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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Nationalizing a whole luxury industry.

Basically what this legislation will due is take everyone's health care down to about medicare level. Along with destroy our health care industry competition. As funds will not be there, as the monopoly will destroy competition. As monopolies due, like the Post office, which their competition has to charge almost twice the price to do business, or schools which is the same thing. Along with medicare, however, a full blown medicare will take our system's to post office and social security level's of operations. Which is reality. Thus meaning in the long run it will drive our economy down.

A dyring person can currently go get help. A sick child can go get help, a ill person can go get help. They just have to pay for it themselves. A sick person has their estate taken, a child has their parents to pay. natioanlizing the industry will be like a grocery store where no one pays. What do you see. I know what i see I see Soviet grocery stores where they are empty all the time, and lines are gignatic as the forced monopooly of everyone to pay for food in the long run destroyed the industry. At first it was a great idea, then later on horrible.

again for those radical communist. Folks can get health care right now. They can go and get it. If the Post office fails as it does every year, and medicare fails, so does Social security, trust me adding another nationalized industry to our already failing economy will destroy it more than the health of a few million people. IF I where to cut off my toe right now. I could go in and get it fixed without any worry. Then a bill to the cost of that toe would be sent to me to pay. Which I would have to make payments for the rest of my life or have it come out of my death estate. However, in Canada's they never collect enough to pay for the medical industry, there are line's which you might not get in, along with that you will make you chose and not get good quality of life, as they will not do things they can't afford to do. However, in a competitive system we can make payments for life.

All I see is the conspiracy by the elder rich. In which they speak about getting rich beyond their wildest dreams when a monoplized market place is forced to pay their holdings trillions. I do not see what other;s see as some great utopia we all get health care and no one is sick. No upfront yes, then in the long run no, it will act like every other monopolized industry. It will need constantly upcare by burecarts which they will argue about, and never do, it will create long lines, and massive imunity deficiencies. As folks go to the hospital for little snivels and soar throats instead of using honey and mint. Like my people do.

The people who currently do not get it is because they do not want it. They have it. we already have a medicare poverty level care institution. I do not see it like the lymennings do, wanting something for free. I see it as high corruption and later on back end massive poverty creation.

How the Obama care is analogous to forcing everyong to pay for a

food bill. Then force them all to just be able to go and get food

whenever they want. We have seen this historically does not work

for the industry. We can see that one of the reason's why the Us

has such greate health care now is because of our advances. This

is because of the allowance of the health care field to incur

cost's. In which we can see now that the Medicare is constantly

coming to being underfunded, as the system is not competititve.

This is because it is primarily placed into a monopoly. Where

everyone has to pay into it, instead of a competitive competition

of free market. Where folks who are at more risk should get

coverage. Everyone pays in for Medicare and it does not work. Even

though hardly no one is currently on it. So imagein what would

happen if we all paid in for health care and everybody used it. It

would be a nightmare, like what we saw in the Soviet Health Care

system, the North Korean Health care system, and the lack of

comptitive edge in advances that we see in the Canadian and other

health care systems. Due to inability to allow proper free market

competition, and not force a monopoly to be managed by the

government. Which we can see today how well goverance manage's

things like the Post office, DMV, deficit, and other areas of

forced monopolies.

I would say the legislation is unconstitutional. As many cases and

historical documents will show the US has faught physically and

mentally with hundreds of thousands of people dying in wars, to

stop such monopolies and power being granted to the US government.

Mainly as we know very well how bad the goverance does with

handling our country. It is industries that are not forced into

monopolies that do well. As a matter of fact the current forced

system of Medicare is a big already burden on the industry. I

could not imagine the bigger burden of a full scale National

forced monopoly for all to be party of it.

Along with that the President and those pushing for the law would

benefit substantially personally from the law. As they have major

holdings in insurance companies and health care companies that

would get an upfront boost in economy before the back end of the

communist ideal takes hold. As per Supreme Court's Legislatures

are not allowed to force monopolies based on conspiracies where

they will benefit financially.

