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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat; Unprofessional Civilian Intelligence Analyst

I have about ten agents and about 30 laid off civilian research soldiers working on this so I am going to bed. I am sure they will get the bad folks. Goodnight The Great UCC, The Unemployed Civilian Core going to take down some MSS and PLA bullies, hehehehahaha goodnight bullies, I kick your arse, with my UCC's, love the business code I do.

Keep me updated on the parts of the petition. I want Patton Boggs on their knees for defecting to help the Communist Chinese, after all the agents and soldiers they have killed destroying the US economy. This will not be the first time I have brought a law firm that thinks they are hot stuff with their millions of dollars and files full of corrupt attorney activities. Just a new team but directives are the same. These types of people will have the US handed over to the Communist Chinese for $420,000 a year. I remember my grandfather's rival's where only making $200,000 illegal for the Soviet's and they where handing over the US with every report and lobby.

Hawk I 2.0, coachroach magnastuc version let's go with 4, then I want ant hives 3-8 on the matter constantly. Bring em down even if they say something illegal. I am guessing they would have gone down the line with the MSS agents on how to pass information secretly. So as per federal law with regards to espionage familiars their thoughts are ours. Especially as the MSS has shown enough content of our law and international UN and WTO law that we can tap their brains. So as per view as the MKP I say tap the brain waves.

Mac crow law has always had jurisdiction over domestic law. So all of their cases have just been compromised to us, if my view point meets the councils liking. As per the necessary element of daily thoughts on the MSS cases.

I love when I create new issues. This is why I am a spy I am so good at creating new things. yes. This is not new of course not, no attack them now.

Buy up a few attorneys and IT guys. As per federal code of foreign espionage familiars. If the MSS does not give us privacy in Communist China, I will be darned if any of their their thoughts sit untouched by us hear.

Only if I had access to all the Central data bases. Oh it would be so nice. To catalog and direct a full scale collection unit on this case. Oh boy, cant wait for my access codes this December.

Thoughts on the matter if it is a blue chip i would look to see if it was actually started up to do this specific act. Then to close afterwards. As the MSS are well known for doing that too. Espionage stuff.


The US is currently fighting its worst economic implosion since after the Vietnam War. Which was proven to have been funded and operated by the Communist Chinese Espionage entity the MSS. At that time we went through the same things we are seeing now. A full scale war where our funds where depleted along with our international diplomacy. Therefore, at that time allowing the Soviet Union to expand their SOE's and political clout to allow them to create more SOE's via Free Trade Zones. If we analogize that era to today's ara we can see the same thing happening. It has been proven that the MSS again paid proxy agents to cause an economic implosion of the US. This time instead of the US defending a foreign country from invasion we where responding to a major psychological attack on the US. 

This psychological attack was funded and directed by the MSS. This is shown by a myriad of agreements with the Communist Chinese espionage unit the MSS with Al Queada during that time. In which they had an economic agreement and funded them with weapons, in specific the weapons that where used to attack the USS Cole. In which the Communist Chinese Party applauded the Al Queada for using their weapons to attack the US. Then at that time the MSS wrote a manual on how the Al Queada and Muslim brotherhood could take down the Christian Brotherhood's main state and gem of liberal tolerance for civility. 

This book was written after another specific economic agreement was made with Al Queada. In which they received funding. Then the book itself called upon the leader of Al Queada to attack the two trade towers in New York. Thus explaining how they could do it. Where the manual was openly published as a book. It is not that far fetched to think that a foreign espionage unit would use a proxy agent to create an economic implosion war. As Rep Charlie Wilson did the same thing to the Soviet Union with Al Queada. As he made an economic pact with them, funded them weapons, and thus also directed them with manuals. However, Dr. Wilson did it to defend their lands from Soviet invasion. Where as the MSS expanded on his economic implosion manual and directed the Al Queada proxy agents to attack the US to force us into a costly war. 

