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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My rebuttal to this article.

"Without China, Apple couldn't be so successful and Apple products wouldn't be so affordable," said Yao Shujie, professor of economics at the University of Nottingham in England.

Read more:"

That is not true. Currently Apple takes home a billion dollar surplus or so for its highest paid employees and business. Therefore, to say that the creation of the billion dollar surplus based on slave labor that barely makes enough to have a home, let alone eat good food. Is like saying without slave labor we would not have an economy. That is wrong. If the Apple Ipod was made in the US, it would just have to make less surplus for the Apple rich elites. Who have a billion dollar surplus they sit on. So that means, they would just have a million dollar surplus or so to sit on. Which is reality. 

Using Communist Chinese SOE's to create products does not make things cheap for them or for the US. The lost job, taxes, and security via non unemployment does not contradict the centralized wealth to a very privileged few. Which is based on slave labor in Communist China. Where they do not allow employment rights, civil rights, let alone Unions for the poor uneducated workers to join together to earn a good living for their children to be able to afford an Apple Ipod. By the way which no worker who works for apple can afford in Communist China. 

Therefore, so what Apple is doing is increasing the need for slave labor via use of non competitive SOE's. So that other's can compete with them. Which then creates more slave's and less freedom. While also enriching a single party that owns the SOE's that wishes to destroy Democracy and civil rights for a industrialized mono culture state of Marxs.

Furthermore the action of such Government manipulation as Policies that force all foreign business to give up IP to the government SOE's, alongn with have to be forced into government owned resource monopolies. Will lead to war. As other countries can't compete against their government and thus will lose their free enterprises and SOE's will start up. Then we will see government against government instead of free enterprise against free enterprise being regulated by governance. Which will then lead to like the MSS and PLA do constantly, they use their military and espionage units to advance their economy. So once we see an India or a US or a Russia go to a SOE economy. We will see full scale industrial military wars. Instead of competitive intelligence between individuals and small groups of individuals governed by business. 

Rider I

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