China, Germany, and all other areas that the Socialist genocidal Communist have taken over.

I myself personally would like to see a massive retaliation for her life as she was a very peaceful cognitional scholar. So if any moonstompers want a reason why too.

I say we get frogy :) Then jumped.

I myself in my own USA home have been threatened four different times by MSS agents driving BMW's who made it clear as old cold war symbols go, that they will hurt me. I just keep going, as luckily each time I have a silver shadow.

First of all in that area they have my plates US Chicago Mint plates that went from Chicago to a food deliver to North Korea or a North Korean Alcohol shipment return, then from Italy to that area then Indonesian Communist kidnapped Italian Communist, which from the list I have would show they transferred US mint plates. Which is stupid as that ares is not influxed with US currency, that means it is a wash place for a bank. So again legally and properly if they are going to start killing Republican's which are anti communist advocates. We need to respond strongly with an iron fist for killing peaceful scholars.

and no my jumpy friends when I am out and about I do not twitter talk. I am very polite, unless it is a General who did not head my warning on Huwaei, and we meet at a bar and I am drunk. Then hes fucked and getting full bruntaly cognitional brow beatings

For my good folks fighting the good fight. Remember for US it is about Democracy the idea that we fight through scholarly articles and defense of those parties or societies that cause harm or wish for genocidal take over. For them it is about one sided Communist take all, so their youth have that cognition and will kill. It is not like how we where raised, that tomorrow is another day and another possible vote or mind that might read our papers. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

President Obama adminstration tasked to raise gas prices as per Chu and Locke's statements.





Dear Senator McCain, I need a job. ok and President Obama too. mmm monopoly war starter.

Dear Senator McCain,

I need a job. Currently I believe there is only 3.5 million job openings in the USA. In which, the majority will be taken by folks who have jobs already. As such, with about 13 million people unemployed. That means the US needs to create about 10 million more jobs. So that this country can get back on track. As to date I have lost my unemployment. Which I am fine with. As I was seeking a position at $15-18 an hour. Where now I will seek a position at minimum wage. Which is fine. As it means I am working to feel like a whole person. However, at the same time. I am not able to find a job making minimum wage. As the ratio of jobs to job seekers is very bad.

I would ask that the Republic look into the Issue of the current status of the USA GDP to Trade Ratio. Where it currently is around 35% of the US GDP is based on trade. While other countries like Russia, China, Canada, UK are around 75% of their GDP is based on trade. It is my belief that we are in stagnation. Where the US relies heavily on imports and service jobs. Which create little to no foreign treasury. In my mind I see this like a pond. Where more and more animals come to drink from our pond. Yet as a treasury influx, there is not more and more foreign treasury to replenish what is being drunk, from domestic needs and debt needs.

The idea is then to get the US out of stagflation. Which means we have to stop the bacteria ridden unemployment, and high level of low service jobs. The only way to do this is to look at the reality of the current US to Communist China or any other countries international economic leadership interactions. It is my current belief that Communist China has hundreds of percents of more interactions than the US does with developing countries. Where as the majority of US interactions is primarily just with the Communist Chinese and not really with a lot of other countries economic development leaders.

Dear Senator McCain,

I need a job.

Rider I

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My View on Criteria for Republican Running Mates.

During Senator McCain's run his criteria was based on finding a woman to make her the first vice president. Come to find out that the USA is not ready for that yet. As a lot of female voters say the same thing about their PMS cycles, and see all woman as they cycle. Which was a poll that was done. So that criteria did not work. Where as if he would have obtained Secretary Rice she would have taken on the votes of the US minorities and females, as she is seen, no offense to her, but cognitionally more like one of the guys. Where as the woman that was chosen is seen as very womanly even with her red neck tendencies.

So this next criteria in my mind that would best pick up voters from both sides should purely be based around the idea of international developmental trade and job expansion. The elder's are saying that Ryan should be the running mate. As he is young charismatic and they like his budgetary proposal as it fits their needs. However, Ryan's economic history of his congregation is not so well off. He may look good and and shine well. But when it comes down to numbers there are many more hard hitting Republicans out there that has a much better stronger economic job development history and area of congregation. Along with that a lot of elders not in the rich side, see him as very young still.

