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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

After two cups of whiskey I sent this to try and get employment.


Currently the US is in a major deficit. Along with that the US is in a major inability to compete with the Communist Chinese in economy or international development contracts. It is in my belief this is because of the US's inability to produce production minerals for its companies. Which the Communist Chinese have set up policies to force international companies to set up head quarters in their country. Which is done primarily because of their monopoly on production minerals. Then once there the Communist Chinese have legalies that force the companies to give up all of their business strategies and other Intellectual Property to do business there. If you are truly a US patriotic force that wishes to earn funds while working for the US patriotic viewpoint. I think you would look into DOD legislation along with Mining Association legislation that is trying to get more mines opened in the US. 

My strategic plan is simple. The US has one of the worlds biggest production mineral re reserves. We do not even have enough production minerals hear to open up smelting firms for production. The current Presidential Administration did open up two rare earth mines in the US. Along with North Dakota just bullying through regulations to go to a mining boom. However, the US needs substantially more to get to where it needs to be. In my plan the US opens up 3 mines per state. With new middle class families. Which brings new rich blood to fight in the macro policy against the Communist Chinese expansion. These mines are small plot mines small tonnage permits. Just 66 million for each plot. Then we can export these minerals along with bringing back our military and security sector manufacturing. As our current high technological missile parts and other equipment are being built by the worlds worst cyber terrorist state and terrorism protector Communist China. These 180 mines spread across the states. Would do like what we saw during the 70's where the US was in a mineral boom. The mines could create an 8 trillion dollar a year surplus in the US. Which in as few as 4 years could have the US out of the current deficit with no cuts to our military or national security spending. 

My suggestion would be to do a complete root economic warfare brief on the matter of how the US's abandoned mines and depleted minerals has starved the US economy. Along these lines it is my belief one of the key elements to why the first President Obama Administration stimulus did not work. Was because as many books have pointed out. US companies where getting our stimulus money building here. Then getting better contracts after taking millions in US stimulus to go to Communist China to produce. Mainly because they could not get the minerals they needed in the US. This was because of Commerce Secretary Locke, and Technological Secretary Chu along with the Contract Secretary not listening to their business when they told them they need to open mines or they would have to leave the US. Along with that how Communist China got the specifics on what companies gained stimulus from the US. When the public could not get it is still an amazing point. However, all three players in the area are Han Chinese with major ties to the Communist Chinese and their State Owned Enterprises. 

If you wish to save this country my suggestion is you get somebody to pay for my lobbying idea of 3 mines per state 66 million a pot. That strategy will save the US. Along with that I am unemployed and looking for a job if this idea intrigues you. Please help me by leading me in career employment to do research and present on this matter. If a resume is necessary just please let me know. 

Rider I
This has been done after two cups of whiskey and this is a write with no editing. Thank you. 

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