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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

I sent this to California as their economic advisers are the worst in the Union


A solution to the California tax deficit.

Currently California is losing over 240 business a year to other states and to foreign state owned enterprise institutions. Which costs the California the whole of our deficit. If you where to take the time the California started losing business due to tax hikes. You would see that the loss of business and jobs is the exact number of the deficit via our taxes. Therefore, I propose a better solution. A much easier one that can bring business back to the California. 

The Solution is to update our dams. We simple place in one knot generators at the end of our dams and at the front. These one knot generators will generator enough electricity to power our cities. As California electricity is already to expensive this can substantially take the burden off the cost of electricity by creating a competitive source against the current monopoly on electricity in California. Then all proceeds could be donated to the school systems. This then we create more than enough income to fund our schools. Which as the cost of our schools alone is the actual liabilities deficit sheet. We would see the deficit would be completely erased. While electricity would become cheaper, which would bring back more business. As we could lower our taxes via simple creating a competitive electrical school company. The actually creation of income would be in the billions as one knot generators of the flow of dams sitting still or moving creates enough income to pay for all school teachers and overhead. Except for the bureaucratic employees in the ED. 

The Generators themselves are very cheap to install as compared to the cost of tax increases across the board in California. However, where as taxes will keep costing the California people lots of money. The generators are a one time costs which will then create a competitive market for electricity that would bring business back to California, and Completely pay for our school systems. There are enough rivers, dams, lakes in California to implement this to bring our economy back. Your tax hike idea will cost us loss of more businesses higher unemployment and higher civil labor costs as we deal with the UEI folks. My plan will bring in more businesses, help the people and create a competitive market. 

Rider i  

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