My criteria if I was running for president for my running mate. Would be based on the idea of economic development, and their area of sheparding and how they did economically. For example, a couple of Republicans have taken it out of their own way to go to countries to develop their areas, that are not part of the Communist Red lets allow the State Owned Enterprises of Communist China to destroy our free markets and free enterprises, Republican economic development. So my critiera as a Republican moderate, would be based on the best Republican with the hardest hitting economic development history and best area of surplus in the US. Where jobs are plentiful based on their leadership and ideas, and hardships are nill to none. Along with that I would make sure not to hire somebody who sympathizes with Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises. As Republicans are on the right side. Which means we like Kings, Queens, and we believe everyone should be allowed to have the chance to have their own kingdom by individual ownership. We do not like massive governments, statized things nor Communist Chines who we fought in three world wars.

In Conclusion, I hope the Republic sets a better criteria this time for their running mates. I see Gringrich as a possible win. However, he is seen as to soft during his time in the House Speaker. We need a hard nosed hitting Republican like Romney who can get our economy back on its feet and compete against the Communist Chinese world monopolies on development and markets.

Rider I
P.S. Food for thought:

The Communist Chinese Party had 400% times the amount of international meetings with economic leaders in the world than the US did. As the current President did not hire folks based on internationalism or development, but hired folks based on his need for his monopoly wars, being forced market shares to one industry. Which Romney could do for his surveillance industry. As surveillance is just as important as health care. However, he has to repeal it as his literal warriors and young guns, will eat him up if he entertains a monopoly war that leads us to communism. Therefore, he needs a Running mate who will be out every weekend speaking and becoming friends with economic leaders.

Currently I see Ryan as a red neck city heck, rural type (means red neck). Who has little to no international development hang outs with different cultures, imposing opposition beliefs on the Communist Chinese Parties monopolies of development. If Ryan wants a bigger role he needs to test out his area with his leadership and get on the big road in the sky and go around places. I do not think the Republic should hire another po dunk no international development strength economic bad arse, like the last big phermonal tittied I shoot guns girl. We need a well developed international traveler to lead the President of the Republic into great international development battles against the Communist Statized economy. I am looking to the International Republican Party committee. A specific hard noised middle age type fellar who has great economic legs. However, his popularity in mass macro might not be all that well as Ryan so between the two the shining I am so sexy star and the hard nosed middle aged worker, find a middle ground. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Employment For A Republican Bipartisan person as a Political Fair Share Alliance leader.

Dear Fair Share Alliance,

Today I see more and more politics going very extreme. Especially with all Unions in the USA funding only Democracy party members. My family is old Republican Unions. Who fought for the idea of fair labor with regards to international competition. Today, however, we see the worlds biggest slave drivers, as was during my families day, the Communist Party, which, as the Soviets tried to destroy Unions and labor rights and destroyed US jobs and housing markets. The Communist Chinese are destroying our jobs and labors. Where instead of free enterprises holding the majority of jobs and economy in the world. We see today the Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises holding the monopoly on a majority of industrial issues, everything from resources to production; US companies can't compete. This has lead to many bankruptcies in the US, as we saw in the green tech industry. While also leading many US business minded folks to be driven to Communist China. Where the Communist Chinese use their State Owned Enterprise monopolies, along with laws like the innovation laws that forces all companies to give over intellectual property to gain access to resources they need to produce. Furthermore, we see that the idea that the one percent is the problem is not necessarily true. As in my Republican mind, it is the Communist Chinese party much like it was the Soviets that are very intricately destroying our economy. So their SOE's can come here to own our economy, lands, houses and force us to pay rents and taxes to their foreign state ownership.

Today the Fair Share Alliance and OWS rights activist. Have a very bad reputation of being leaning heavy leftist. I believe with my views and family historical background I could help bring bipartisan issues to the board of directors. For example, it is my families views that helped stop the Soviets from destroying the USA Economy, by using Unions which used to be very bipartisan. However, today we see the Communist Chinese Party controlling the majority of US Unions by funding political leadership seats. Which as we have seen in the service industry. As they drive legislation that causes us to again and again go into a boom, bust cycle. Example being the savings and loans, .com and mortgage legislation. Which where all pushed by the Communist leader of the Service industrial Union who is heavily backed by a foreign party. That foreign party has written many books directing terrorist and fascist countries that believe in Communist mono leader monarchy style rule, to attack our economy. As such, I do not see the micro issue as the problem, as our 1%, so called, are our macro economic fighters. Who are being beaten down by a stronger way more oppressive entity than our elders; as our elders believe in Democracy.

