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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Three Republican Candidates that wish to destroy the US Economically.

Dr. Herman Cain
   Is a small business man who has made it big. His values are not based on political science or even real life major city or country building or macro control. In which a President needs. His lack of macro abilities is shown by the idea of a flat tax. Which in a vacuum is a great idea. However, this is not a SIM's game and is not a vacuum. This is real life. This is his first I believe, time trying to run for President and seeing the Issues that he needs to master. This is shown by a reality in which he wishes to start a tax program that will destroy the majority of US taxes and ability to push for private sector intelligence groups. As Non profits will look less of as a place to place taxes if his tax plan goes through. This means a couple things. First of all the US loses a major portion of its taxes. Along with that the US loses a major portion of its Non Profit donations. As taxes are lowered from the rich and less rich give back. As they would rather hold onto it. This then leads to major catastrophic areas of economic implosion.

Dr. Herman Cain's economic implosion on the US will do major things. Mainly things like stopping Non Profits that lobby against foreign espionage units. In which lobby very heavily to destroy the US via econ implosion. Thus this plan makes Dr. Cain look like a Communist sympathizer as his tax plan would destroy our intelligence private sector defense against foreign espionage econ implosion agents. Along these lines will see the drop in tax rate will destroy government intelligence agencies with less funding. While having the major drop in funding for private intelligence agencies of Non Profits. As the main draw of a Non Profit is that fact that the rich can directly control their tax output to the country. So if u make them pay less taxes. The Non Profits get less funding. This then leads to the detriment of econ implosion via no i defense.

Dr. Michelle Bachmann
My main issue with Dr. Bachmann is her inability to discern the differences from free market capitalism to Communism. In her mind she thinks that Communist China is a thriving capitalist market. However, she did not define capitalism. What Communist China is is a pure communist market. Or probable from the aid she chose to brief her on the matter. What is known as state capitalism. Like the Problem I had with Sarah Palin. State Capitalism comes from major State Owned Enterprises controlling the funds and political ideas. Which takes away from the core principle of the Republic. Which is civil rights fighting through individual ownership of property and business. Her beliefs expressed in view points shows she is enable to deal with one of our major enemy countries in political governance and economics, along with terrorism. Communist China and the ability of the Leader of the Free World to know them inside and out is a primary concern to all i's. As the CCP has funded terrorist to attack us, uses major SOE's to destroy our citizens free enterprises, and bullies its neighbors with their state capitalism, or in reality what is known as Communism. In my mind Dr. Bachmann has placed herself in the same boat as Dr. Palin. As Dr. Palin comes from the US's biggest Communist run governance state which is Alaska. As it was created to be that way to stop the Soviet Union from invading. Therefore, with her lack of draw on every moment with regards to Communist China. I see her as a possible economic warfare implosion threat. This is because if she sees state capitalism as something that is ok. Then first of all she is not a Republican. Second of all the US will keep losing out in economics. As freedom and liberty which is grounded in ownership of property and business for their own individual beliefs, will be lost int he long run of her policies towards Communist China.

Dr. Huntsman
I am not even going to speak on the matter. Way to Close to our biggest enemy to be President. Way to close.

Dr. Perry 
Is himself more likely than not an anarchist Communist. He wishes to destroy major US government agencies that protect us from foreign invasion of economics. While then wishing to further erode our constitutional beliefs by making serious amendments to the constitution. Which means first of all he is not a Republican. As conservatives darn well do not wish to trash the constitution. While any macro conservative can tell you we need major central governments to stop foreign major whole countries SOE's from destroying our country. The idea we destroy the Federal Bank or the Commerce department is like destroying the Western heritage of Democracy, liberty and freedom. As we are the center and those institutions bind not only the US, but major other allies together against enslavement and Communist anarcho type political single mono culture powers. This man alone if he became President, would push to destroy the US based on his own anarcho ideas. While not giving a whoot about the macro allied force against the Communist world party. Which would mean as he throws the US into domestic turmoil the Communist Party of China would advance more on the board and more in the US. As we are thrown into domestic turmoil. I do not think Dr. Perry is a Republican. I think he is an anarcho type who does not care about macro policies.

My plea to the President as his is the best American he can be. 
To keep the Balance here of course. My Hero if not already President Obama. Would have to be Dr Mitt Romney. I know you already know the strong hand of the Republic. However, as a major analysts in the US. I would appreciate it if you helped not only you friends and buddies the Republic but the US. By helping disband the other candidates party camps. As Dr. Mitt Romney would hold together the USA the best in a fair fight. On the other hand, if you so desire you could concentrate on him. However, if you lose not only would you as an American citizen be weaker from the other three candidates. But so would your children and grandchildren.

The reason why Dr. Mitt Romney is my hero. Mainly because my dream womon Meghan McCain says so. No I am just joking. It is because he stands as a man who has run time in and time again from the President Chair and knows the issues and understands them and is very well studied on the competition not only here at home abroad. I see no economic implosion weakness in his policies from foreign attacks or from domestic decay. That is my belief I stand with my dream womon.

Rider I

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