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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My View on Criteria for Republican Running Mates.

During Senator McCain's run his criteria was based on finding a woman to make her the first vice president. Come to find out that the USA is not ready for that yet. As a lot of female voters say the same thing about their PMS cycles, and see all woman as they cycle. Which was a poll that was done. So that criteria did not work. Where as if he would have obtained Secretary Rice she would have taken on the votes of the US minorities and females, as she is seen, no offense to her, but cognitionally more like one of the guys. Where as the woman that was chosen is seen as very womanly even with her red neck tendencies.

So this next criteria in my mind that would best pick up voters from both sides should purely be based around the idea of international developmental trade and job expansion. The elder's are saying that Ryan should be the running mate. As he is young charismatic and they like his budgetary proposal as it fits their needs. However, Ryan's economic history of his congregation is not so well off. He may look good and and shine well. But when it comes down to numbers there are many more hard hitting Republicans out there that has a much better stronger economic job development history and area of congregation. Along with that a lot of elders not in the rich side, see him as very young still.

My criteria if I was running for president for my running mate. Would be based on the idea of economic development, and their area of sheparding and how they did economically. For example, a couple of Republicans have taken it out of their own way to go to countries to develop their areas, that are not part of the Communist Red lets allow the State Owned Enterprises of Communist China to destroy our free markets and free enterprises, Republican economic development. So my critiera as a Republican moderate, would be based on the best Republican with the hardest hitting economic development history and best area of surplus in the US. Where jobs are plentiful based on their leadership and ideas, and hardships are nill to none. Along with that I would make sure not to hire somebody who sympathizes with Communist Chinese State Owned Enterprises. As Republicans are on the right side. Which means we like Kings, Queens, and we believe everyone should be allowed to have the chance to have their own kingdom by individual ownership. We do not like massive governments, statized things nor Communist Chines who we fought in three world wars.

In Conclusion, I hope the Republic sets a better criteria this time for their running mates. I see Gringrich as a possible win. However, he is seen as to soft during his time in the House Speaker. We need a hard nosed hitting Republican like Romney who can get our economy back on its feet and compete against the Communist Chinese world monopolies on development and markets.

Rider I
P.S. Food for thought:

The Communist Chinese Party had 400% times the amount of international meetings with economic leaders in the world than the US did. As the current President did not hire folks based on internationalism or development, but hired folks based on his need for his monopoly wars, being forced market shares to one industry. Which Romney could do for his surveillance industry. As surveillance is just as important as health care. However, he has to repeal it as his literal warriors and young guns, will eat him up if he entertains a monopoly war that leads us to communism. Therefore, he needs a Running mate who will be out every weekend speaking and becoming friends with economic leaders.

Currently I see Ryan as a red neck city heck, rural type (means red neck). Who has little to no international development hang outs with different cultures, imposing opposition beliefs on the Communist Chinese Parties monopolies of development. If Ryan wants a bigger role he needs to test out his area with his leadership and get on the big road in the sky and go around places. I do not think the Republic should hire another po dunk no international development strength economic bad arse, like the last big phermonal tittied I shoot guns girl. We need a well developed international traveler to lead the President of the Republic into great international development battles against the Communist Statized economy. I am looking to the International Republican Party committee. A specific hard noised middle age type fellar who has great economic legs. However, his popularity in mass macro might not be all that well as Ryan so between the two the shining I am so sexy star and the hard nosed middle aged worker, find a middle ground. 

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