As this is just a taste of my Republican thought process. I think, if I was brought on to help direct thoughts and cognition and proper legal plans to fight for jobs and fair economic competition. That I could really help out this country and even the world. Please review my resume. It was created for a paralegal position. However, with regards to politics, law and politics go hand and hand; it is all graphs, research, precedent, and issues. The only issue I have is that I will be trying to obtain my masters degree in economics. Primarily so I can fight against State Owned Enterprises destroying small mom and pop shops in international competition. Therefore, my schedule will be very filled this summer. However, my last time in school I worked 40-90 hours a week and went to night school. While the time before that stint in school I was politically active as a College Senator, and on the Speech and Debate team which took up a substantial amount of my time. Please review my resume and get back to me if I can earn some value to help stop the Economic Implosion of the US economy.

Thank you,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Counter plan to California Democratic parties idea to produce speed trains to centralize wealth to Democratic strong holds.

Dear Republican Party,
Currently in the State of California we have had a Democratic majority. Which since they have taken majority we have seen the economy slip into a major deficit. Where schools are in decline neighbors are becoming worse and worse off as taxes force business to other areas to produce jobs. While still the Democrats find no way to fix the economy but think of better ways to help their party strong holds become stronger. Today I have to think that the fast speed train that will be placed from San Francisco to Los Angles is just a plow to bring the two areas closer to help them drive out conservatives from the two major areas. Thus, I would wonder, why do we not use those funds to update our dams with front side and behind side knot generators. They are very easy to install. This installations which is already owned by the state power grids. Could produce enough energy to meet our new and future existing power grids needs. Then we could easily take the production of value from that state facility and then send it to the school Educational Deficit. Which is currently the exact amount that the California Deficit is. Then thus if we used that strategy instead of a faster train that would really do nothing but cause more stagnation in California and just enrich the two major Democratic strong holds. As more and more funds are directed to San Franscisco a very Democratic strong hold and Los Angeles. Instead of spreading it out among the areas of all controls. I believe my counter plan better spends the people's money of California. 
rough draft hot fingered. 

Issue: Not to mention that our next war will be an electromagnetic and brain manipulation war and these trains are very vulnerable in our supply chains if they stop the tracks. 

1. Counter plan provides for:
   A. future energy needs. 
   B. School Deficit
   C. Deficit gone lowers taxes
   D. Taxes gone lowers production rate
    E. Production rate lower more jobs. 
   F. More jobs better state. 

2. Speed train provides for:
   A. Democratic strong hold to stronghold. 
   B. Thus destroying Democracy as funds are centralized to the main to cities.
   C. Therefore, forcing more folks to work in cities. 
   D. Thus creating more civil sector problems. 
   E. More civil sector problems cause more crime, drugs, and foreign espionage. 
   F. Thus more issues causing need of more taxes. 

I think the speed train fails and I think my one knot generator infrastructure project is a better go first with. 

If we are going to upgrade our infrastructure. I think we should do something that takes care of a current massive problem, being schools and energy crises needs, not Democratic stronghold funds and centralization to cell block style living in cities. 

I win with benefits and detriments are against my oppositions plan. 

Rider I
I do not like living in rats and future infrastructure building that creates more rat cage style living I think should come after our most precious needs our children. 

The Democratic Party know wishes to place its personal parties desire and wish to help Communist China out who stole the tech from Japan out, instead of worrying out our most precious infrastructure our children. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Letter to the Grand Lodge of India

Dear India Mason's.

