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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Steve Chapman With regards to your China as the enemy The dangers of exaggerating the threat

Dear  Steve Chapman ,

I am writing with regards to your article,0,2446599.column. Where your articles make Communist China make it look like it is not a threat to the Democracy or the world at hand. I personally think after reading your article you have not read any article in my special library nor do you know anything about Communist China. It can be further stated that you where probable paid by a MSS espionage agent to write the article as per your heavily inability to see major issues and articles if you where to simple google some of your statements. 

Your first miss non professional journalistic researched statement is "For one thing, it's no match for us militarily. The United States spends between two and nine times as much on defense as China. " This is untrue. With the current issue of the Communist Chinese currency wars acting like their spend less on military issues on than the USA is not true. the Communist Chinese take their economy as military. Where they use State Owned Enterprises and centralized economic attacks instead of actual soldiers who cost funds and expenditures of gas and insurance on vehicles. This was the same thing that the Nazi's did with their State Owned Enterprises before they made a military move. Along with the same exact strategy the Soviets used with their SOE's and centralized economy. 

Then your next statement you act as if the number of equipment makes the Communist Chinese not a threat. In which you state "We have 11 aircraft carriers; they have one — which they bought, used, from Ukraine. We have nearly 3,700 modern combat aircraft to their 307." This is an improper analized issue of cognition. As per DOD and US professional researchers. The Communist Chinese could easily out produce us and catch up to our current military equipment stats if they wished in less than a month as per their massive economic militarized issue. Which they are taken the Nazi's SOE's and Soviets SOE's military strategy and advancing it.  Therefore, this idea that because we have more military units that cost us expenditures means that we should petty the Communist Chinese is ridiculous. This what they want. The more economic military units of SOE's and espionage units they have. The more they get the US to expend funds in wars like North korea, Vietnam and Iraq. Thus killing the Communist enemy for them while destroying our Democracy genomes and economy. 

Then the quote that the US does not view Communist China as a direct threat is also misplaced. The US has just downsized the middle east and the European Union bases and heavily up-sized the Communist Chinese Communication military bases. 

You then make another statement which is heavily not researched. "Not to mention that it has 9,000 miles of coastline on the Pacific Ocean, which is effectively owned and operated by the U.S. Navy." The US does not own their coastline. As the Communist Chinese have done exactly like the Soviets and Nazi's did and build the worlds current biggest submarine equipment build up. Which they have used to attack US military equipment that was radaring during the time when the North Korean's torpedoed a South Korean Ship as we where in their coast line.  Which is part of economic militarized strategies that both the Nazi's and the Soviets did. Which you do not account for in your statement of the US has more equipment than the Communist Chinese. Along with that the coastline is shared with Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines neither of which we own or control.

The next statement you make is also further based on your incompetent towards the Communist Chinese activities. In which you state " Rising powers often collide with established powers, which means there is certainly potential for China to clash with the United States. But the two sides have proved able to peacefully manage their chief disagreement, Taiwan, decade after decade." This is not true. When the US went into raid Al Queada to obtain Osam Bin Laden in Pakistan Communist China immediately sold 50 jet fighters to Pakistan and told the US that if they further their raids on terrorist bases that they would not stand for it. Even thought before Communist China came over to sell them the worlds cheapest jet fighters to protect the terrorist camps, the Pakistani Generals where all for the US finishing off the Al Queada training camps. But thanks to the Communist Chinese lobby the Al Queada training camps stayed in. Then do to that the US wished to sell Tawian a number of new jet fighters. Which then the Communist Chinese then threatened the US with full terrorist relation of the Al Queada camps in Pakistan if we did sell Taiwan those jet fighters. 

You then have obviously not been keeping up with current news on the world as you state "Human rights will be a source of tension as long as Beijing persecutes dissidents, but it's no cause for war. And the economic changes China has made are bound to lead, over time, to political liberalization." This then shows that you do not know that the Communist Chinese have stated they will never become a Democracy of a liberal policy and will stay a fascist system. In which they constant help out terrorist genocidal fascist parties sin the world to stay fascist too. Along with that if you have read the international news you would see that fascist genocidal regimes these days are all the rage to go to war against. As the Communist Chinese have killed more Tibetan monks and Chinese citizens than Syria and Libya combined over civil rights. 