This costly war is not necessarily because of our lost trillions of dollars. As much so as an espionage agent would see it. It has cost the US trillions in lost concentration on our economic entities. Where as during the Cold War. The US was primarily directing all of its attention to economics and competition against Soviet SOE's. After the Cold War we saw about ten years of peace in the world. Then after ten years the US again started working on a major SOE fascist country that was unfairly competiting in economics in the world like the Soviets did. This shown by the amount of books that started coming out the same year the MSS wrote the manual for Al Queada to attack us. We saw numerous books directed at Communist SOE's and the MSS itself that year. Then the US was attacked by Al Queada. Which the Communist Chinese again applauded as Al Queada had to have used the funds that where transferred to them for the attack. As they did not do anything else that major during that time. 

That brings us to today. We have seen around ten years of forced concentration on a matter that brings the US nor the world any economic stability or economic reserves. This has been the US forced concentration years. Where again we feel into the Vietnam era of economic implosion. Which is against the morality of the US military strategy that has been historically to just use proxy wars and proxy agents to fight foreign wars. As the majority of our foreign policy has been over the last 200 years. Just as the last time we broke stride to get our trillion dollar defense military into a proxy war. We see again that another non proxy war has caused the US major economic brain drain.Where the US has hired more goat chasing analysts than they have hired SOE, resource, or economic warfare agents. Which means the old way of dealing with things through economics has been replaced with the idea of missiles and thuggery instead of proper proxy funding so we do not have to be involved. Through out time it has been the well minded kept the thing in the boot cuff person who pays the enemies enemy to do the dam thing that wins. 

That brings us to the world's economy. The current world's economy is being attacked like the Soviets attacked the world economy. Their constitutions state everything. They wish for a industrialized single party owned economy and governance. While the world wishes for individual ownership and multiple paradigms competeting peacefully for issues of civility. Thus, we saw the MSS who have more foreign funds in our financial industry that any other country. Destroy our financial sector. Which was done by simply connecting with another foreign espionage agency. Where the SVR was caught in a hack asking the MSS if they wanted to destroy the US financial sectors directly before it crashed. 

Then we saw the MSS spook the whole US securities and stock matters. As they where not properly following our SEC rule sin the first place by being transparent. In which they sold off whole blocks of stocks and securities at once. Which then spooked the market and forced it to crash. With regards to the specific areas they sold off. As they needed to know weakness areas that selling off would create a bigger dominance. We looked into it and found a collection team from SVR. Which was one of the teams being handled by the person who sent the MSS the email asking them if they wanted to crash the US stock market. 

The world is under attack. The MSS fund the majority of terrorist in the world. All of the dictators that violate civility and international human laws, are funded and protected by the MSS. They constantly threaten countries with economic warfare like, holding back resources, or crashing stocks, or actual full scale proxy agents destroying mines, to stop them from being able to mine. As the funds have to go to fixing the mine instead of expanding the mines. 

Therefore, we look to see how they are doing this. Then we see contracts in the international community that are supposed to stop the Communist Chinese from creating more SOE's, or creating more monopolies, or doing such things as: Using their SOE banks to recapitalization failing SOE's that stay noncompetitive that way, then use their Sovereign wealth funds they steal from the spread of their people to recapitalize the SOE banks. Which is currency manipulation. As it forces their business to stay low, thus then allowing them to stay noncompetitive  Which then allows them to keep the international political power as they provide everybody with goods, and funding and loans. So they do not have to properly place their currency where it is supposed to be, as per if a country has so much money, more developed than anyone else, the biggest military, and most advanced high technological trade. They currency should be the most powerful. Which allows others to trade more competitively. 

However, they do not. So we see a very old aging Republican Party. Where the old bucks are not like their elder bucks where. Where if Senator McCain, or McConell, or any of the other elder's would have spoken as they do towards the US with their legislation to their elder party members. They would have been floored out back in the old woods. And they  know it. Plain and simple the Republicans have turned flower on the fight against Communist Fascist State Owned Enterprise take over. The old Republic went knuckle for knuckle with the last Fascist SOE country. I mean when the Soviet's SOE's expanded our free enterprises did too. If they funded a proxy agent we funde its opposition. if the SOE's started to destroy our economy and free enterprise we moved to stop them. Now a days I have create a cloaking device from the big eye so I can floor folks. 