I am requesting that the Mason's halls all over the world provide one quarter each in US dollars for a non profit. Which will be directed just like non profits where directed at the Communist Soviets terrorism and economic warfare for world one party system dominance. As such, if each brother and sister of the Mason's halls where to give one quarter in US dollars. I would be able to afford an institution that could daily direct attention to Communist Chinese terrorist proxy parties through out the world. Much like we saw during the cold war. Where thousands of Soviet terrorist proxy groups sprang up with the help of the Soviets. So the Russian Communist Party could dominate and take over the world like we saw in the Balkans. My program would be similar to many cold war non profits that directed attention to Communist Soviets. Where as today however, the world seems to see the Communist Chinese economy and State Owned Enterprise as a miracle. I see them as Nazi Germany State Owned Enterprises, and Soviet world dominance State Owned Enterprises. One quarter per each brother and sister is not that much to ask. However, if all of us where to pitch in to stop such enrichment of terrorist groups that wish to destroy their opposition political groups instead of debate peacefully like Democracy seeks. Then we could see the end to the last fascist terrorist holding country in the world. Which would lead to the end of the North Korean DMZ, like we saw when the Soviets collapsed in Germany with Berlin. Along with many years of peace if the Communist fascist world dominance party is taken from any strong hold. We would no longer see any terrorist actions to use mono party world dominant or even country dominance as peaceful debate would insure. Today we did not stop the Soviets or Nazi's one world dominance by sitting around and not recognizing the root of all terrorism. During Nazi German all terrorist came from roots from their country. During the Cold War with the Soviets all roots came from the Russians. Today we can trace every single terrorist group from India, Pakistan, Philippines, Al Queada, all the way back to Communist China's UN and political fascist mono cultural protection.

I currently run the worlds biggest collection website on Communist China,. Much like my grandfather ran the worlds biggest multicultural living room against the Soviets. I seek the need for enrichment to pursue my studies. Which if everyone was to give one quarter in the multicultural Democracy institute of the Mason's, I would have enough to fund an institute with the world's cultures directed against Communist terrorism, which was what Hitler did, Stalin did, Mao did and no the CCP does. 

Rider I
Please respond. I have read that India's Communist Chinese party chief who has been seen gaining help from the Communist Chinese wishes to destroy India's Democracy for all tribal systems to debate peacefully to implement a Soviet Balkan's style Satellite rule for the international Communist Party. I would hope to hear from you soon. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Five Supreme Court Justices Put Our Health Care On The Line

My Rebuttal to the above entitled en tidal wave statements.

Health care crisis. will be solved by forcing everybody into the health care system to pay for the worlds worst unregulated industry. I agree with some of the regulations which government can do. However, forcing everybody into a bad industry will not fix a horrible unregulated industry. It would be better to create usury laws where a three hour procedure does not cost 3 million dollars or a finger being sewn on that takes ten minutes costing $10,000. The idea is the precedent being set. It is not just the idea of this industry. You have to see it as a law and not an industry. If the law states that one can force everyone into this industry as the President thinks it is necessary for everyone. Then what about surveillance which Romeny owns a huge portion in while President Obama owns a huge portion in Insurance Health Care. As the US has the worlds worst crime problem way worse than the health care problem. Would it not be the same precedent that we could force everyone into the survelliance industry by forcing to pay for cameras at every second of our lives? The idea is the precedent. Remove the industry and see the law being set. The government is not allowed to force monopolized industries. As guess what if we do we end up like Soviet Union where everyone stands in line for forced food industry that you pay labor to get then everyone lives in shacks as forced housing which everyone pays for forces us to not compete to be better or healthier as a system. The epidemic of 60 million not having health insurance is plainly because they do not go and get it or the part I do believe in which is the regulation against discrimination which is already a civil acts law against disability discrimination. However, for the other part the forced industry, its a failure, a system that costs us this much is not going to change because everyone is paying into it. As those not getting the insurance are the ones who cant afford to pay for it. So you do not solve for your financial problem. As those who have not cant pay for it so the government will still be paying for it and those that can afford it will have it. The idea is stop usury laws. This law does not do that, the discrimination part should be upheld but forced surveillance, health, food, housing nooo. It makes me want to scream really German Socialist Hitler did the same thing with a forced monopolized industry that major Socialist owned so his party could destroy the Democracy. Soviet Union forced everybody into monopolized industries of everything. A better solution in a Democracy free system is regulation of a very horrible industry. Why the US pays 17% of is GDP into the system when insurance companies take home billions per company,. and insurance sales folks make millions while doctors who basically read a book like an attorney make 1000 times what attorneys make even though they are just prescribing things.

