I fear that, not by my hand as I will never cause civil war at home. But by an elders hand.
The Supreme court should fear that too. As the opposing party has since Reagans explanation of forced mental hospitals and the genocide and abuse there fought for over 50 years to stop the idea of a forced unregulated industry from being allowed to happen.
For example if we take before Regan and the forced monopolized industry of mental health. Which was genociding and castrating all those with considered status quo mental defects. Even though the majority of peoplee they castrated had Mac family traits along with Tesla and Einstein mental traits. Which for the right we considered a blessing.
So I have studied thoroughly telekinetics and telekensis as Macs are considered prone to workshops. I was tested as a kid but because I had a minor lobotomy from a leftist institution, I am unharnessable. However, if you spent a day with me as my x girlfriend you would think I am crazy. As I tune into coversations in matters that are important to me that are not around and will fully like a radio listen in and speak them out load. Which I have proven to those in power that I am a Mac. Therefore, and thus at the time before Regan during the forced mental health monopolies. I would have been genocided because a whole industry was under monopoly control by the government and forced upon the people.
For example the new wave of warfare is the idea of taken a specific spiritual entity into a foreign civil war voted for a legal to help the oppressed people to gain a muti party system of course. And leave them there, give them alcohol and let them be loud on the battle field. Then the opposing team will speak about them at their secret hideouts that is not gridded by tech. That individual is then able all of a sudden with a select group of woman for some reason, hear and notated everything that starts being spoken about the entity. Even when they try to hide thoughts or program strategies it still works against the fascist government. It is amazing. With the forced monopoly of health issues my family was at the top of the list of being genocided during those times before Regan stated no more forced monopolized mental health laws.
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