Therefore, we see today the Communist Party and their SOE's are destroying the Republic for which it stands and the one nation for which it is supposed to protect. If we look at the Republicans domestic finances via their party. We can see that it mirrors or current international fiances. As the Republicans are in their parties worst ever deficit. While our country is also in its worst every deficit. As they have goat herder's up their yen yangs and can't think about the big wang in their face. This is because the few are being allowed to lead the Republic instead of the whole. The Republic constitutions as in no way shape or form would they allow SOE's to destroy our economy or our free enterprises. As most of our daddies and granddaddies fought against the Communist Chinese SOE's in Vietnam and Korea. 

Therefore, if we look at what is going on. We see the US is in a proxy war economically imploding our intelligence. While the Communist Chinese SOE's are expanding and creating Communist party surpluses at all time highs. Which surpasses both the Soviets and the US combined in political or economic expansion. We see countries withering and dying as they are not willing to mine their own minerals for domestic job creation. We see the MSS buying up more mines and creating domestic SOE's to destroy countries economies not only domestically but international. As there is no way that a domestic Communist Chinese can compete with their International SOE's. So they just bring them to countries to unfairly compete domestically to destroy their economies. 

I can tell you ever single agent and solider who have died fighting against the MSS and their Massive SOE's. Every single name. The way they died and everything. So the MSS can manipulate their Economy. While our countries free enterprises are sitting ducks to the PLA and MSS SOE protected and offensive attacks. As our country no longer places gentle economic warfare movements, like we did during the cold war, with proxy wars. Now we play full scale brain drain games, and our business are destroyed right and left by the PLA and MSS SOE's. 

Therefore, I created a legislative intent that could allow the US to properly protect its economy. Which harmonizes with the EU's idea of blanket tariffs across the nation when the Communist Chinese are found manipulating or using their SOE's to destroy and dominate our free enterprises, via economic manipulation. I did this by doing many small letters to specific people. In which I then went on lobbying campaigns as a US citizen as the Most Knowledge Person. In which I Senator I thought was going to fight it sent me the bill. In which was passed in Congress but Senate did not make it through. However, now another bill is up again. This time it is passed through Senate and my party is in the Congress. So I would expect as a Republican party, that will all of my friends in the military and agencies that have died trying to stop the SOE's use of espionage units to expand that they would vote for it. As using military and espionage in economics is manipulation. 

However, I found McConnell who is suspect of ties to MSS funding and agents. As he constantly goes for Communist Chinese SOEs destroying our free enterprises. Started a lobby against the idea. Which we have now divulged deeper into McConnell's life as he has shown probable cause to show he is probable spying on US legislation for the MSS. As per his constant voting for the MSS vindication to destroy free enterprises. That is how we find spies. We look at their actions and how they speak with their actions.

So the legislation wishes to do such things as clearly define currency manipulation. While making it legal for the US to use undervalued currency, which is just currency manipulation without the current legislation's definition, to balance our competitive edge. As doing trade with the military controlled SOE's of Communist China is not free trade, nor has it ever been. Adam Smith states it Locke states it. As a Paraphrase trade with a government is not a free trade. As the government always will use its full benefits as such an entity to due unfair trade over a person's or companies trade abilities. 

So I again fight to stop the Communist Chinese economic manipulation as they have violated  TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 2B > § 78dd–1 Prev | Next § 78DD–1.PROHIBITED FOREIGN TRADE PRACTICES BY ISSUERS. Will lead to a very likely involvement in matters of The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) (15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1. As the Communist Chinese are well known for doing such things in the US. Which I shall prove mountable probable cause if the firm violated Foreign Trade acts. Then they would most likely feel they could violate the Foreign Corruption Practices Act. 

