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Henry Agrippa, Chevalier

One man and his mission to hold the Communist Chinese to their contracts to transition into a Free Market and a Democracy. Away from the fascist 75% owned economy by the party and controlled there of, and the non top down people ran country not military run country. One man against the Communist Chinese Party. Viva La Resistonce. You will learn to let go of the smelly blanky.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to stop volatile Stock attacks by economic terrorist on oil.

Today oil is the worlds primary source of value and creation. Thus it is the most important thing in the world. Today we see that the Communist Chinese gain oil at a extravagantly low price, as well as the Muslim radicals who do wish to be fascist like the Communist Chinese and take over the world for their idea of monolithic race and culture.

So then we get to major racist genocidal regimes controlling and gaining the majority of the cheap oil in the world. One does it through creation and control of creation by using physical being as per a factory of faith to destroy any of those who wish to drill against them. Which they need to remember that their faith is not the only one with a factory. Then the other is a system based off of centralized wealth that the elitist control in sovereign wealth funds instead of being spread out through the people through free market and individual ownership. Speaking on the Middle East and Communist China and still wanting to play Russia.

Where as the west is being shot in the foot thanks to retarded hard core liberals who do not wish to go against the Communist international development, nor to drill. Even though they are against way but would rather pay those who force us into war and kill us and wish to destroy us to do.  As their minds are melted with to much dope feining. dope fein dope fien your a dope fien. Which is ok its free American however, when they are enabled to place two and two together and see that their beloved liberal society will be destroyed if they keep allowing the enemy to control the roots of our economy.

So then, we see how do we stop this. Well simple, we look into the world we see the two major regimes the Muslim fascist and the Communist fascist genociding a specific area of people and land, lets say Africa, oh yes well no its actually Africa. Which by the way the liberals are allowing to happen by stopping the Republicans from drilling and allowing major foreign development loans, so the Republic has to go to the dark temples to get them done. So the liberals and their lets not drill lets not develop allow genocide and lets get destroyed by our enemies as we fund them and they way over charge us.

 I have been to Africa and seen it first hand laying in the mudd with a scope watching PLA generals give orders to kill full scale villages where then oh a year later theres an SOE there with Hans living everywhere.

So I will have to edit this as it is my first draft and I am upset that this gasoline thing has got this far. However, for the first brain storm idea the basic idea of solution is to fight back legally and properly. The whole time I was there, i saw MSS agents enriching the genociders while the christians who where being genocided where dying and nobody was helping them. I asked has nobody come to you for loans yet? They said no, I said nobody come to you to mine minerals for you tribe or teach you how to create a market to fight back. They said no.

So my idea is to create loans to places like that to good Democracy proper Christian non genocidal folks who want to compete against the fascist Muslims and Communist who if you have never been to the bush. So the idea is to create a couple anchors where they get to work and make money for their culture and Democracy beliefs to fight back legally and properly. Then after that the west will have a couple anchors like the middle east does in Iran and Venezuela.

Rider I

and that is why I do not believe in state owned enterprises or communism as it is the same thing. As any non ability to enrich a culture or an opposing party means complete genocide of it. So if there is private enterprises all can compete fairly and use the government as a moderator or a balancing governance tool not a controlling tool. 

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