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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Counter plan to California Democratic parties idea to produce speed trains to centralize wealth to Democratic strong holds.

Dear Republican Party,
Currently in the State of California we have had a Democratic majority. Which since they have taken majority we have seen the economy slip into a major deficit. Where schools are in decline neighbors are becoming worse and worse off as taxes force business to other areas to produce jobs. While still the Democrats find no way to fix the economy but think of better ways to help their party strong holds become stronger. Today I have to think that the fast speed train that will be placed from San Francisco to Los Angles is just a plow to bring the two areas closer to help them drive out conservatives from the two major areas. Thus, I would wonder, why do we not use those funds to update our dams with front side and behind side knot generators. They are very easy to install. This installations which is already owned by the state power grids. Could produce enough energy to meet our new and future existing power grids needs. Then we could easily take the production of value from that state facility and then send it to the school Educational Deficit. Which is currently the exact amount that the California Deficit is. Then thus if we used that strategy instead of a faster train that would really do nothing but cause more stagnation in California and just enrich the two major Democratic strong holds. As more and more funds are directed to San Franscisco a very Democratic strong hold and Los Angeles. Instead of spreading it out among the areas of all controls. I believe my counter plan better spends the people's money of California. 
rough draft hot fingered. 

Issue: Not to mention that our next war will be an electromagnetic and brain manipulation war and these trains are very vulnerable in our supply chains if they stop the tracks. 

1. Counter plan provides for:
   A. future energy needs. 
   B. School Deficit
   C. Deficit gone lowers taxes
   D. Taxes gone lowers production rate
    E. Production rate lower more jobs. 
   F. More jobs better state. 

2. Speed train provides for:
   A. Democratic strong hold to stronghold. 
   B. Thus destroying Democracy as funds are centralized to the main to cities.
   C. Therefore, forcing more folks to work in cities. 
   D. Thus creating more civil sector problems. 
   E. More civil sector problems cause more crime, drugs, and foreign espionage. 
   F. Thus more issues causing need of more taxes. 

I think the speed train fails and I think my one knot generator infrastructure project is a better go first with. 

If we are going to upgrade our infrastructure. I think we should do something that takes care of a current massive problem, being schools and energy crises needs, not Democratic stronghold funds and centralization to cell block style living in cities. 

I win with benefits and detriments are against my oppositions plan. 

Rider I
I do not like living in rats and future infrastructure building that creates more rat cage style living I think should come after our most precious needs our children. 

The Democratic Party know wishes to place its personal parties desire and wish to help Communist China out who stole the tech from Japan out, instead of worrying out our most precious infrastructure our children. 

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