I. Ignorance is no Excuse for the law

Criminal intent to take money to violate a law that stops foreign influence of US domestic legislation. Primarily with the intent so as to not influence the exposure to stock's and buying or selling of stocks, is illegal. The Firm under question did such an action. They knew or should have known the law. Thus they accepted funds from a foreign agency which holds stocks and has to to file reports under Section 78L Registration Requirements for securities. As the Communist Party holds membership to the SEC. Therefore, their business that they own as a Party (or state), shall be considered as a Foreign Agency that has membership to the SEC. Therefore, their actions can be taken as with intent to influence their SOE's purchasing and selling of their stocks. In which they wish to do so by using paid funds from that agency to a specific entity to influence a foreign official. As such, if we see the Communist Party as the issuer of their State Owned Enterprises as a government we see that conspirators would be violating the law of Foreign Trade Act. 

This then means that they would try and use Foreign Sovereignty Immunity which may apply to them on this matter and their espionage clerks who illegally spoke with leader's to influence their SOE's stock purchases or selling prices. However, the firm inside of the US falls under the jurisdiction of this law. As they are a United States Law Firm doing business under and acting as a US entity. Therefore, proper violations of criminal conspiracy and felony accepting of funds to commit crime apply for the necessary warrant to raid all documents and correspondence with the Communist Chinese Embassy and and any agent thereof. 

II. Criminal Conspiracy 

The idea that a firm is allowed to help impede a leader by conspiring with a foreign entity, to influence the stocks of their owned and controlled SOE's, is illegal. The conspiracy is the fact that the firm did actually take money from the foreign agency to influence and impede upon a leader's ability to lawfully discharge their duties by gaining domestic research not impeded by foreign manipulated research. Therefore the firm at hand has violated Criminal Conspiracy elements. 

An Agreement between two or more persons
      The Parties had confided via the attorney client privilege to illegally influence domestic officers of the legislative office to influence the legislation that would affect the buying and selling of their stocks or securities. 

To Carry out an act that is unlawful or one that is lawful but is to be accomplished by unlawful means. 
  As per laws regarding foreign influence of domestic legislation with regards to the owned entities of the party paying to influence. They committed and conspired to break a law. That is well known to be illegal. A foreign entity that owned Stocks and is part of the SEC membership can't influence leader's or officials with regards to the stocks buying or selling. Which this legislation directly does. 

A culpable intent on the part of the defendants. 
  Did they know it was illegal of course they did. They are attorney's, they knew in their hearts taken money from a foreign entity that owns the business under legislative intent is an illegal action to try and influence the leader's on the matter of the entities that are owned and registered to the SEC. 

   The mental state was to take funds from a foreign entity that owns and controls SEC stocks and securities, then thus influence a leader with regards to legislation that will seriously impact their stocks and bonds being bought and sold. 

A Resulting harm
       The resulting harm is exactly what the legislation is about. Which is manipulation. The Foreign entity being the Communist Government who own's the SOE's. Wishes to manipulate and impede a US domestic officials dis-chargeable official duties to vote without being hampered by foreign influence. Thus meaning, it is possible that their funds could drowned out entities with less funds that are American. 

Principle of legalities
  The Conspiracy that a foreign entity owning and controlling stocks and securities wishes to influence a legislation that would cause their stocks to be sold. 

necessary attendant circumstances 
  The entity of foreign question is well known for bribery, corruption, funding terrorist, destroying whole countries with their SOE sovereign wealth funds, and has gone to war with the US many times physically with regards to its unchanged regime control of the MSS. This happened with the Panama canal. Now in that are the MSS control it and have thousands of PLA troops there. As the MSS where able to lobby our leaders to make it look like it was a good idea to not allow a US company to buy it from the US but to allow a the MSS to buy it. Which was illegal then too. Now we have to deal with massive amounts of Communist guerrilla build up in those areas thanks to PLA and MSS agents just doing what they do. 

Therefore, once I write the elements for Foreign Influence violation of stock purchasing or selling elements. I will have enough to take all of the firms documents under my control for preview. Then I will seek subpoenas for all clerk and political entities that the Embassy spoke with to see exactly what was stated. 


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