The back end system of Canada is that everybody has to wait for very long periods to see Doctors. There are a lot less Doctors than there are in the US. And cost to the government are not as competitive as they are in the US. Due to less Dr Competition.

This legislation is a due to specific legislation like the Mortgage law. Where the industry received an up front boost in economy. Then the back end after five to ten years falls out as there was no competition in the Mortgage law as anyone with a job for a week could have bought a car. This is called Communist radicalism. Where folks forget competition and force non competition thus causing lack of drive in the industry. Like the Communist Chinese SOE's having to be constantly recapitalized to stay in business, or like the Taiwanese health care industry being very noncompetitive, or the Canadian health care system forcing everyone to wait for years to see a Dr, if they need surgery. Communism does not make sense.

This is distinguishable from the Post office and School systems. Which again we can see how good communism works there as imagine if health industry goes through such a rush as the school systems have. Where almost a quarter of the teacher's where laid off due to government monopoly controls and bueractic bull poo. What would happen to our health industry. The same thing, we would lose doctors and we would see what is going on in Canada happen to US. Where folks would have to pay and never be able to get what they need,. like all communistic non competitive forced monopolies work out to do.

My battle like usually will be one page. With two case's that I believe lead. My two cases, will be conspiracy by the legislation, and then non allowance of forced monopolies by the government upon the People. As in realty if you want to deal with health care, the biggest problem is intake by the human being of food and drink. So why not force everyone to pay a fee for food each year and then diviy the food out. Well lack of competition would drive down food production, like we see in Taiwan and Canada. I will figure it out. I figure I will mossy on over to the law library after sending out some job apps and start on my one page. I usually write about twenty pages or so for my Amacus Curie's then I boil them down to one page.

Status quo of very poor get help and the rest pay for their own is the way it should be. Socialism is fine, extremist communism never works. Socialism is the idea we help the poor and the one's who can't help themselves. Communism is the idea we force everyone into a non competitive monopolized industry. Then I have some historical open tapes and recordings with regards to specific legislatures on how they are going to make a killing if that law goes through. That will accompany the letter.

As the Supreme court does with my writings. I will take one sentence and constrew it upon which every issued case they take as their wish to decide on and nexuse my battle into it. Like I always do.

I think the legislation is extremist radicalism. In which the actors inside of the government wish to benefit based on their own economic personal's, so as to force the US into a decaying form of economic fascist model, which did not work for the Post office, does not work for the schools and we have seen historically in the world does not work in the back end after five to ten years via non competition creation.

The idea is good. I like the legislation. However, i do not like the idea of everyone single person being forced into a monopoly. If I do not wish to obtain health insurance and I pay for medicare, then I get medicare help. If I have a job, then if I chose to pay for health care then I get good health care, if not then I get medicare help, as we all already have to pay for medicare and the system does not work. The solution is not forcing everyone into it. The solution is getting institutions that are basically medicare institutions that are lower quality. Thus competition. You still get health care just not nice bedrooms, and havard doctors etc. It would be like saying, ok everybody in the US has a dietary deficiency, proven fact. Thus to solve this the government should force everyone to pay for food. Then they will regulate the food industry and you can go get anything you want out of the regulated industry.

I am sorry if yoy are not willing to go to school at nights, or move around to get a better job, or if you have so many kids you can't take care of them, then you should get help of course, however, it should be at the competitive edge at which you can afford. Just like me, I can't afford to go the Doctor's as I have no value. So I do not go in and get medical help with my dietry needs or other issues. As I understand I can do it myself. Unless surgery. .In which case I have paid for medicare.

Again, food and security are more important than insurance. We should all be forced into the military for security purposes and all forced to eat properly before we are forced to pay for a luxury. Which is insurance.

Which is basically the same thing I did to president bill clinton when he took illegal funds to allow the Communist Chinese to Nationalize our ports and shut down bases to nationalize our naval yards for their use. Just reality, there are ears everywhere once you get past city council. literally. We hear everything. everything.

Rider I

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