Health care crisis. will be solved by forcing everybody into the health care system to pay for the worlds worst unregulated industry. I agree with some of the regulations which government can do. However, forcing everybody into a bad industry will not fix a horrible unregulated industry. It would be better to create usury laws where a three hour procedure does not cost 3 million dollars or a finger being sewn on that takes ten minutes costing $10,000. The idea is the precedent being set. It is not just the idea of this industry. You have to see it as a law and not an industry. If the law states that one can force everyone into this industry as the President thinks it is necessary for everyone. Then what about surveillance which Romeny owns a huge portion in while President Obama owns a huge portion in Insurance Health Care. As the US has the worlds worst crime problem way worse than the health care problem. Would it not be the same precedent that we could force everyone into the survelliance industry by forcing to pay for cameras at every second of our lives? The idea is the precedent. Remove the industry and see the law being set. The government is not allowed to force monopolized industries. As guess what if we do we end up like Soviet Union where everyone stands in line for forced food industry that you pay labor to get then everyone lives in shacks as forced housing which everyone pays for forces us to not compete to be better or healthier as a system. The epidemic of 60 million not having health insurance is plainly because they do not go and get it or the part I do believe in which is the regulation against discrimination which is already a civil acts law against disability discrimination. However, for the other part the forced industry, its a failure, a system that costs us this much is not going to change because everyone is paying into it. As those not getting the insurance are the ones who cant afford to pay for it. So you do not solve for your financial problem. As those who have not cant pay for it so the government will still be paying for it and those that can afford it will have it. The idea is stop usury laws. This law does not do that, the discrimination part should be upheld but forced surveillance, health, food, housing nooo. It makes me want to scream really German Socialist Hitler did the same thing with a forced monopolized industry that major Socialist owned so his party could destroy the Democracy. Soviet Union forced everybody into monopolized industries of everything. A better solution in a Democracy free system is regulation of a very horrible industry. Why the US pays 17% of is GDP into the system when insurance companies take home billions per company,. and insurance sales folks make millions while doctors who basically read a book like an attorney make 1000 times what attorneys make even though they are just prescribing things.
Rider I
P.S. and if you think for one second the Republic will not go like the Democrats did for four or five Presidents to force monopolized health insurance with forced surveillance as a Republican who believes in pure family values sorry brothers and sisters that law allows us to force monopolies for security reasons, imagine the Patriot act on steroids that is what the health insurance mandate precedent does. I mean if we are going whose going to be bigger Nazi here Democrats forced monopolized health industry which will enrich them way surpassed the Republic thus allowing for Hitler style Das Capital mono party take over, Republic has no choice but to counter enrich to stay alive. Democratic nazi's. These Chinese Communist Nazi's who hate the US are going to be everywhere and I know some of them are going to try and start some terrorist organizations like the Soviets did. So when something goes boom and we pin point from the right to the left :) Communist Chinese terrorist, we will need cameras everywhere as there are to many to watch by i. The CCP and its bird flu and pig swine epidemic to enrich the one sided politics in the US to destroy balanced Democracy. mmmm Then of course the Communist Chinese will not give up in their pursuit to destroy us like the Soviets. So they will use brain manipulation almost to the point of invisible leaders, so we will need to force monopolized brain tech industries so the people are secure in their minds away from mental wave viruses. So lets play Nazi, I prefer not too as I am a Republican but hell we monopolizing things.
So if both sides of the Supreme Court do not block the forced mandate or forced Hitler style Das Capital monopolized industry when it does not solve for its root issue. which is 60 million do not have it yet they can't afford it, insurance companies make billions Doctors millions and usury regulations are horrible. So if we play monopolies the Republic as a religious institution we have folks ready to go monopoly to monopoly as we learned from the German Socialist if one party gets to monopolize an industry their people have substantial enrichment in we have to counter. So lets not play this game of who's bigger Nazi as I like freedom.
The US believes in Democracy not in fascism nor Communism. The US has fought a civil war against fascist communism which was enslavement via genomic natural mono industrial culture of best fit for Das Capital laws, as per skin being better suited for more time in radiation. We also fought wars against the German socialist who did what the Democrats are trying to do now which is force a monopolized industry of control to destroy opposition via treasury. We also fought a war against the Soviets, who forced monopolized everything for everything to buy into. I wish and hope and pray we do not go who is more monopolized in the party treasury systems. However, the Republic will not stand down as per Democratic high level enrichment of the industry to one side.
Texas and Alabama are working on forced monopolized surveillance right now as soon as the precedent of mandate for necessary need is set. It will pass.
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