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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rest in Peace Melody Delamansi an anti Fascist anti Genocidal Martyr

Melody Delamansi

Rider I

Too all those anti communist advocates fighting their genocidal fascist mono governance ways. Always remember they will kill us. We fight with Democracy but they will genocide us like Russia, China, Germany, and all other areas that the Socialist genocidal Communist have taken over.

I myself personally would like to see a massive retaliation for her life as she was a very peaceful cognitional scholar. So if any moonstompers want a reason why too.

I say we get frogy :) Then jumped.

I myself in my own USA home have been threatened four different times by MSS agents driving BMW's who made it clear as old cold war symbols go, that they will hurt me. I just keep going, as luckily each time I have a silver shadow.

First of all in that area they have my plates US Chicago Mint plates that went from Chicago to a food deliver to North Korea or a North Korean Alcohol shipment return, then from Italy to that area then Indonesian Communist kidnapped Italian Communist, which from the list I have would show they transferred US mint plates. Which is stupid as that ares is not influxed with US currency, that means it is a wash place for a bank. So again legally and properly if they are going to start killing Republican's which are anti communist advocates. We need to respond strongly with an iron fist for killing peaceful scholars.

and no my jumpy friends when I am out and about I do not twitter talk. I am very polite, unless it is a General who did not head my warning on Huwaei, and we meet at a bar and I am drunk. Then hes fucked and getting full bruntaly cognitional brow beatings

For my good folks fighting the good fight. Remember for US it is about Democracy the idea that we fight through scholarly articles and defense of those parties or societies that cause harm or wish for genocidal take over. For them it is about one sided Communist take all, so their youth have that cognition and will kill. It is not like how we where raised, that tomorrow is another day and another possible vote or mind that might read our papers. 

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