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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Citizen device to better help one study meditate or derive the probability of mental warfare defense.

The idea of scalar waves is real. Today there are geeks on the streets brain hacking and scaling citizens waves. As such the idea of the leaders of the USA being scaled or mentally conquered by foreign operatives is a real one.  The idea then becomes we need to counter that issue. Helmets these days for proper mental warfare and high concentration of major state to state warfare have such elements as boards in them to catch or displace any scalar waves from hand or sat weapons. Therefore the idea becomes to counter it and allow them to think that they are scaling our leaders minds. So this means we need to create a mental vortex. Which allows the outside telecom wave weapons to think that they are hitting their targets. But in reality they are being directed to a cerebral vortex that is collecting the waves and transferring them to a readable or audiable under cloak from weapon feedback machine. In which could then allow the target to see what is going on and make decisions based on wan they want him to do and what is the proper thing to do. For example lets take a citizen who sits in his house all day. He is targeted by the Communist Chinese for a movement to take guns away from the west coast so their golden sun strategy of implosion and North Korean bowling ball can be used. The citizen has no clue that they are being made to look like they hate the Communist Chinese so that he will go close to them when the elder brain coders come into the USA. In which he was around each and every time a high tech MSS agent was in town. Then he starts seeing symbols and feedback from the cognitional leaking of the codes. At this time a well trained populace should be able to understand that seeing such symbols is a specific symptom of having ones brain waves scaled or what is known as conquered. At that time the cerebral vortex should be able to be used to collect waves that are unseen by normal telecom bug detectors. As it could draw in sounds around the persons brain for tv shows cell phone reception or scalar wave weapons that might be hidden in the walls or from a satellite. That repeat a cognitional symptom over and over again. Then this person would not have been used in the chess game for a specific move to get a major legislation to take away gun rights from the West Coast ever ailing economically imploded system. The idea is that during the KGB attacks brain manipulation was well known and aspect principle of life. Today in a more advance world people read about it but the idea of it being a weapon and being practiced is not yet real enough to create defensive technologies or cognition's against such mental terrorism. Thus this means that again if a cerebral vortex was created for the upper echelon it would eventually slide down the slope of the pyramid to where the citizens would know of it. This cerebral vortex could be also a great way to clear the air waves for better concentration and or meditation. As it has been proven that in areas where there are little to no VHF waves or other telecom waves that the brain is much more at ease without the air elemental trash. This could be kind of like a ionic breeze but for telecom waves in the air.

Of course not a simple jammer as that produces telecom wave to stop other waves. The idea of drawing to one thing in an area and thus stopping all waves in the area from existing. This would be the hard part if the equations are constant as in most cities. As such, The idea would have to be thought of as a system that draws in energy or waves. However, then that could be a problem if it then draws in the very energy of the human spirit or soul as that could have a diverse side affect which might be worse than the desired outcome. Therefore, though in theory it would be a great defensive equation against scalar wave techs. Which I am sure with the right amount of whiskey and the proper outlets of desire to conquer my wife or order my employees to do things, I could properly break the blocks to make it safe at home for meditation use or just plain outright calm and peaceful homes. Like those homes that are built with soundproofing that stop the majority of telecom waves including satellites.

Rider I

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