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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Strategy to Counter Communist Chinese fascist genocidal party enrichment.

Dear USA Citizens and World Democracy Advocates,

Today we see a major push for Communist Marxist across the world. From Latin America where a communist pimp induced our secret service to pay for some stinky whole. All the way to Indonesia where we see Indonesian Communist meeting with Italian Communist via secret kidnapping meetings. In further we see the Philippines Maoist working with Muslims to fight against Democracy and free markets. To boot if we check the areas in which they are gaining sustenance we can see international Communist Players especially the Communist Chinese parties rich. Who these days seventy seven of their leaders are richer than all of our political leaders combined that are holding seats.

The idea is that the Communist threat is bigger than ever. Therefore we need to retrack our old wheel in fighting against them. As they are the next big terrorist threat. Especially as Communist Chinese nazi elitist rich kids start to spread out across the world. We will see small groups of bandits terrorist and gangs popping up that will become very Communist. This was the same thing we saw when the Soviets had entered high years of their domestic centralized enslavement to State Owned Enteprises. Where their Russian rich party members where going to Latin America Indonesia India and other places enriching extremsit leftist to destroy Democracy. As such we need to learn from the past. The idea is that if we do not do something while they are enriching these pockets of fascist terrorist and guerillas we could possible see another Vietnam or North Korea. Therefore we need to stay on the up and up. We need to see each area of fascist mono cultural terrorist Maoist as a very serious threat to world Democracy. This means we need to nip power enrichments in the bud before they grow to a tree. As during the two major world wars against the Communist Party we did not stop them when they where rooting into North Vietnam and North Korea.

The solution I propose is a study of these issues. Creating pin point historical applications to each Soviet Communist Party enrichment and how they did it. Everything from using Communist banking systems to enrich communist owned business that are funding terrorist and guerrillas all the way to basically using communist disciplinary members to use high tech warfare as the Soviets did to brain manipulate control or even use biogenics. This report should be the analogy that helps drive home the ability to research and track enrichment of Maoist terrorist who wish for mono cultural genocide of all other political parties for their one international party the Communist Chinese.

Then the idea would be to apply traps counter enrichment strategies and complete eradication of those enrichment process that have reached a very unstable level.

Rider I

1 comment:

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