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"To your self therefore I crave leave to present, what I know you are able to protect; not with sword, but by reason; & not that only, but what by your acceptance you are able to give a lustre to." "You have left no stone unturned, that the turning thereof might conduce to the discovery of what was and worthy to be known."

Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Idea of how to get Gasoline back down to $2.50 a gallon

Dear International Republican Institute, 

The idea that Gasoline cost way to much is very true. I just got down reading the book Secret Weapons by Kevin Freeman and he explains in detail how the Communist Chinese and the Muslim radicals work our stock market system that is still not regulated to cause major economic damage to our system. For example, if today you where to watch the stock market you would see primarily Asian Stock agencies tied to the Communist Chinese Party and middle eastern stock markets tied to extremist muslim radicals driving up the price of our oil on the stock market. While the Communist Chinese and Muslims are able to receive oil to gas at $.65 to $1. a gallon. However, the whole west as a whole due to this non realized issue is forced to implode its economy at receiving our life blood of economy at gas from $4 through $10 a gallon. This is ridiculous and obviously because there is no economic warfare institution inside of the International Republican Institute. If there was then somebody would recognize this and move on it to stop it as it is every easy to stop. 

The easy way to stop the economic implosion by economic terrorist that wish to implode our economy is simple. The idea is we need to get more development loans to areas where the communist chinese and radical muslims are forcing fascist single party genocide on the people. In doing so, we could gain specific interest in the oil fields so they could trade with us at Venezuelian and Iran style prices. Thus, if they stayed off the NASDEQ and stock markets then they could not be economically attacked to force raised oil prices on the west. This then would give the west a steady supply of oil at a reasonable cost. In which according to my rough estimates if we where to make two major development loans in this matter with this strategy in mind. We could easily drop the US's cost of gas back down to $3 a gallon or so. This would easy inflation and help with the unemployment as things became much cheaper to create and consumer demand goes up as we are not paying into the Communist or Muslim economic warfare stock traps. 

If you would like to hire me to work on the International Republican Institute Economic warfare team or to help start one please let me know. I have two years of non stop study on this matter and see the US has a serious brain drain in this area. 

Rider I

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