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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Request for Cultural Endowment from the John Birch Society.

Dear John Birch Society,

Today I find it almost impossible to find a job, or gain enrichment because of my culture. I believe in the culture of the cold war. Which was a world where, Democracy and free markets where Unionized against the mono cultural fascist centralized economic world. Where the UN did not allow critters like the Communist Chinese into its ranks, as they where fighting against them. Today, however, we see as my anti communist culture has almost but died and is funded almost no where. We see things like Indiana Governor a Republican allowing in Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOE) that help fund Hamaz, Al Queada and pretty much every terrorist that we have fought against. As the SOE, is centrally controlled by a board known as the SASAC. Which is pro-dominated by the PLA and MSS, both military institutions of the Communist Party.

Therefore, today I see no programs as we had for the cold war. Where specific scholars where enriched just to study professionally against the Soviets. Where as today we would need scholars to specifically study openly directly against the Communist Chinese. There have been a few groups that have sprung up. However, a cultural endowment specifically set up to stop the expansion of the Communist Chinese Party State Owned Enterprises has not been set up. The reason why this is needed is much similar to what we saw the German Socialist do. Where they had a mono socialist state that they enriched by collapsing the US stock market and centralizing major pockets of world trade to their State Owned Enterprise. Which they where then able to spread across Europe to help them create espionage and guerrilla enriched illegal gangs. Today, we see the same thing happening with Communist China. We can also go with the Soviet strategy that the Soviets wanted to centralize the worlds resources to them. So they could control the worlds root economic needs. Therefore, controlling the worlds economics and enrichment grids. Thus allowing them to slowly enrich the world as the German Socialist did.

I think that a cultural endowment fund for anti communist would be very necessary. As today, folks believe that anti communist are against Unions. Which is completely wrong. Abraham Lincoln created the labor Unions and Military Unions to fight against the Southern Democrats who believed strongly in Marxist and Engels genomic Communism. While during the German Socialist era, the Republicans used USA Republican Labor Unions to fight against centralization of the worlds resources and trade to the German Socialist. Then during the cold war, the Republic used labor unions across the Balkans to stop the Soviets from being able to literally take over the world via economic warfare of state owned enterprises and centralized fascist control of political parties.

Today, I am requesting an issue of cultural endowment. That will specifically help to fund scholars like myself go through school and obtain mutiple degrees. So as to enrich them in the world. Therefore, allowing the world to have a better spread of knowledge and presentation of views of the anti communist world against the Communist Chinese. Which is currently using their military and espionage to re enrich communist fascist grids the Soviets had during the cold war. To try and retake the world in a German Socialist SOE spread then military movement. However, the Communist Chinese much like the Soviets knew they had to move very spread out and take a long time to get their SOE's out and about. So they could then easily take over the world for a centralized party system controlled by them.

Please let me know if I can be the first student to be enriched by a cultural endowment funds for anti communist scholars.

Rider I

off hand first rough draft raw thoughts.

(John Birch Society Seeking Cultural Endowment for Anti Communist Culture. (n know my marxist fascist, I am part of a labor union family, as Republicasn created Unions to fight the marxist, Democratic South enslaving the Africans via Marxist Engels genomics, Republican Unions voting to get into the war with the German Socialist, and the Republican international Labor Unions fighting the Soviets)

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