Rider I
P.S. and if you think for one second the Republic will not go like the Democrats did for four or five Presidents to force monopolized health insurance with forced surveillance as a Republican who believes in pure family values sorry brothers and sisters that law allows us to force monopolies for security reasons, imagine the Patriot act on steroids that is what the health insurance mandate precedent does. I mean if we are going whose going to be bigger Nazi here Democrats forced monopolized health industry which will enrich them way surpassed the Republic thus allowing for Hitler style Das Capital mono party take over, Republic has no choice but to counter enrich to stay alive. Democratic nazi's. These Chinese Communist Nazi's who hate the US are going to be everywhere and I know some of them are going to try and start some terrorist organizations like the Soviets did. So when something goes boom and we pin point from the right to the left :) Communist Chinese terrorist, we will need cameras everywhere as there are to many to watch by i. The CCP and its bird flu and pig swine epidemic to enrich the one sided politics in the US to destroy balanced Democracy. mmmm Then of course the Communist Chinese will not give up in their pursuit to destroy us like the Soviets. So they will use brain manipulation almost to the point of invisible leaders, so we will need to force monopolized brain tech industries so the people are secure in their minds away from mental wave viruses. So lets play Nazi, I prefer not too as I am  a Republican but hell we monopolizing things. 

So if both sides of the Supreme Court do not block the forced mandate or forced Hitler style Das Capital monopolized industry when it does not solve for its root issue. which is 60 million do not have it yet they can't afford it, insurance companies make billions Doctors millions and usury regulations are horrible. So if we play monopolies the Republic as a religious institution we have folks ready to go monopoly to monopoly as we learned from the German Socialist if one party gets to monopolize an industry their people have substantial enrichment in we have to counter. So lets not play this game of who's bigger Nazi as I like freedom. 

The US believes in Democracy not in fascism nor Communism. The US has fought a civil war against fascist communism which was enslavement via genomic natural mono industrial culture of best fit for Das Capital laws, as per skin being better suited for more time in radiation. We also fought wars against the German socialist who did what the Democrats are trying to do now which is force a monopolized industry of control to destroy opposition via treasury. We also fought a war against the Soviets, who forced monopolized everything for everything to buy into. I wish and hope and pray we do not go who is more monopolized in the party treasury systems. However, the Republic will not stand down as per Democratic high level enrichment of the industry to one side. 

Texas and Alabama are working on forced monopolized surveillance right now as soon as the precedent of mandate for necessary need is set. It will pass. 

My Letter to the heritage foundation seeking help with my studies.

 Dear Heritage foundation,

Today I see in the world the same thing I have read about during the cold war. Where the Soviet Union had 75% State Owned Enterprises controlling their economy. While less than 25% of their economy was free markets and a show case. Where the single party fascist system still controlled the free enterprises with in house political secretaries and massive centralized propaganda units. I have found personally that the Communist Chinese are doing the same exact thing that the German Socialist did and the Soviets. The German Socialists first used their massive SOE systems to spread out in Europe so they could control politics and espionage. Then after the SOE's had spread out far enough for Hitler, they moved the German military towards its objectives. While the prior statement about the Soviets showcase, shows that the Communist Chinese are still using Das Capital, Marxist's economic warfare manual on how one party could destroy the worlds free Democracy systems and implement a single mono culture control. 

As such, I have created the worlds biggest open collection source on the Communist Chinese. Currently it is very unprofessional and very untidy. Mainly as value towards my cite is nill to none. Therefore, as I do love school. I am searching for some way to help me climb the ladder so I can become a specific cognitional defense unit against the Communist Chinese massive propaganda unit. Much like the John Birch was directed directly at the Soviets. However, today we do not see that many institutions directly directed at the Communist Chinese that are not sympathizing with their so called miracle economy (which any free market modelist can tell you is just a fascist model system). So the idea is that I am a staunchly opposed to such free reign on the Communist Chinese trillion dollar propaganda machine that is purely pro Communist Chinese and has no sympathy for free market models. Once a while ago, the US had specific scholarships for young students who wishes to direct their education and future against the Soviets. Today however, I find there is no such program or scholarship entity in the US. 

I believe that reopening such anti fascist economic model incentives for leaders in the area of Communist Chinese propaganda defense. Is. The best thing for this country. Again as I am the current public open source leader in such intelligence. I would hope that if this idea is found to be a good idea, that I would be accepted for application for help in furthering my college education. Currently, my resume as attached is stellar. When it comes to academia I excel. Along with that I have many years in debate speech and presentation of research and ideas, in a very heated competitive debate system. Please help me, the genocided Chinese Democracy people, the Genocided Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Russians, Balkans, Cambodians, Iranians and many African nations in fighting against fascist economic models that reinforce racism and one sided hate politics. 

There is no scholarship for oppressed scholars like myself who are fighting daily and reading and writing against fascist economic models like Communist China's. 

Rider I