Then your dead give away statement that shows you are on the MSS payroll on need to be seen by US nomad payroll. Is "China bears little resemblance to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union in its approach to the world. The post-Mao government has shown no interest in grabbing territory from neighbors, enforcing obedience or promoting revolution. It has no dangerous ideology to spread. It has exhibited a consistent desire to focus on internal development." In what way does the Communist Chiense not resemble the Nazi's. The Communist Chinese have created a symbols system for all those not Han race city dwellers. Which all ethnic cultures have a second class literaly symbol, exactly like the jews did. Then furthermore, all Budhist and specifically Falun Gong are captured and placed in mental brain washing camps because of their freedom of religion just like the Nazi's did. Then furthermore, I could go on and on on how the Communist Chinese centralized militarized economy is exactly like the Nazi's resource monopolization and the Soviets monopolization. Where a short example is that the Communist Chinese have 97% monopoly on the worlds rare earth resources. That they use to force industries to their lands and then force innovation law seizure of IP and force joint ventures. Which is an exact playbook out of Nazi and Soviet economic militarized economic strategy. 

You then go onto state "It has done little to make trouble beyond its borders. China has repeatedly shown itself to be, writes Princeton scholar Aaron Friedberg, "a cautious power with limited aims." This is also horrible under researched. The Communist Chinese just made a massive push to invade Japanese mineral territories, Vietnamese and Philippines mineral territories to gain more minerals. In which the whole international community had a massive outrage against their movements. Furthermore, the Communist Chinese constantly threaten Pakistan, India and other countries with boarder raids. In which they just had a major conflict with the Indian's over the PLA Communist Chinese army going into India threatening to take the lands that are disputed to become even bigger than their neighbors who have less land and minerals than them. Not to mention that they invaded Mongolia, Tibet and East Turkestan where they still oppress and genocide that culture and people for their mineral exploitations. 

Then your obvious non degree in economics shows through when you state "What about the economic realm? In our daily lives, someone who sells us things and lends us money is to be valued, not feared. China is often accused of keeping its exchange rate low to benefit its export sector. But that's not exactly an act of naked aggression." You complete admit that they sell us things and give us loans and keeps an exchange rate low. In which you give no reality to the legal international anti trust laws that states after a certain amount of time a country must allow another country to import more than exporting or it is considered an anti trust violation and obvious legal act of aggression. This shows your incompetence in journalism and economics. As all journalist know that if you have sales, loans and low exchange rates but no imports. Obviously that is an act of aggression. Not to mention the constant Communist Chinese centralized agency the SASAC creating cartel strategies to keep the world under their control without fairly allowing imports. So they can obtain the control of industries through economic entrapment. But economic entrapment is something you would have to have an economic or journalist degree to understand and so far every statement you have made shows heavy elementary style research. 

You then make a statement that tries to show some-kind of education in economics towards the trade with Japan when you state "In fact, it's a favor to American consumers, who get goods at a lower price than they otherwise would. If shipping us freighters full of merchandise were a way to reduce us to submission, we'd have been taken over by Japan 20 years ago." Obviously you would know that the US wen through major currency wars with Japan due to the heavy exports of cheap material to the US. In which the US has to work heavily to get them to stop concentrating on the US with their cheap exports and allow a fair import balance and direct exports to other countries as the Japanese where doing the same thing as the Communist Chinese are doing today. Which is dumping cheap products on the west to keep our jobs there and force us into loans. Exactly like Japan did. Which the US finally had to go to currency war with them to get them to stop attacking the US. But then again that historical line of international economy is something you as a elementary student did not research. 

The best statement that shows again that you have no clue what you are talking about and I sure hope for the sake of your educational institution of degree earning that you have none you state "China's rapid growth has been a good thing, not a bad one. It has transformed a backward communist nation into a thriving, mostly capitalist one. " If you are alone to take the GDP of the Communist Chinese nation and then take the earnings of the State Owned Enterprise compared to the free enterprises. You will see the basic equation shows that the Communist Chinese are still heavily communist with 70% of their economy based on State Owned Enterprises as Marxist and Engels theories state. Along with that they are far from thriving. Their banks have to go through quarterly recapitalization to stay afloat as they give out constant bad loans to State Owned Enterprises to keep their products noncompetitive lowly priced. In which the Communist Chinese are the worst known accounting country in the world for just losing billions in State Owned enterprise banks value as if it did not exist and the international currency system has no play with regards to dissapearing currency values. 

Then you state "But it is not fated to be an enemy, unless we decide to make it one." I do not know what you call an enemy. However, I suggest you read on the matter of the Communist Chinese and Pakistan Al Queada training bases, Al Queada funds and strategies prior to 911 and who was funding them and protecting them after the cole and what the Communist Chinese blatantly stated towards the USA. Then I suggest you look at their statesmens voices stating that fascist communist will take over the world and Democracy and multiculturalism will die. I know for a fact that you are an elementary student as you statements either are so horrible under researched or you are so paid by the Communist Chinese Espionage agency that you could only be a child in real investigative journalism. 

Rider I

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