This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. Along with the defense of polemic expression for purpose of creating a dominate point of argumentation.

"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Letter to the Grand Lodge of India

Dear India Mason's.

I am requesting that the Mason's halls all over the world provide one quarter each in US dollars for a non profit. Which will be directed just like non profits where directed at the Communist Soviets terrorism and economic warfare for world one party system dominance. As such, if each brother and sister of the Mason's halls where to give one quarter in US dollars. I would be able to afford an institution that could daily direct attention to Communist Chinese terrorist proxy parties through out the world. Much like we saw during the cold war. Where thousands of Soviet terrorist proxy groups sprang up with the help of the Soviets. So the Russian Communist Party could dominate and take over the world like we saw in the Balkans. My program would be similar to many cold war non profits that directed attention to Communist Soviets. Where as today however, the world seems to see the Communist Chinese economy and State Owned Enterprise as a miracle. I see them as Nazi Germany State Owned Enterprises, and Soviet world dominance State Owned Enterprises. One quarter per each brother and sister is not that much to ask. However, if all of us where to pitch in to stop such enrichment of terrorist groups that wish to destroy their opposition political groups instead of debate peacefully like Democracy seeks. Then we could see the end to the last fascist terrorist holding country in the world. Which would lead to the end of the North Korean DMZ, like we saw when the Soviets collapsed in Germany with Berlin. Along with many years of peace if the Communist fascist world dominance party is taken from any strong hold. We would no longer see any terrorist actions to use mono party world dominant or even country dominance as peaceful debate would insure. Today we did not stop the Soviets or Nazi's one world dominance by sitting around and not recognizing the root of all terrorism. During Nazi German all terrorist came from roots from their country. During the Cold War with the Soviets all roots came from the Russians. Today we can trace every single terrorist group from India, Pakistan, Philippines, Al Queada, all the way back to Communist China's UN and political fascist mono cultural protection.

I currently run the worlds biggest collection website on Communist China,. Much like my grandfather ran the worlds biggest multicultural living room against the Soviets. I seek the need for enrichment to pursue my studies. Which if everyone was to give one quarter in the multicultural Democracy institute of the Mason's, I would have enough to fund an institute with the world's cultures directed against Communist terrorism, which was what Hitler did, Stalin did, Mao did and no the CCP does. 

Rider I
Please respond. I have read that India's Communist Chinese party chief who has been seen gaining help from the Communist Chinese wishes to destroy India's Democracy for all tribal systems to debate peacefully to implement a Soviet Balkan's style Satellite rule for the international Communist Party. I would hope to hear from you soon. 

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