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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

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Monday, October 10, 2011

How the Brady Campaign is wildly funded by foreign espionage units.

The basic lamen could not do more than a maybe three deep economic basket and motion. The best civilian outside of the grove report i have seen is Harvard. Which goes about maybe 5 deep. So what happens is you take a world nexus of the whole arena of the Brady Campaign. Then once you do that you start doing nexus to see where the wild paradox comes from within side of the nexus report. Which is all legal as per open source documents. Then what happens is you look for well known espionage agent's. Usually the one's who have plans to actually invade the US. Which is Communist China, Iran some African Dictators etc. Then you find the specific anti American secret economic guild. Which is easily found as they have major characters who stand out like soar thumbs. At that point in time, you then start to see where the nexus between the two groups are linked. Which they are quiet connected in about the 20th level of economic basket reports.

The Brady Campaign is based on a family who's son was killed by a criminal who had a gun. So they play upon the idea that no one should have a gun in a vacum. However, they have no clue about real life war and how guerrilla tactics inside of the US make up the majority of our defenses. As our society is so open that the normal defense are easily defeated by a major opposition, like Iran, or Communist China. This then leave's the account looking as if it comes from normal people. However, in a 20th report. A simple shift of a major SOE in international matter's could easily affect such a group in the US. We saw the KGB create such anti self defense groups before the Brady Campaign came about.

The problem I find is the reality that the areas of high crime are the areas of also high unemployment and government housing. Therefore, if we solve the underlying issue which is good jobs so folks can not want to be bad folks. Then we can solve that issue. For example in Sweden or Switzerland. Every citizen has to have a long rifle in their person. However, their civil society is so well take care of they have a very low crime rate. As that is because if you get unemployment which is enough to live a normal life on you have to work and pitch in doing things, like cleaning, helping elderly etc. However, in the state's folks on socialism can just sit there and do anything they want.

I am not against the gun bans as I do not think a world without them would be great. I am against the gun bans, as I am from a family of civil fighters, we are Republicans, we fought to end enslavement, we fought to help the Unions, no matter what this current wacko's think, and alot of other things. We know best that a government police state will abuse its power if there is not that cognition of the people are armed. Which trust me you every single political leader thinks about before going corrupt. As they know darn well they can't corrupt a citizen writer.

If the Brady campaign was smart they would focus on things they can win. Like if somebody is on government subsidies they have to work for it, they can't sit there and get it for nothing. As the criminal that killed their baby was on subsidized government help. Along with ideas that government housing should have proper police stations right smack dab in the middle of them. In which they can only stay for a short time on unemployment before they are put into work to help society. People are making $1800 a month sitting on their butts. While I was making $1200 a month working my arse off. The problem is not the cheeseburger, nor the cigarette nor the gun, nor the hanging out, the problem is the moral decea of life via hand outs and a society that does not pay for anything where 50% of the citizen's do not pay taxes.

I believe 100% in my right to arm and carry. As I know darn well I can hack ICMB's, whole grids, and if I can do it I know the PLA can do it too. Which means your precious grids and missiles, are nothing in a real war. It is all tanked and back to economic surplus to build.

Along with that infectually what the Brady campaign is doing is working to cause more individuals like the one that killed their children. As our country is free and based on cognition's. We know light, lines and other things are used to keep people in lines. So the idea that citizen's are armed and can arm stops most citizen's from messing with them outside of the criminal arena. If they take our weapon's we then see the DC affect. Where homicide has skyrocketed since the guns where taken from the area. As criminals are not afraid of the normal citizen being able to protect themselves. While they know darn well police can be anywhere from 10 minutes to three hours a way. Some nights 8 hours. It is called a cognitional vacuum.

It is called the riple affect. Druid children are taken to a lake, in which they are told to through a stone in the water. Then they have to try and predict the way the riple from the stone through will look. It starts out in a man made rock pool, for small easy firs step's. Then you you get to the big ones which is a major rock through in the middle of the lake while the child sits on the shore and estimates what the ripple will look like and how it will shape the shore. Monks do it too.

Rider I

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