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One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Fight to Balance out the CCP's Sanctions Against Democracy Media

The Fight to Balance out the CCP's Sanctions Against Democracy Media
Written By 
Sheikha Harry Necky
Fiqh, Saudi Arabia

Table of Contents 

   A. Brief Summary of Issue

I. Propagation War
   A. Communist Chinese (CCP) Officials Declaring Propagation War
   B. (CCP) Destroying USA (Democracy,West) Market Shares

II. CCP In USA Market Shares of Media
   A. Jurisdictional Laws of Federal Communication Center 

III. Actions Taken by the CCP
   A. Sanctions Against US Media
   B. CCP Laws on Books

IV. Analogous Actions Taken by CCP in Other Industries

V. Proper Response from the USA. 

  A. Summary of Essay 

Table of Authorities
I. Articles

II. Laws Governing Issue
     A.  Federal Communication Center
     B.  World Trade Organization
     C.  CCP Media Sanctions codes and laws
     D.  Competition Laws

III.  Diplomatic Case Relations
     A. Common Law Cold War Issues with regards to analogous Soviet (horrible worded shorten)


The Communist Chinese are at a propagation war against the USA.  Key Communist Chinese Government officials have stated this is their intention. This is shown as they think they can do things to destroy USA market shares by hinder the west's markets unfairly. Where their markets are allowed fair treatment in the west. They are currently allowed into our markets without a proper balance of actions against them and their sanctions against USA's media. This area is the FCC's territory of regulation. As the Communist Chinese Government has specifically forced all western television shows be sanctioned inside of Communist China. This was done as these free market channels and shows can no longer own their own Television channel in Communist China. This action was taken when they forced all Channels to sanction Western Shows. The sanction was specifically a law that no western show can be shown on prime time media.  This type of economic warfare strategy has happened before in other industries and there was no proper defense to such actions. The non defense of such unfair actions had(s) a very real detrimental impact on world markets. As such, the West needs to respond to stop such non competitive detrimental actions. 

I. Propagation War

This action has been committed by forcing a sanction upon western media, that no western show shall be shown in prime-time television. As shown "Under [Communist Chinese party] [...] new rules, no foreign TV series may be shown during the prime-time hours of 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and overseas-produced shows “could take up no more than 25 percent of total programming time each day,” the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television said late Monday."  This also reacts to the fact that if places like Dream Works wishes to obtain prime-time viewing of their movies. They must move studies overseas and be forced into joint ventures with the Communist Chinese Party State Owned Enterprise. So they can obtain the best market value by being produced in Communist China

However, the idea then becomes that the Communist Chinese wish to gain access into the Western Market place at full scale, not only through a channel, but also through ownership of a full scale media satellite. Where they will do things like push for extremist leftist narco groups as a rebel crusader group as shown in the article While also pushing ideas like they do at home. Where they force Churches to hang Communist Chinese Political Leaders in the temples.'+photos&id=30772

This forced western sanctions in Communist China comes at a time with specific mens rea to propose these fascist regime. The mens rea is easily shown on how they wish to propose that there should be an imbalance of media market; as per the sanctions they have placed on western media during prime time or being able to own and operate their own channel. Is easily shown by the article that explains that they are now pushing for a global campaign for their media to own major outlets. 

The idea of first of all allowing in a Communist Chinese Government owned media outlet into a Democracy is a bad idea. As in their single party school system. Which teaches pure fascist regime Communism, if they want to become a political leader. They do things like preach against the Western Ideals of Democracy of multiple parties, which is purely against fascism.   While their government owned media as opposed to our majority individual owned per media has done things like "In recent weeks, the government has stripped two-thirds of entertainment programs, mostly talent, talk and dating shows, from the schedules of China's popular satellite stations. Citing "excessive entertainment and a trend toward low taste," regulators have forced satellite channels to switch to programs promoting "traditional virtues and socialist core values," the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported."

Where in furtherance the show of the Communist Chinese hate of the west they have redacted 88 shows that where specifically found to have western Democracy cultural shows like the idol show. Which proposed a free voting system based on value of proper skill,0,6190082.story  They hatred and unfair treatment of a free media as pro-ported to a State media that places our enemies on a pedestal is further shown in this article along with this article

While the Communist Chinese specifically do things that the US has sanctioned Iran and Venezuela for. Which was cutting programs and restricting any media outlet that went against or opposed in a free media Democratic way the current administrations views of destroying civil rights.  

this paragraph should go last as a proper show of what happens when we do not properly deal with the issue of CCP unfair activities. right before the conclusion.  

This is not the first time we have seen such sanctions that wish to drive western industries under the Communist Chinese control. Which is done by forcing market shares entrance to only those business that relocate to Communist China and operate under a joint ventures system. This was done also with Intellectual Property and rare earth resource needs for high technological production. Where the Communist Chinese illegally took over 97% of the worlds rare earth resources' through a myriad of illegal espionage activities. Which the majority of the illegalities where anti trust violations. Which allowed them to accumulate and control the whole industry. This was done primarily by using a cyclical style recapitalization of manufactures that where not high tech but still needed minerals. This then allowed them to gain control of all the mineral contracts. Thus building up gigantic mining companies under the centralized Communist Chinese Party Controlled SASAC. 

I also want to speak on the matter of how the CCO allows for ip stealing worth of billions. Where we see the BBC has had billions of market shares stolen from them costing them to have to retreat in media in areas where free media is needed because of the high lost cost in Communist China. Which the CCP does not prosecute even when the cases come through in vast Cargo loads of illegally created BBC media outlet materials. 

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